Swiss cocaine so cheap and widely used they’re considering legalising it

Lee to World – 651 points –
Swiss cocaine so cheap and widely used they’re considering legalising it

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Man, I just don’t get how that many people would like coke. It’s a shitty high, that doesn’t last nearly long enough, that has massive implications for your long term health, and it costs way too much for what you get. $50 of weed = enough for a week+. $50 of coke = maybe 30m if you’re not sharing. I’m glad I never really got it, it’s too much of a rich persons drug for me to have ever been able to service an addiction to it.

idk man some of the stuff I've had kept me going all night off of just a couple lines.

Quality varies wildly.

Always found coke highs were like an hour or two max, maybe mine wasn't best but all night? Mean it wasn't nothing after an hour but it was at the stage where coke's name should be 'more?'. If it did that to me in my party days I'd have said it was cut with some speedy stuff. That said I had a decent tolerance to most things at that point so my experience may not be usual either but it may not just be quality level is all I'm saying.

I've found the initial rush of coke to last for maybe an hour or two, but then there's an afterglow where you're still feeling it but not to the same intensity. The problem is that people will want to re-up as soon as the initial rush wears off which causes a much higher rate of usage.

Tolerance is wild. I’ve had a ball in the past and that’s like two weeks for two people. .2 is solid for a full night if being geeked.

I asked the fella I got it from, later: “yer regular peeps, do you mind telling me how much they’ll do in a night, average?”

He asked “on a weekend?” Yeah.

“They’ll buy a ball on Friday, then back for another on Sunday.”

Addiction is a bitch.

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Worth noting that a gram of coke currently goes for a nationwide average of around 100-150 USD in Switzerland, and about 200-250 in the US, per the data I looked up.

Different supply levels of and ease of access to various drugs make them comparatively more or less expensive. Combine that will a user base of above-average wealth and it makes sense.

I agree regarding the absolute value of the two drugs though. Coke is fine, I suppose, but nothing I want to shell out the money for - but then again, I'm not in Switzerland so who knows.

Holy fuck prices have gone up since I got sober. The current Swiss price is higher than the street price where i am in the US in 2012 when I last did the stuff.

A ball is around 200 here, 240 when scarce. So about 3.5 times less than what that guy was saying. 🤷‍♂️

Note: unless you know someone, MOST cocaine you get (especially in the US) is complete shit and has been for decades. Likely less that half actually cocaine.

So unless you have a contact up the food and I mean really up the chain. You're not getting cocaine in the US, you're get a mix of street trash with some Fentanyl to make you get the numb lips, vibrate sense. (unless they put too much in and then you die)

This is the main reason that legalization and regulation should be considered, at least in my opinion. People are going to do drugs, until the end of time. Even if it means playing Russian roulette with Fentanyl, they are still going to do it. We should focus on harm prevention and rehabilitation, not punishment.

Yup, I had a friend OD a few years ago. Had moved out of the city and got clean. Came back visiting and was just going to have "night" out and got bad shit.

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Not really the same as cocaine, but I feel the same way whenever I see cigarette prices now. I remember being able to get a pack of GPCs for a dollar before I quit in 2000.

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Not too sure, Germany should still be around 50€ / gram with Suisse for sure not 3x the price

I will happily edit in any corrections. This is just what I've found on Google. Haven't done coke in years.

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Aside from the price, in my opinion it's far superior to weed. It's a shorter high, but much better IMO. The price is the main reason I don't use it.

I've heard it's cheaper if you mix with baking soda or something and smoke it.

I honestly don't get how that many people would like drugs in general.

Like, if you need drugs to have a good time, you probably have mental health issues and you better solve those first.

You sound like fun, do you get invited to parties much?

Not the coke parties. I'm fine with that

I know this thread is about cocaine but you made a blanket statement about people using drugs having mental health problems. There's plenty of recreational drugs out there and people use them for all sort of reasons, some of them might have mental health issues, none of them need your judgement.

And it's not just the coke parties you don't get invited to.

I didn't say every one using drugs has mental health issues. Wrong user.

I will say that drug users live in this weird bubble that over normalizes it. Most people are "boring" and don't do more than light drinking. We have parties. We have a good time. We don't generally want to hang out with coke heads.

Sorry I thought i was replying to op's smart comeback.

I will say that you too are putting "drug users" in one big bunch and judging them. No one wants to hang out with coke heads, I did mention recreational use. Your boring friends that only do light drinking are recreational drug users too BTW.

Not uberkalden, me.

Just making sure you don't claim something on people who didn't say it.

Also, your stance on me and other anti-drug folks as boring nerds who know no fun is hilarious to say the least and only reinforces the notion about drug heads not imagining what genuine fun even is.

Imagine that for a second. No coke. No weed. No alcohol. Just a company of close friends, evening talks, board games, and tea. You don't need to alter your mind in a slightest, because you have a completely real, not externally induced, fun. That's the kind of parties I throw and participate in with my friends, and it's lovely and creates a lot of moments we all cherish for long, long time.

NGL you sound boring as fuck parroting the same tired shitty memes.

Yes, we drink tea and play board games

insert nerd emoji here

What exactly does substance use have to do with mental health?

Nobody uses drugs as a way of having a good time, they are used to enhance a good time. If you aren't having a good time sober, you aren't gonna have a good time peaked either unless you took a LOT.

If you're having a genuinely good time, there's little in there to improve. If you're actually happy, or actually relaxed, or anything, really, you can easily get even to overwhelming levels without using anything - assuming you have a healthy psyche and are currently in a good condition.

But then people have anxiety disorders, they may be depressed, they might have BPDs, they may have extreme burnout - and then to curb it and have a truly good time they need substances - to let go, to induce positive emotions, to relax.

Honestly this shows even with casual alcohol drinkers - remove alcohol and the party will appear bland and empty to them, they won't be able to open up and have equally good time. They would look for alcohol in order to make the party good again. This is very problematic. And the same goes for party drugs - go ahead, hold a party with friends into drugs, but remove the substances, alcohol, etc. Not such a wonderful time, huh?

People with healthy and good mental state and no addictions can absolutely have wonderful and amazing moments with their friends without "enhancing" their feelings in any way; there is no need to enhance anything, it peaks already. If it doesn't, look up why.

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