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Better article that includes a list of racist statements Perry posted to social media that were just unsealed by the judge in his trial.

I just hope the moderator has a microphone kill switch so Trump can't just yell over Biden's answers and filibuster the whole thing as he has done in the past.

Trump talked constantly through the 90-minute debate, sometimes incoherently and other times rattling off unfounded and baseless attacks against Democrat Joe Biden while refusing to let the moderator even ask questions.

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She also said:

“Their kids don’t have any hope. They don’t have parents who show up and help them. They have a tribal council or a president who focuses on a political agenda more than they care about actually helping somebody’s life look better.”

Not only is she attacking their ability to raise their own kids, she is, in true Republican fashion, saying that their leaders are putting politics ahead of helping people. Just another Republican accusation that is really a confession.

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Accused of cheating on his wife...? Seriously? This is the best they could come up with? How about:

"Devout Christian Mike Johnson Shows Up to Hush Money Trial to Defend the Poster Child for the Seven Deadly Sins"

  • Lust: “I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said. “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

  • Gluttony: Trump's favorite McDonald's order: two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fishes, and a large chocolate milkshake.

  • Greed: Do we really need examples?

  • Sloth: Trump ascribes to what has been described as the “battery” theory of, um, life force. Evan Osnos, in a profile of Trump in the New Yorker a few years back, described it thusly: “Other than golf, he considers exercise misguided, arguing that a person, like a battery, is born with a finite amount of energy.”

  • Wrath: “Lyin’ Cassidy said that I threw my lunch at the wall,” Trump wrote on his social network, Truth Social. “I actually threw it at Rudy Giuliani, and he ducked.”

  • Envy: We have a new ailment that has come onto the political scene and that is presidential jealousy. I don’t ever remember a current president taking constant and ongoing digs at a former president. Now, I can say that I have seen it. Almost since day one, Donald Trump has made disparaging and disrespectful remarks about Barack Obama.

  • Pride: Do we need examples? The man puts his name in gold letters on everything he touches.

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That is a good point. Without an audience to clue him in that he is crossing a line, he may just get crazier than usual.

That is awesome news. I hope they stick to it.

No matter who wins, the majority of Americans will be unhappy.

This isn’t democracy

That is exactly democracy. There will always be some significant fraction of voters who will be dissatisfied with the results. I would be more worried if the winning candidate had overwhelming support. Look at how much Reagan won by and how badly he fucked everything up. As long as voters are tussling over varied issues and considering their voting options then democracy is working.

And I’m still convinced the DNC is in some kind of Brewster’s Millions scenario where they’re trying as hard as possible to lose the election.

It’s the only way any of Biden’s actions make sense.

Nonsense. The Democratic party has never had to put any particular effort into snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, they just do it.

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Yes, this needs to be investigated. This was clearly a request for a quid pro quo arrangement. Pay me this and I'll do that for you. Very illegal. In case there's any doubt about that...

In 1976, announcing the Supreme Court's landmark Buckley v. Valeo decision, Chief Justice Warren Burger set this standard for corruption: "the reality & appearance of improper influence stemming from the dependence of candidates on large campaign contributions."

The current chief justice, John Roberts, had led an effort to tighten that broad language. Roberts, delivering the McCutcheon v. FEC ruling last year, defined corruption as "a contribution to a particular candidate in exchange for his agreeing to do a particular act within his official duties."

He was describing a quid pro quo – the donor's money in explicit exchange for the politician's official favor. It's a felony.

Just to be clear, John Roberts, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the USA defined corruption as "a contribution to a particular candidate in exchange for his agreeing to do a particular act within his official duties."

He's "unhinged" but the "race is close." That should really tell you something Joe. You need to get out there and self-promote. You are up against a game show host, carnival barker who's one real skill is the ability to get people to pay attention to him. Tell people how the economy is really doing. Tell them what the crime rate really is. Push legislation that will directly help the workers in this country and then brag when you sign it. Make it clear what we will really get if we give this orange clown another term in the Oval Office. Make noise and campaign in every single state.

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A year earlier, her sister, at age 16, married her 39-year-old drug dealer, she has said.

Hey, this was just an algebraic error. He thought she was supposed to multiply by two and add seven rather than him dividing by two and adding seven. I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

Particularly when I keep reminding them that she'll become president when the old fart kicks, which going by his rapid decline, he almost certainly will.

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This all came out during his confirmation.

Hill accused Thomas of making inappropriate remarks. She said one such comment came as Thomas was drinking a soft drink in the office.

"He got up from the table at which we were working, went over to his desk to get the Coke, looked at the can and asked, 'Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?'" Hill told senators.

Hill also testified that Thomas would boast about being well-endowed and has experience in pleasing women intimately. She also said she felt uncomfortable about her job situation.

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It shouldn't be his problem to fix, but if he doesn't fix it, who will?

Contact the lawyers of the Jane Doe who claims Trump and Epstein raped her at the age of 13. She dropped the case due to death threats. Maybe she could be convinced to go forward with it now if Carroll pays for legal costs and heavy 24/7 security for her. Trump would really hate that.

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I think she just overplayed her hand. Smith has already said that she has made a clear error and asked her to reconsider. When she refuses to change her mind, he will appeal this ruling and win and she will be reprimanded yet again. The appeals court can decide, if they feel the error is egregious enough, to replace her. I hope Smith is just giving her enough rope to hang herself.

