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Joined 1 years ago

A programmer with an interest in transit, making music, and building things of all types.

I have dysgraphia which makes writing difficult for me. I hope you can figure out what I mean despite my issues.

It works even with 0 and 00 - but only if you have infinite money and there is no limit to bets. So long as there is finite money, or limited bets you will - statistically - hit a run of losses that exceeds your money.

Maximum bets and the fact that money is limited is what breaks this, once you hit the maximum bet odds are slightly against you winning on that next turn because of the 0 and 00; and so eventually you will lose as you hit running up to the max bet and then lose on that turn.

I recommend kbin just because some of the people behind Lemmy are vocal far left wing. I want to support more moderates in the world.

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The exhaust won't work, but included with my grandpa's 1952 8n ford tractor came with an adaptor that you would replace a spark plug on one cylinder, and then pump up a tire using the unburned air fuel mixture into the tire, and running the enigne on the other 3 cylinders.

So the idea is very close to something that was actually done in the real world.

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Labels are not safe. Drivers need to keep their eyes on the road.

Maybe you are right, but it better not be because of a label

A terminal is something like a DEC model Vt220, or IBM 3270. These are physical machines with a keyboard, and a display. Most often the display was a CRT, but some were just a printer, I supposed some must have had a LCD but I've never seen one. A few did have a mouse, but that was rare. They might look like a computer, but they do not have a CPU (or they do but the CPU is very under powered). The point is you can have 100 cheap (cheap as in 4x the cost of a modern PC, without factoring in inflation) terminals connecting to an expensive powerful computer (expensive as in millions of not inflation adjusted dollars, powerful as in a modern smart phone is faster by nearly any measure). Every terminal had some special commands that programs could use to do something more fancy than plain text, but different ones had different abilities.

These days a powerful PC is cheaper than any terminal could be and vastly more powerful than those old computers, so it doesn't make sense to have one except as a collectors item. However terminals themselves did leave a useful of program design. Most command line programs know how to control a terminal to do some pretty printing. Thus we often use terminal emulators which let our computer pretend to be one of those old terminals. The DEC vt100 for whatever reason ends up being the most commonly emulated terminal when someone says terminal emulator - there really was a model vt100 terminal at one time.

Note that a web browser counts as a terminal emulator by the above definition. Nobody thinks of them that way, but they fit.

No you don't. They look cool and get you thinking you want them. However if you ever had to live with them instead of just looking you would quickly discover some of those cool looking things make for very annoying compromises and so you wouldn't want them.

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Which is true only in the rare case you only have one office that everyone is in. As soom as you don't have everyone in the same room teams is better. So once you have more than 50 people

While they have been around forever, courts tend to take kindly to the argument that you need to be able to earn a living doing what you are an expert in, and so unless very narrow they tend to be struck down. You need a good lawyer though to get far in court which often makes the fight not worth it.

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I live in des moines. The water was taken out of the river, and put right back in to flow downstream. That is what typically happens in to water.

The did this in des moines because 80% or the power comes from wind making. Apple is building a large data center near my house. Google has one someplace as well. The large number of wind farms around the state make us a very attractive place for anyone who wants to use a lot of reporters energy.

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Then make heated seats part of the base model. In the 1950s a heater was an optional accessory, but became standard sometime in the 1960s. (I don't know exact years, if someone fact checks me I'm probably wrong, but close enough for discussion) radio went from not an option to am was an option, to FM mono, FM stereo, cassettes, CD, mp3. At one point you could get a record player as well (I think only about 200 were sold in total). AC used to be an option, became standard in the 1990s.

We will keep running this game as manufactures decide to make more and more things standard to make assembly easier.

Sounds like illegal monopoly abuse to me.

They can't. several supreme court cases already give aeright to travel. Immigration belongs to the federal government

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That isn't perfectly safe. That is normally safe, but once in a while something will go wrong and they become unsafe.

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Duolingo is useful for wasting time while feeling like you are learning however it isn't a great tool for learning if that is your goal.

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Drones are cheap and thus everywhere in the battlefield. It costs more $$$ to show a drone down then the drone is worth (in general). Modern military is still trying to figure out how to handle all the cheap enemy drones overhead, there is - so far and to my knowledge - no good answer (of course if there was a good answer it would be classified at least until the enemy figures out what you are doing and so I wouldn't know).

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Linux is the imposter here. Segmentation fault refers to how the PDP-(I forget) hardware organized memory. It comes from the original unix implementation which linux has never had any part of.

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It was obvious 30 years ago downtowns were in trouble because businesses ere moving to suburbs. They still haven't made serious effort to change the root causes of that.

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Adam Smith observed in his epic that when people get more money they generally spend it on more/better housing. Today we have a few more luxury goods, to add to a house, but a house is still something people spend more and more money on when they get it.

I'm not sure that is bad. My dad died at 65 - what was the point of all the retirement savings he had saved up (at least my mom can enjoy it). Even if you live for much longer, most old people I know have failing bodies and so they can't really enjoy those old years. More and more my advice to people is save for a rainy day and an okay retirement, but don't save for a rich retirement - instead enjoy that difference now.

