Biden says he’s accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Trump on June 27 to politics – 257 points –
Biden says he’s accepted an invitation from CNN to debate Trump on June 27 | CNN Politics

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I just hope the moderator has a microphone kill switch so Trump can't just yell over Biden's answers and filibuster the whole thing as he has done in the past.

Trump talked constantly through the 90-minute debate, sometimes incoherently and other times rattling off unfounded and baseless attacks against Democrat Joe Biden while refusing to let the moderator even ask questions.

According to the npr story I just heard Biden's team did set "microphones open only when it's the candidates turn to speak" as one of the terms. Also no live audience, only candidates and moderator in a studio.

No live audience gives me a little hope. Trump needs that feedback to know he's not gone off the rails, as we saw in the 2020 debates.

That is a good point. Without an audience to clue him in that he is crossing a line, he may just get crazier than usual.

I groaned when I saw CNN is hosting. They'll let him do whatever he wants, it's good for ratings

That's one of the Biden requirements, when one person is speaking, the other microphone is killed.

They need sound proof booths too. Otherwise, Trump will absolutely be shouting over Biden, trying to distract him and make him stutter, while it's Bidens turn.