downhomechunk [chicago]

@downhomechunk [chicago]
6 Post – 254 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

40 / m / chicago / bass

"Give me some liquid nitrogen and I'll make that 102x."

It's not much of a gamble. Most of their users won't notice or care.

I recommend slackware exclusively. Sometimes times it feels like I'm pissing into the wind.

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I'd be offended if I weren't so busy managing my own dependencies.

i discovered it around the same time, but i forget how. It's been my only daily driver since then. I can fumble my way through a .deb distro if I have to, but slackware is my comfort zone.

You should throw -current up on a distrohop partition and re-live your youth.

I'm happy to support these guys, and I feel like I pay a fair price for the services I get.

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My household debt shot way up in the last year. I had a couple unplanned home repairs and a whole lot of hospital bills for my 4 year old. YOLO!

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I've never seen a side shot of tucker Carlson that I can recall. Now I know why.

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Well, maybe they meant hospital gown? Or they gave him scrubs so his balls would not have amy chance to see daylight? Or maybe it was a stunt to get attention.

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Oh man, you really owned those libs

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How can it be both the year of ARM and the year of the linux desktop?

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You'd probably end up having to explain citizens united to her during your handjob.

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Muffins spelled backwards is sniffum

In 20+ years of linuxing, I've never thought about putting the f first until now.

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I wish they would have started putting out AMD products. Powercolor just doesn't feel like a flagship partner like evga was to nvidia.

I'd rather go back to a free and wide open but slow web compared to the corporate big brother kernel level anti-cheat world we live in today.

Probably linux mint. Everything tends to work out of the box and function the way you'd expect. If you're used to windows then cinnamon will have a familiar feel to it. I like xfce myself, but I move things around to make it feel like windows 95.

Because it's murder?

R/adhd was weird. Didn't they have a rule against saying the word neurodivergent or something? And a minimum character count required per post? I never had the attention span to read some of those text bricks haha.

It's Texas, don't hold your breath.

OP, please listen to this.

Get that downvote finger ready!


I know it's what all the cool kids are using, and I keep trying to like it, but I just can't get into it. I'm a slacker for life.

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I remember when Mancow got waterboarded on the air. He completely changed his tune and said it was cruel. Even a broken clock is right twice per day I guess.

Me in the 90s and 00s: yarrrr!

Me in the 10s: it feels good to be legit

Me in the 20s: YARRRRRRRRR!

Think of the quarterly profits, won't someone please think of the shareholders?!?


What should we have learned? I'm out of the loop.

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Obama tried to do a similar move through an executive order near the end of his second term. My job at the time scrambled to give me a raise just above the proposed threshold. I declined and said I'll take the time and a half. Ibwas routinely working 60+ hour weeks at that time. Trump repealed that order early in his term, and I didn't get that raise. I left that job a few months later.

If you call heads 100% of the time, you'll be 100% accurate on predicting heads in a coin toss.

How do you know that the money I saved on hardware isn't going straight to games that I can stream to it from my desktop over steam link?

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I went to DC as part of a school trip in 2000 or so. My AP political science teacher was the son of a prominent Chicago politician. So we got some special tours. I remember shooting a couple baskets on the Supreme Court Justices' private basketball court. And I remember wondering how often any of those old fucks shot hoops in there.

We also got a tour of the senate where we were able to wander around freely on the senate floor. It was pretty damn cool. Strom Thurmond's seat was in the front, and I stole his pencil. It was a regular #2 pencil, but it said united states senate on it instead of a brand. And it was full of chew marks.

That seems like a pretty substantial investment for something you don't have much experience with or a plan for what you'll do with it. I'm not criticizing. I'm actually kind of jealous. Maybe figure out how to host your own lemmy instance!

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Ah ok. I thought there was something specific about this man or company being evil, like that Massey energy guy is to coal mining.


Kde connect is wonderful

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Is it like Instagram? I don't get it. I might be too old.

That teenage boy definitely has a way around that stupid software. He's probably watching videos of mature, hairy ladies peeing and beating off right now. And he will be accountable to noone!

Til lycos and Altavista still exist

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I started with rockchip devices because I couldn't get a real rpi. I had no trouble getting help for anything I was trying to do.

You mean that down arrow isn't an "I don't like this so I don't want to see it" button?
