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If they ever flip back to a Democrat majority, it's going to take decades to undo all the damage this court has done (and they'll still have the incentive to not undo stuff like this).

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I don't understand the Scrum one. Scrum is also agile with short development cycles, and prioritizes communication with the product owners and stakeholders.

I've never heard of lean development, but not a fan of "lean manufacturing," at least not the way it's commonly implemented in the U.S. (using primarily temp workers so they can ramp up and down their workforce as needed; and it also exacerbates supply-chain problems).

I believe this happened, and is still happening in regards to Texas ignoring the SC ruling about letting federal Border Patrol agents access to certain parts of the border.

Wary of the bill. Seems like every bill involving stuff like this is either designed to erode privacy or for regulatory capture.

Edit: spelling

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I think SSDs are also soldered to the mainboard on most apple products.

The town I grew up in is in the middle of a cancer cluster. The largest factory (where most people work) got caught illegally dumping chemicals in the ground. They were just made to pay a relatively small fine. The corporation was threatening to move the plant somewhere else if it became too expensive to operate there, and all lawsuits were dismissed.

That factory, and most other factories in the area primarily just hire "temp" workers that they keep as temps for years, never actually hire them full time, and pay them near minimum wage with no benefits. Many young people who do end up staying in that area become drug addicts and die in their 20s or 30s.

There's a lot of corruption in the local government and police as well. The police harass anybody they don't like, and they know pretty much who everybody is and what they drive. A few people in government got caught embezzling money. A sheriff tried to frame somebody for murder. Also, I think the people in the courts have some kind of deal with the juvenile detention center, because they give kids very long sentences for minor things (6 months for being 10 minutes late to school while on probation in my case).

Small towns, in my experience, are shitholes with corrupt and authoritarian local governments, and are exploited by corporations in ways similar to third-world countries.

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I was looking at notebooks at Walmart the other day, and I was amazed that they almost all had less or the same amount of RAM as my phone.

Just listing reasons why small towns are shitholes... or at least that particular small town. People there are at a high risk of drug addiction because of "shit-life syndrome," (which is arguably caused by the low wages of the factories).

I wonder what is the general use for the Mac Mini, MacBook Air, iMac, and MacBook Pro? People generally seem to do all the lightweight stuff like social media consumption on their phones; and desktops/laptops are used for the more heavy-weight stuff. The only reason I've ever used a Mac was for IOS development.

This seems like the most plausible explanation. Only other thing I can think of is they want to develop their own CoPilot (which I'm guessing isn't available in China due to the U.S. AI restrictions?), and they're just using their existing infrastructure to gather training data.

Meta could've done a lot of things to prevent this. Internal documents show Zuckerberg repeatedly rejected suggestions to improve child safety. Meta lobbies congress to prevent any regulation. Meta controls the algorithms and knows they promote bad behavior such as dog piling, but this bad behavior increases "engagement" and revenue, so they refuse to change it. (Meta briefly changed its algorithms for a few months during the 2020 election to decrease the promotion of disinformation and hate speech, because they were under more scrutiny, but then changed it back after the election).

The tech of CRTs seems almost futuristic to me. Bending electron beams with magnets to travel through a vacuum so they hit exotic materials at precisely the right locations seems much cooler than just miniaturizing LED arrays.

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Yeah, it seems a bit strange. At least he's not a grifter (yet). Or, maybe he's just really bad at grifting.

His politics and messaging is inconsistent. He's got Reagan-era tax and welfare talking points mixed in with qanon pedophile conspiracy lines. Then makes a video where it sounds like he thinks he's a centrist. I guess the Overton window really has shifted, lol.

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A lot of the "elites" (OpenAI board, Thiel, Andreessen, etc) are on the effective-accelerationism grift now. The idea is to disregard all negative effects of pursuing technological "progress," because techno-capitalism will solve all problems. They support burning fossil fuels as fast as possible because that will enable "progress," which will solve climate change (through geoengineering, presumably). I've seen some accelerationists write that it would be ok if AI destroys humanity, because it would be the next evolution of "intelligence." I dunno if they've fallen for their own grift or not, but it's obviously a very convenient belief for them.