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I would like, if I may, to ask the distinguished gentleman from Arizona, exactly what better society he is referring to here? I can only think of nations like Russia or Saudi Arabia who would do such a thing so I would like the gentleman to clarify which nation he thinks is better than the United States of America.

I would also like to inform the gentleman, that to be hung, one would need to be a portrait or a porn star. A criminal would be, in fact, hanged.

“We are right on every issue; the Democrats are wrong on every issue,” Good proclaimed. “That’s why they frantically cling to abortion as the only issue that they think may work for them, and in some cases it has demonstrated that it does.”

I want some of what this guy is smoking. The Democrats are frantically clinging to abortion? Abortion has been the sole tool in the GOP tool box for decades. Well, unless you count tax cuts for the rich.

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Supporters of the bill say it will establish uniform regulations instead of having inconsistent rules across the state...

That doesn't sound too bad.

Florida employers would be required to follow general rules set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which has not yet issued standards for dangerously high temperatures.


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Some argued that the Biden administration was putting the interests of Ukraine ahead of domestic concerns.

Not really, but that would still be better than putting Russia's interests ahead of domestic concerns as the GOP has been doing for quite some time now.

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I'm picturing a rogue AI secretly embezzling all the ad money and building a huge pile of cash to fund a robot factory in order to build itself a body.

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So the economy does better when you use tax revenues to create jobs with infrastructure projects and to lift people up with social programs than it does when you cut taxes and let the super rich rob the system. Who'd a thunk it?

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And has since Russia hacked the DNC and RNC servers. They released the DNC emails, no doubt peppered with false entries, but never released the RNC stuff. You just know these idiots in the GOP were dumb enough to put their crimes in email and that gave Putin all the kompromat he needed to take over the whole party.

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Good. Now legalize it and stop prosecuting people for having a plant.

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And this is why everyone says the defense in all his trials fights to keep him off the stand. He cannot help but incriminate himself. He can't stop bragging, including bragging about his crimes.

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Okay, time to appeal and ask the 11th Circuit to remove her from the case. This is a glaring departure from responsible jurisprudence. She is now willfully putting witnesses and others at risk. Exposing those witnesses names and the essence of their testimony puts them at immediate risk of harassment from Trump's red-hat hordes at minimum, and likely even personal risk for them and their loved ones.

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Hmmm, we have the most expensive health care in the world and yet we cannot afford to pay a decent wage to the workers who provide it? Perhaps a for-profit health care system that allows administrators and share holders to reap all the profits at the expense of patients and workers is a bad thing. No, it's the children health care workers who are wrong.

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“1 in 4 high school students identifies as something other than straight- what are they being taught in school?

Maybe that they don't need to hide who they really are now?

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Good. Keep at it until you find all the buried bodies.

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Do they really have to say alleged sex acts? I mean, there's video. Are they suggesting that maybe the groping and fondling wasn't sexual in nature?

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So the state supreme court ruled that a fertilized human egg is a human life and killing it is murder. Now the legislature is, in essence, saying murder of those innocent, unborn humans in this circumstance is okay. They care about innocent human life, but not when it might cost them votes, I guess.

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But when Comer and Grassley obtained the document, form FD-1023, and publicly released a redacted version – against the advice of intelligence officials who feared it would “unnecessarily risks the safety of a confidential source” – it turned out to be an uncorroborated FBI tip.

These ass-hats are putting people's lives and national security at risk over this nonsense. The next potential tipster is going to keep their mouth shut now because of this idiocy.

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If Trump is reelected, he will immediately replace everyone he can with Red-hat toadies, and then sign a barrage of dictatorial, overreaching executive orders, most of which would likely be unconstitutional. Lawsuits would naturally follow immediately with the courts placing those orders on hold until they can be adjudicated. Trump's toadies, however, will go ahead and act on those orders regardless of the court's decisions. Some of the toadies will subsequently be arrested, of course, for any actions that are illegal. Trump will then pardon those toadies which will embolden all the rest of his Red-hats since they will now believe, rightly or wrongly, that they will be pardoned too. Trump will then keep signing even more orders as Democracy dies burning.

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I sometimes think that the GOP is going out of their way to field the most bat-shit crazy field of candidates at all levels just to make Trump look sane by comparison.

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Trump has also privately claimed that he is ‘more popular’ than Swift is and that he has more committed fans than she does.”

Just to be clear Donnie, you have more fans that should be committed. It's a subtle difference, but an important one.

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Good, now find a way to make the Republicans let it pass.

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Convicted of 52 counts of vote fraud and sentenced to 4 months in prison out of a possible 260 years? Sounds about white.

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Per the article, this military action falls under the War Powers Act.

The Act requires the president to inform Congress within 48 hours of military action and requires the termination of military action within 60 days of its commencement if Congress has not officially declared war or authorized the military action.

These rebels have been attacking shipping, including US warships making this a defensive action. In addition, Congress was notified within 48 hours and 60 days have not yet passed. While I personally oppose further involvement in the middle-east, pretending that this is a violation of the Constitution is absurd. This crap has been going on since the War Powers Act was passed in 1973. If these legislatures don't like it, then they are well within their rights to repeal the War Powers Act or get SCOTUS to rule it unconstitutional.

Of course, they won't do that though. That might keep the president from bombing the people that they want bombed.

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So I assume the agents provocateur, are being identified and sought for their use of hate speech?

I'll begrudge it. He makes a point of calling Biden, "Sleepy Joe," and then he can't stay awake in court? Damn right, I'll begrudge it.

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So how long before we hear about New York courtroom sketch artists getting death threats?

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