'YOLO spenders' have created a 'super-duper' credit bubble in the US economy, top economist David Rosenberg says

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 111 points –
'YOLO spenders' have created a 'super-duper' credit bubble in the US economy, top economist David Rosenberg says

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My household debt shot way up in the last year. I had a couple unplanned home repairs and a whole lot of hospital bills for my 4 year old. YOLO!

The American people should demand better of their Government. Debt to take care of your kid.

demand better

"Sounds like someone wants a rubber bullet and tear gas sandwich with some trumped up terrorism charges for dessert!" - basically every police department

Which desert are you taking about? The one in Arizona? I hear it’s super dry there.