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Joined 1 years ago

I mean extremely few "Trump'ers" in the US would tell you they are racists, but almost all are...

It was a publicity stunt to drum up business for the restaurant. Stars that open businesses often make appearances to get people to think they might see them there

Had 2-3 of them! Amazing machines for their time. Only knock would be the controller pads kept going bad. My dad started repeating them at one point.

I was so hooked on B-17 bomber with the voice module!

Personal computer. I got a Atari 130xe in middle school (newer version of the 800xl).

Put hundreds of hours on the thing. Had a 300 baud modem and connected to BBSs to download pirated games.

Actually fired it up 3-4 years ago. Most of the floppies still work !

I'm not sure about the military, but yes a number of researchers used PS3s for cheap computing power.

It's not JUST an American thing. People are biased against outsiders and people that are different.



They've had similar pills for like 10-15 years in hospitals. They just take and transmit pictures.

You sweet summer child, Bill Gates has ALWAYS been a sociopath interested in only money and power.

His retirement and donating all his money to "charity" was only a smoke screen to preserve his wealth. He created his own charity (this is wealth preservation tactic used by ultra rich). And while it does some good, it's main purpose is to preserve his horde and whitewash his past so he's remembered as a good guy.

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I'm curious where you live? Because many places have laws like that. Almost NO WHERE do the ultra rich actually pay that. There's always loop holes built in for them.

It hasn't yet, so that's a false statement.

ROFL, I like Linux, but if you can't install windows 11 easily. The problem isn't win11...

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Sheriff is an elected position in the US no experience required.

Bonus answer, president of the United States, we've elected two mentally deficient celebrities so far...

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Not a command perse, but my dog has learned that "hey Google, what's the temperature outside" usually means a walk is coming and gets excited.

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Lemmy got a HUGE influx of users from the Reddit fiasco. Of course, there was going to be a pull back.

What is going to determine if Lemmy becomes popular is if it has reached critical mass to start growing organically on its own.

as a recent refuge myself. Some random thoughts.

Things that will help, hobby groups moving here. And other interest groups. Not expecting everyone to code, be a privacy advocate, or a political extremist.

Solving some of the fundamental issues around "federation" and ease of use for the average user that just wants to post about cars, hobby, etc

Actually WANTING more users. There is a non small portion that activity is toxic to new users who came from Reddit just to escape.

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Like most cults (and Trump/conservative have become one).

Getting to positions of power is based solely on dedication to the cult. NOT competency at the job. It usually ensures the least qualified person is in charge.

Because even now 2/3rds of vegans are women?

And the number used to be MUCH HIGHER.

So it's natural assumption to make.

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This is like trying to stop paparazzi... No legal grounds.

Because libtards bad!

Sigh, they are so brainwashed they would literally eat shit if it means they'll "win"

It's a risk, but the Supreme Court might also realize that Trump's recent "dictator" rhetoric is a direct challenge to their power also if he gets elected.

Dictators don't allow others to wield any real power.

You missed when the web KILLED BBSs!!!!

That was the end! We're already dead!!!

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Less trolls, skills, and spammers. And bots.

But it seems to have a higher percentage of zealots. People go crazy and extreme over some weird stuff. You can't have a casual opinion about Linux here for instance.

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I worked on a manufacturing line for 4oz pepper cans

They had a machine that weighed them and kicked out underweight ones.

The tolerances were horrible.

McCormick was 3.9 I think

Black and white can 3.5. !!!

Yes both were made on the same exact line

Trump would give them Alaska if Putin asked...

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This should be a huge HIPPA violation if it included patient information.

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Extremism - Reddit as its share but also has millions of "normies" to balance things out. Here there doesn't seem to be any moderates.

The platform itself is dysfunctional and will prevent any real growth in average users.

Just TOO many Linux fanboys/martyrs, it is a good OS but damn stop trying to go full on religion with it.

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Yeah it started back in 2008 with Obama winning. GOP does nothing but oppose anything "libs" do.

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After he has already used a "charity" he created to tax shelter most of his money...

Change carriers

Other than short term, greed most executives are extremely stupid.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger did it back in the 80's there's even a documentary film on it!

Both sides are religious fanatics. You can't reason with a fanatic

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Yeah MS has never done anything like that before...

Looks at MS Word in early nineties...

I didn't mind the static ones (within reason), websites need to pay their rent. And not everything can sell something.

But even those have tracking and gross injection code now.

Maybe your pee isn't! Are you a pee denier?

J/k ( in case needed)

No there really isn't, not the way US politics work.

HVAC, most maintenance check ups are scams. Very little in residential air conditioner/heat pumps needs any up keep. All the motors are sealed and you're better off not putting gauges on a system unless there's an actual issue.

Change the air filter every three months, and in the spring shut off the outside unit, and hose off the coil fins of any debris trying not to spray anything electrical looking. Wait a couple hours and turn it back on. YouTube probably has videos.

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Because people have been trained since the eighties to ignore EULAs and just click "ok".

Most people, have no idea they don't own the video their door bell takes...

Hell I'm fairly tech savvy and I didn't know. (Don't have a camera).

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From the land of DUH... Everyone knew Hong Kong was dead the moment the chinese took it over. It was just how long the death was going to take...

The worst part isn't a corner bedroom going up 5 times...

It's even a shitty hole in the wall is 1500 now.