Effective-accelerationism was first coined by Nick Land, who appears to be some kind of fascist.

This may be true at the moment, but Amazon can control how shitty the non-prime experience is.

Personally, I'm trying to avoid Amazon altogether. It's much worse now, and flooded with cheap defective shit. I've also been noticing that a lot of manufacturers don't sell on Amazon (guessing Amazon takes a big cut).

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A lot of U.S. factory jobs are 12 hour days, alternating between 4 day on, 3 days off, 3 days on, 4 days off. Probably not what most people are thinking of though.

My last cushy office job was 4.5 days/week about half the time (beginning of the quarter was 4.5 day weeks, end of quarter was 5 day week), and seemed to work well. Some stupid workaholic assholes would complain about the 4.5 day work weeks though.

In my experience, productivity per hour increases the less hours people work. Workaholics are just trying to stay away from their family, or don't know what to do with themselves in their free-time, IMO.

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These protests are probably more "peaceful" than the protests you have in mind. History books and media leave a lot of stuff out.

Also, one thing I've noticed during BLM, is the protests usually start off very peaceful, then police come in and escalate things. After getting gassed, pepper sprayed, beaten, and shot with rubber bullets, people don't tend to be as peaceful anymore.

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Those type of bags are usually used to hold illicit substances, and typically only bought by small-time drug dealers.

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What exactly does he mean by being Moses and America's "red sea moment?" Are the liberals, FBI, and the people prosecuting Trump the Egyptians? So, Johnson has been chosen to lead Republicans to safety, and kill the liberals, FBI, and prosecutors?

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I think ghostery is owned by an ad company. I wouldn't trust it.

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  1. He made that money by stealing the surplus value of other people's labor, which probably would've done much more good in the hands of the workers instead of being hoarded, as much of it is now.

  2. His business practices harmed consumers.

  3. His meddling in education has caused much harm.

  4. He met with Epstein many times, and probably committed statutory rape.

46% of Texans voted for Biden. Before the election, there were (wishful) talks of Texas becoming purple. It's much more blue than Florida, for example. But, the gerrymandering is pretty egregious.

Here's one district that contains black neighborhoods in both San Antonio and Austin, which are about 100 miles apart.

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He will likely be allowed to run because so much of the country supports him, there is some legal gray area (he has not been convicted), and the courts are "conservative." I personally think he will win because Biden is getting even worse at speeches, much of the population doesn't think their personal lives improved under Biden, and a lot of people are upset for how Biden has/is handling the Israel war.

A lot of things could happen before the election that would hurt Biden as well. A recession, expansion of Israel war, and losses in Ukraine are possibilities that could hurt Biden. I don't think anything could hurt Trump. I think he could win the election from prison. Trump voters will eagerly buy any conspiracy theory to keep supporting Trump, and they don't care about democracy or human rights. Democrat and Biden voters are much more critical and fickle.

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I wish there was a license for content like the GPL, that states if you use this content to train generative AI, the model must be open source. Not sure that would legally be enforceable though (due to fair-use).

Rural Texas can be pretty crazy. Cities and the immediate surrounding areas are pretty normal and liberal.

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AfD is far right. They are ethno-nationalists that believe only ethnic-Germans belong in Germany. A leader has defended the Nazi SS. They have discussed re-migrating German citizens out of Germany. How do you compromise with people who would like to carry out an ethnic cleansing? Only forcibly relocate Muslims for now, and wait until next year to expel the Jewry?

Most far-right politicians do not debate or operate politically in good-faith. IDK about the people who vote for them. I think it usually takes years of slow progress for people to move away from extremist positions, and it takes a change in their environment to start the process (new social circle, life experiences, media consumption habits, etc).

