
1 Post – 654 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Is he specifying how to teach the Bible? Because as a "here's some crazy shit people believe" approach could be interesting.

I've been forced to it young and I think it only built up my critical thinking and rejected religion altogether. Same with my siblings.

The pill was a huge thing. Women could choose when/if they became pregnant allowing them to have flexibility in their sexual and professional lives.

Conservatives want to take that away as well as breed an army of desperate wage slaves ripe for exploitation.

They are usually not comparable. I walked home from my vasectomy and worked. I wasn't bedridden at all and that seems to be the norm.

The operation is also much safer and easier for men than women.

Got mine done during a lunch break and came back to work afterwards. The insurance paid for the whole thing.

I like the "all or nothing" approach. It negates the "but my religion is extra special and the true one".

Right next to our true Lord: The Flying Spaghetti Monster.

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I'm not too fond of American hegemony but Russia's hegemony is worst.

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My money is on "alt-right" brain rot. Some people actually believe they are in a holy/race war for survival.

Poor, poor bastards.

The Lord giveth and taketh away Red Lobster.

Post-WWII put propaganda/advertising to the next level. Social media turned that to 11.

Damn impressive.

Sounds straight out of a WWII action/spy/war movie.

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This must cost YouTube a fortune doing additional processing and reduced flexibility. They are going to hurt themselves and blockers will find a way.

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She rose to fame on the suffering of others. Trump and her have more in common than most would think.

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8 years? Try 24 years of Curb your Enthusiasm and it was glorious.

Also Always Sunny in Philadelphia exists and proves Seinfeld wrong as well.

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So only another military coup could free Russia from Putin's firm grasp.

But that's why he kept his own military led by weak leadership. And the only paramilitary group he allowed to gain strength ended up attempting a coup against him.

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What you want is a sport that's obscure in your country. Don't need to compete if nobody else is applying to represent your country for it at the Olympics. Or so I've learned from Cool Runnings and Eddie the Eagle.

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Ah but it has "China" in its name so it should all belong to China! Taps forehead

Checks map

Oof, Taiwan, the Philippines, and parts of Japan amongst others are not going to be happy to learn this.

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My guess is that they want the company to grow fast so that their salaries and stock options grow as well.

It's worse than you could imagine. There's a trend of people filming themselves repeatedly pulling the slack off their trigger with fully loaded Glocks. Pointed at their dick !

The Darwin Awards competition is tough.

Edit: grammar

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And don't you just hate the absurdly low chance of being victim of a violent crime?

If only we figured out if those had any link to the social nets.

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I was actually asked by one of my old bosses, an American lady, why I didn't leave the impending doom that is Switzerland.

I guess I prefer my godless wasteland with a highly functional public transportation system and our guns very reasonably regulated (we can actually buy more kinds of guns and more easily that the US).

That's exactly it. Hamas has previously and continues to do all it can to destroy any hopes for peace and Israel's far-right has been happy to leverage them for the same reason.

Palestinians and Israelis suffer and die while a few powerful men maintain or gain power from the situation.

Hamas can't have peace otherwise a more legitimate government takes over and continues toward a two-state system (they had in the past made a wave of suicide bombings to derail the peace process). Israeli far-right doesn't peace either (they've shot one of their PMs in the past over this) as that would put a stop to their ambition of power and colonizing more Palestinian land.

Israeli reporters have shown how the current Israeli PM and his party had passively allowed the financing of Hamas to come into Gaza (enemy of my enemy...) so they would keep destabilizing any peace talks and fight the more moderate Palestinian parties.

In short, Hamas is horrible and keeps provoking Israel and Israel keeps biting the bait and reacting exactly as Hamas expects them to do: doing their own round of horrible atrocities in a vicious cycle of suffering and death which breeds the next generation of extremists.

Anybody looking at this issue purely as a military problem is missing the big picture.

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A coupon for free discarded Boeing carbon components offered with every copy.


My country has non-competes in the most sensible way: if you don't want the employee to go to a competitor, you must pay him what he could earn at the competitor during the duration of the non-compete. Employee quits? He can either join the competitor or you can pay him as long as you want him away from the competitor.

Will employers still put non-applicable non-competes? They sure do and I smile when I see those baseless clauses. Have they tried enforcing them at the "work tribunals" (free for the employee), yes they have and they've been laughed off by the judges.

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Yeah, that was a wild couple of days. Not that Prigozhin and his merry bunch of neo-Nazis would have been that more tempting as leaders of Russia. So the prospects for Russians have usually been "and then it got worse" so it's hard to blame them for not putting their necks on the line for the next despot.

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Are people expecting Trump to have handled this situation any better?

The dude systematically kisses up autocratic strongmen and people expect him to have a balanced, mediating, tempering approach to this situation?

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They fed a monster to destroy diplomacy and then act surprised when the monster mauled them.

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Because they fumbled it all so badly at every opportunity. Shady studio takeovers, disastrous launch, mismatched price...

What a damn shame

And as any "proper" libertarian, he depends deeply on State money (SpaceX + Tesla).

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Ah, because if there's something the World needs right now is more useless wars.

Thankfully you aren't in charge of diplomacy and started WWIII because a plane got close to another. But nice armchair "analysis" there.

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Don't bother, it's one of the most shorted stocks right now so the price to short it is comparably high.

Some people somehow miss the over the top, in your face satire of the Starship Troopers movie so I'm not surprised.

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Oh but that sweet donation gave her a nice shiny sainthood post mortem.

Too bad I don't believe in hell so I could wish she would roast there. Instead the Church's PR made her name synonymous with selflessly caring for the poor.

"Let them fight!"

MechaMouse vs. Qzilla

Put the preist in SCBA gear (thing firefighters). Might as well turn this primitive practice (capital executions and preists) and go full on distopian clown show.

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Ah yes, airgap the streaming device.

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  1. Craptastic UI
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That is if you believe these are the actual perpetrators.

It took an hour for security forces to reach the actual event but they catch the perps in 4 hours? Very sus.

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And now they expect us to go into a spending spree with these "new amazing low prices".

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