Biden vs. Trump: Who is leading the polls? to politics – -31 points –

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No matter who wins, the majority of Americans will be unhappy.

This isn’t democracy

That is exactly democracy. There will always be some significant fraction of voters who will be dissatisfied with the results. I would be more worried if the winning candidate had overwhelming support. Look at how much Reagan won by and how badly he fucked everything up. As long as voters are tussling over varied issues and considering their voting options then democracy is working.

And I’m still convinced the DNC is in some kind of Brewster’s Millions scenario where they’re trying as hard as possible to lose the election.

It’s the only way any of Biden’s actions make sense.

Nonsense. The Democratic party has never had to put any particular effort into snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, they just do it.

There will always be some significant fraction of voters who will be dissatisfied with the results.

That's very different than only 40% being happy if either candidate is president...

That's not a "significant faction"...

That's a sizable majority.

Close to 2/3s of the country...

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