AI is simply a broad field of research and a broad class of algorithms. It is annoying media keeps using the most general term possible to describe chatbots and image generators though. Like, we typically don't call Spotify playlist generators AI, even though they use recommendation algorithms, which are a subclass of AI algorithms.

A lot of people are time-poor (have kids, long work hours, multiple jobs, etc). McDonald's used to be pretty competitive-priced compared to cooking from home. I remember when their cheeseburgers were something like $0.70, and I often would get 4 of them on my break (I was in highschool, and worked 6 hour days after school, so I obviously didn't have time to cook).

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Meh, I've never watched a video of his, but seems like it's just a modern day game show/home makeover/dystopian feel-good story sort of thing. Neither good or bad. It's good that he helps some people, bad that the people and many, many more need help.

Meh, this whole thing will probably help her. The ultra-religious won't vote for a "fetus killing, groomer Dem" no matter what. They'll make excuses for not considering her a groomer while calling drag queens groomers for doing nothing sexual around children. And she'll probably gain votes from the "Hell Yeah, YeeHaw" crowd.

For decades, the Republican strategy has been to project on to Democrats what Republicans have done or will do. They will try to steal the next presidential election or try a coup again. They may have learned from their previous mistakes, and may be more successful next time.

I believe the next time the Republicans get the President, House, and Senate, we will not have any more elections (we will probably have rigged "elections," like Russia or something). Republicans are already recruiting 50,000 people for their own "Deep State" (Project 2025) for when/if they win the presidency.

Stuff that is used and immediately disposed of like trash bags, paper towels, and toilet paper. You need to be a little more careful with the cheapest trash bags and toilet paper, but it will still get the job done.

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Official statement is that Altman was not being "candid" with the board. The current best theory I've seen is that Altman is investing in AI hardware startups (he is, in fact) and likely planning on having OpenAI doing business with them. buying them, or merging with them in the future.

IDK, I'm a leftist, and am skeptical about UBI because it's more of a free-market approach to solving a problems, rather than just directly solving problems. I.e. the government could just build more and better homeless housing, and expand section 8 to cover more of the cost and more people. I'm a bit afraid UBI would be used as an excuse to cut social programs, in a similar way that school vouchers are used to cut spending on education and leave families paying for what the vouchers don't cover.

Oil price is determined by the global market, so it's nearly the same everywhere. If for some reason oil was much cheaper in the U.S., the oil companies would have tankers export it to other places, simultaneously increasing the price in the U.S., and lowering the price globally until it's about the same everywhere. I'm pretty sure it's actually more abstract and instantaneous than that though, using the futures markets to set the price, which is why gas stations change their prices so often. I.e. we will never be insulated from oil supply problems.

Yeah, stopped at a gas station out in the middle of nowhere in west Texas, and the old woman at the cash register wouldn't ring up me and my GF because my GF was black. In 2020. A friend almost got in a fight at a bar out in the middle of nowhere in Texas because he had a UT bumper sticker on his truck, and they didn't like "liberals" there.

But, the cities are pretty normal. Have seen police cars painted with rainbows for pride month. A church down the road from me flies a pride flag, etc.

The centrists are the liberals. The Rep party and most "centrists" are now fascist and fascist-tolerating. There are many people who aren't outwardly bigoted or authoritarian and only care about a few issues such as abortion (religious people), guns (rural people), or taxes (higher income people). These people will vote on these issues and tolerate any amount of bigotry and fascism as long as they don't think it will affect them.

I've been in cells without toilets or water. They're designed for temporary holding (an hour or so), for things like waiting on transportation or intake, for example.

What? I installed Debian last week, and I think it took something like 4 clicks, and setting my username and passwords. I installed it because I couldn't get Ubuntu or OpenSuse to install (guessing because I have a 3090 GPU paired with an old intel 4770k/Z97 chipset).

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I've used FreeCAD for hobby 3d printing and plywood CNC projects. It seemed buggy, and the workflow seemed strange, but I've never used anything else, so it's fine, I guess, lol.