The ‘Climate Crisis’ Fades Out to politics – -27 points –

As the energy transition inches through the ‘issue attention’ cycle, a wiser approach should emerge.


Uh, no, it's very much still a crisis, no matter how much covering your eyes, stamping your feet and yelling "no" you do.

Oh look at that. The author, Steven E. Koonin, was employed by BP as their Chief Scientist. Then he was in the department of energy during Obama's administration.

I'm sure he doesn't have a vested interest in oil though.

The energy transition’s purported climate benefits are distant, vague and uncertain while the costs and disruption of rapid decarbonization are immediate and substantial.

Yeah... No conflict of interest here at all.

fades out? the world is cooking whatever fucking toolbag wrote this should have to go live in india or mexico, 50c+ and only getting warmer