1 Post – 337 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Not necessarily.

**16. **Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

A brand new multi thousand dollar video camera that my pops had saved up for. I disassembled it entirely, just trying to figure out how it worked. He wasn’t even mad at me. I grew up and now can fix just about any electronic down to the component level. I like to think he saw the curiosity in me and was more proud than anything.

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This is rather old news, predating Neuralink entirely even. There used to be an unlisted YouTube video by Gray(Grey?) Newell that showed off what they were working on back a few years ago, too.

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It also shuts down the WIC program, which helps ensure food security for 7,000,000 women and children.

Great man theory in action. It’s not Netanyahu. He’s a symptom of the wider bigotry in Israeli society. Read South Africa’s complaint to the ICJ. Many, many, many members of their government are in full support of this genocide. Even the citizenry majority support the “war”, they’re just mad the hostages haven’t been returned yet.

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Hmm some sort of crisis with the south nullifying federal laws. I wonder where we’ve seen that before?

Im only kidding, this isn’t really the same situation, but there’s definitely shades of gray shared.

Man, I just don’t get how that many people would like coke. It’s a shitty high, that doesn’t last nearly long enough, that has massive implications for your long term health, and it costs way too much for what you get. $50 of weed = enough for a week+. $50 of coke = maybe 30m if you’re not sharing. I’m glad I never really got it, it’s too much of a rich persons drug for me to have ever been able to service an addiction to it.

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Hamas charter excerpt.
16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

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I like to say, “that’s the year I was born” to the cashier at stores, no matter what my total is. It’s really funny when it’s like $19.35. Well, funny for me, they just give me that dead in the eyes look that I remember having when I worked retail.

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In can’t tell if this is a Measurehead parody done in poor taste, or an actual phrenologist. I’m leaning heavily to the former, not even Nazis are that blatant anymore.

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Hamas Charter, excerpt.
16. Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project not with the Jews because of their religion. Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish but wages a struggle against the Zionists who occupy Palestine. Yet, it is the Zionists who constantly identify Judaism and the Jews with their own colonial project and illegal entity.

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Obligatory Library Socialism Link:

In the simplest terms, the right of usufruct means you can use things, but you cannot deny them to others when you're not using them, and you do not have the right to destroy them to prevent others from using them. So, for example, the farmer is welcome to grow crops on a given plot of land - but if they choose not to, somebody else can use the land.

Given this, it's easy to see that this principle already exists in public libraries. You can borrow a book to help you start a business, but you can't prevent others from reading it after you - or threaten to destroy the book unless you receive the profits of the next reader's business. You can hold the book exclusively (of other library patrons), but only temporarily.

Private companies aren’t bound to make profit. I purposefully tanked my companies profit to literally 0 during the pandemic so I could keep my employee on at full wage while only open half time. A private company can make profit for shareholders, but it doesn’t have to. It can do whatever the shareholders want it to do, within the boundaries of the law.

Plenty of people use equity this way. Maybe not in your circles, but it’s not a new definition, it’s been around for decades. Millions of people in the US alone do not equate the criminal Justice system with the concept of Justice. Perhaps you should recognize that your perceptions are not able to be applied to the entire population. If you ever find yourself using “nobody” or “everybody” and you have no definitive data backing that up, I would recommend re-examining your biases, because what you appear to be doing is attempting to normalize your beliefs while otherizing the beliefs of others who do not share your view.

It is a crime, a crime against humanity. It’s just not a crime recognized in most legal systems.

Launch was scrubbed. Again. This time two hours before launch. Privatization of space travel is working out of so well.

Yeah. Also, your instance is pretty well known for doing little about the vast numbers of hard right and alt right individuals on it who seek out and harass left leaning individuals, so it’s in both instances best interest to be separated.

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I don’t have an Instagram, a YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter account, and I still hate Google search. It’s nearly useless unless I’m specifically trying to find something to purchase.

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I didn’t check all of the comments, but most of the ones I saw were really poor jokes or just plain wrong. The reason that religion is so tied into conservatism goes back to Nixon, and the attempts made by Roger Ailes and others, including Ronald Reagan, to make sure a right wing president could never be held accountable again. This included a meeting with Reagan and hundreds of pastors in which they literally trained the pastors on how to convert their congregations to the rights hateful rhetoric, a big part of which was the demonization of abortion and the lionization of “the free market”. They’ve since been exporting this hateful rhetoric around the world by force and through traditional missionary style missions.

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No it doesn’t. You mean outstrips? That’s not what you said, and why the comment before was making fun of you.

Palestinians occupied Israel and installed a two tier justice system? Palestinians have spent 70 years illegally expanding their settlements? Palestinians are committing genocide?

WOW, when did this happen?

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I heard they’re having to hire retired people for security for the Olympics because all the unions are boycotting them over the retirement law macron pushed through. There’s also the fact that the river the Olympians are supposed to swim in is dirty and polluted. Also major plans for labor actions to shut down the airports and other places. They’re throwing students out of student housing to house the athletes. The people who are supposed to make the medals are on strike, so there will be no medals for the athletes. They’re trying to get students to drive the subways because the subway workers are planning on striking. It’s going to be a shitshow, and no one should go and support the Olympic Games unless they plan on being stuck in Paris.

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That’s actually the opposite of the foundation of democracy. Democracy spreads the power out through as many people as possible in order to lessen the potential for abuse by any individual actor. Electing representatives who have near unlimited power and no recourse for constituents isn’t democracy, its oligarchy.

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He’s a hardcore Zionist dude

Having worked internally to Samsung at that time, I can confidently say, no, it isn’t. They did it so that their number wouldn’t be behind apples anymore.

You think they couldn’t Google what the Ukrainian first division is? No, they just thought it was more important to be anti-Russian than anti-Nazi.

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My position is that community moderated servers are significantly more effective at controlling cheaters than any intrusive anti-cheat has ever been, and that the rise in intrusive anti-cheat coinciding with the death of community and self hosted servers is not a coincidence.

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Achievement: New level of para social relationship UNLOCKED

Not to mention the large amounts of other countries gold that we hold and decide to keep permanently whenever a country makes us upset. We’ve stolen so many countries reserves, after FORCING many of them to store their reserves in the US.

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Anarchism@lemmy.dbzer0 is pretty active last I saw.

They’re terrible parents for the majority of the game, this is just the culmination of all their selfishness and self deceit.

As a former Authorized tech for all the big three phone manufacturers, including Google, I can tell you Google is not friendly to their customers. They’re a greedy, scum sucking piece of shit just like Apple and Samsung.

It is backwards compatible, though?

It doesn’t work, and it’s not different than those posts you would see on Facebook back in the day “I don’t give Facebook permission to use my photos.”

The pre-rendered backgrounds were awesome too, if low resolution.

Mother fucking RONALD FUCKING REAGAN did more to reign in Israel than Biden has. He absolutely supports it, or he would have done more. Sending them weapons while saying, “be careful” isn’t using any pull to try to stop it. The Israelis are going on tv and saying Biden is dumb and they’re using him, and he still fucking sends them weapons.

The national guard would be considered an army. It is not a permanent war economy army like our Army, Navy, Marines, but it is an army nonetheless. Permanent war armies are a relatively modern product.

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Nothing like Zelda, but “The Machine” is my favorite modern game boy game.

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Okay but instead of making infantile suggestions that no one with any sort of adult mind think is even possible, including the US and Ukrainian Militaries, why don’t we talk about actually likely ways to end the war? Why are the two choices perpetual war and unilateral surrender? It sounds an awful lot like you want to fight “to the last Ukrainian”, to me.

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