stinerman [Ohio]

@stinerman [Ohio]
1 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I am Stine. Comfort the afflicted. Afflict the comfortable. High School Wrestlerâ„¢. Can usually correctly use the past tense in French. Suffers from clinical depression. on Mastodon.

Same. I've read that this is because that part of your brain isn't functioning or something. I have no source. Just "I think I heard this once."

Ahh the halcyon days of downloading one song from a private FTP server with upload ratios, found by Lycos FTP search. Over a modem, natch, so it took about 50 minutes...and that's when your mom didn't kick you off the internet so she could make a call.

4 more...

Most people have already pointed it out, but I must say, I don't recall the last time I ordered pizza and didn't use a coupon.

The concept of rewatching a movie is almost foreign to me now given that I have access to a library of tens of thousands of movies. It would have to be very good and something that whoever I'm with hasn't seen.

Of course I used to watch the same movie about every month or so back when I was growing up in the 90s.

18 more...

Yeah I think Arch is fine, but I'd never recommend it to a new Linux user.

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The code has always been the easy part. The hard part is getting requirements that make sense. It will continue to be the case with bots doing the coding.

3 more...

She would seem to have a lot of experience in the matter though.

Now if only I could get my employer to stop supporting obsolete platforms...

12 more...

Maybe it's just me but I don't think he'd make a good James Bond.

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This is how it works, but only Republican presidents have this power.

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It's not crazy. You should get one every so often just in case. Better to find a small problem now than a big problem later.

I'm more shocked that you could buy the house without an inspection. My bank required one to give me a loan.

6 more...

We had an IT person quit this year because we transitioned to fully remote after they closed down the office in December 2020. He couldn't handle working from home.

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I run Debian and I regularly look at the Arch wiki.

It's a fine picture of various platforms, but I'd have trouble calling Twitch, Discord, and YouTube "social media." Discord is basically IRC with more bells and whistles and no one ever called IRC "social media."

2 more...

Maybe on the weekends. I work during the week. Depends on if I could get flexible scheduling and HQ had Wi-Fi.

He's a billionaire the same way I'm a $10k-naire if I get a $10k cash advance from my credit card and put it in the bank.

5 more...

Agreed. I highly doubt these people really believe the shit they're trying to sell. They just know if you're going to grift, the best way to do it is on the right.

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You've understated how much the RNC will simply become a Trump-family slush fund. Otherwise I think you're spot on.

I have root on this phone I'm using to post. I'm also running LineageOS 21.

The reason I do this is because this is my phone and I'll be in control of it. Also I want to keep my phone running as long as possible. I'm still using a Pixel 2 XL.

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I don't (and I'm not Jewish), but I can see how it might.

The way I see it, if it was a joke to poke fun and it was good-natured, it shouldn't be offensive. I mean the Zucker brothers who were writers on the movie are themselves Jewish, so they thought it was hilarious. All that being said, I don't get to speak for Jews as to what they find offensive.

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It does seem like the TL;DR of right wing Israelis is "Hitler was right, but his only problem was that he was killing us."

This is definitely a dril subtweet.

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I'm sorry officer. Looks like I only bought 3 gallons. I guess you'll have

Oh that's my birthday. What a good present to have if Letitia James starts selling his shit then.

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I thought it was, by far, the worst season of Futurama. As mentioned it seemed like they were trying to make up for lost time with a bunch of forced, topical jokes.

It was still a decent show, but I didn't think it was nearly as good as it has been.

Dead Kennedys

The Clash

Bad Religion

Minor Threat


I was never on Reddit, but I was a Twitter refugee who moved to Mastodon. In the beginning almost everything was about how terrible Elon Musk was and what dumb shit was going on over there. Now there's a lot less. Perhaps the same thing will happen with Lemmy as well.

Voting uncommitted is a fine thing to do during the primary. It shows the party that people are displeased with how the government is handling the Gaza situation.

Sitting out an election in Michigan is a bad idea. If you're in a safe state, go wild. Just not Michigan.

I made about double that on betting that Donald Trump would lose the election after he had already lost the election. Now that was something I'm really proud of.

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I've been using some Linux flavor for about 15 years. The biggest thing about switching (at least back then) was I knew how to configure Windows just to my liking. With Linux it was a lot more difficult because I had to google everything. Like "how do I change the wallpaper?" How do I get the login screen to appear on the correct monitor, etc. It was just frustrating because I knew how to do this in Windows, but I felt like a major noob again with Linux.

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DNS blocking at the router never fails.

7 more...

It seems like alternatively you could cross the border to some other country and not have to do this anymore. Slovakia gets all the breaks.

He (Linus Torvalds) made Linux as a hobby during his time in college/university to teach him about operating system design. Because it was the part of the operating system called the kernel that the GNU project didn't have yet (more on this in a moment), it became very popular. Richard Stallman created the GNU project because he believed that every person should have the right to study and share the software that runs on their computer.

There is nothing specifically anti-corporate in either of their motivations.

I can't really say, but I graduated in 2007 and it was still unusual to see someone taking notes (even in tech classes) using a laptop. Maybe that will help.

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This is a really good point. If someone did violate your copyright, you have to enforce it. Almost no one is going to do that, so it's effectively not copyrighted.

There's a lot of "you couldn't have been murdered because that's illegal" thinking that somehow putting up a license on your posts stops these AI companies from scraping.

The "undermine the security, safety, and privacy of Oregonians by forcing device manufacturers to allow the use of parts of unknown origin in consumer devices" line is the same reasoning used by AT&T back in the old days as to why you couldn't buy your own phone or use a dial-up modem.

If someone texted me, the reply was "these cost me $0.25, so i'll talk to you on AIM when I get home"

This is like that time that I won like $800 betting that Trump would lose the election after he lost the election.

Re: intervention

I think it's a tough sell because building more housing density upsets current NIMBY citizens at the expense of future citizens. People who want to move to Austin, TX, for example, don't have any say in who is on the city council today.

Housing policy is very much driven by people who want to pull the ladder up behind them and ride land appreciation into retirement.

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No because I don't believe people who are dead can communicate with the living.

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