Many industries have discovered the costs of not doing safety first are higher in the long run. You have to pay more workers comp insurance, you have to train replacement workers for those who are injured, you have to scrap/replace parts destroyed, and when someone is injured it affects moral and so your people don't work well.

Railroads are throwing money away by not putting safety first - they just don't realize it.

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Maybe, but a lot of people go to work when slightly sick despite their company having a good policy.

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The next several are likely to be. Unfortunately that means internal things that should be important take a back seat to external things.

This is normal for all generations. Back in the 1990s the then popular 'the millionair nextdoor' couldn't find any rich people living in rich areas. They had to go to the poor run down neighborhoods to find people who had real wealth. (their neighbors were mostly the really poor just barly getting buy, but mixed in where some of the true rich)

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They hope to scare enough people to get a change. don't let it work.

While we still call them laptops, they are not actually laptops, they are notebooks. The last laptop I saw had a 80286 for a processor (odds are it was junked before you were even born). Somehow the name laptop stuck, but they are notebook form factors and never intended to be used on laps.

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This is for frequent buses. I don't know how they define frequent, but I personally define it as every 5 minutes or less (some use 7 minutes, but that is an odd number). If the bus is really frequent nobody is looking at the schedule anyway, they just go to the bus stop and get on the next bus when it arrives.

This is how all frequent routes should run. However for less frequent routes people who ride have to plan their life around it. They need to get to work/church/bowling on time, so they depend on the bus getting places on time. (if the bus is schedule to arrive just before their event starts they will get an earlier one because buses are never exact enough to trust)

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It makes logical sense to have gender roles. Just to survive means females between teens and mid forties need to be pregnant or nursing a baby. Both those will limit hunting, thus making gathering the better role. Of course died in childbirth is likely .

Note that the above does not preclude women hunting. It limits them to less active roles at times, but different stages of child bearing will put different limits on ranging from full abilities to practically a cripple. Also hunting takes different forms, and some are more amenable to help than others.

We also know men would gather at times.

Just because it isn't 100% effective that doesn't mean it has no impact.

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This isn't setting a parking maximum. It just says you don't have to build more parking than you feel like paying for. Businesses trying to attract people who drive will still be allowed to build enough parking for all their customers. However they won't have to pay for even more than they need which is often the case now. Many parking lots are half full on the busy days, so they can replace part of that lot with another business and better use that space and save money.

Of course businesses near downtown will probably decide most customers are not driving already (traffic is bad and parking is hard to find) so why not get rid of their parking lots completely to better serve their customers. However for every rural customer (who has to drive at least part way) lost several urban customers are gained so this is worth it for them.

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That won't work for human reasons: few people will remember to lock the car that way at night-

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We know from many sources that North Korea is supplying Russia with missiles. We also know Russia is using missiles on Civilians. Do we really need any second source to connect the two?

Unlikely. When the soviet union collapsed the man in charge of their nuclear program got a powerful role and put a lot of money into the nuclear program. While we cannot know how much went to corruption, odds are enough remained to keep many ICBMs working. Plus there are by treaty inspections of what they have - while the results of those are classified, people who have access to those reports are acting as if they think the ICBMs still work.

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don't look for a best way, just get busy studying. The worst learning methods still beat endless searching for the best.

If you must look for a best way, at least look in your target language.

The French came not to settle but to make money. So many of the cities you name exist around French trading posts, but the French who lived there went back home as settlers from other countries moved in. The French did settle Louisiana and other places named elsewhere, but for many of them the goal wasn't to settle.

People don't want to work 3rd shift - the rest of the world (your family, sports...) all work 1st shift. 2nd shift is only slightly better. It is probably better for your life to work 3rd shift for 1 week of every 3, than 3rd shift constantly - those other 2 weeks you can live semi-normal and thus have friends.
It still sucks, probably the best compromise.

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You are not the only one. Any sane military analysis showed it was a.bad idea. Where you (and everyone without access to classified information) messed up was assuming Putin was sane.

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Nothing. I hate debt. I have a house payment as for me it is a better deal than rent, but i'm not happy. I'll probably get a car loan when the comes here, but i'll hate it.

Debt that makes money work for you is okay, but most doesn't do that and is a bad deal. I have no interest in running a business, and if you don't make money because of it, debt cannot work for you. (I.could pay cash for a.tiny home in middle of nowhere places that I prefer not to live)

Sometimes. Generally doesn't order you to live where you do. If you want paid commuting time they will tell you to move next door so your time is 1 minute (that zoning doesn't allow this or someone else lives there isn't their problem ).

If you are told to travel from one office to another though you should be paid for your time. If they transfer your office they may owe you moving expenses so your commute isn't too long '

We are screwed in the US because one side is actively and honestly against transit. The other side plays transit lip service but their actions prove they only want transit as a way to funnel money to some supporter (and so projects cost far too much and what we have runs bad schedules)

I think there are higher priority issues. Not that you are raising invalid issues, just too much work for too few Ernst's

Call 911 and then follow the instructions of the operator who is trained in teaching CPR over the phone in these situations, and knows the latest. That you had training means you are more likely to understand instructions given ,and if not you were following directions of someone else.

You need to call 911 anyway. CPR is only performed on dead people, you need an AED (or similar tools in an ambulance) to bring someone back to life.

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