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Ok. That seems academic at best. With Mike Johnson as speaker, what would the dems be able to do to capitalize on their temporary majority? The Speaker would just refuse to hold a vote.

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Man. People will be negative about everything.

New breakthrough that may change the entire landscape of an industry? Oh, we hear about breakthroughs every few weeks. Call me if it actually makes it to market.

New apparently game changing breakthrough that's already being taken to market? Boo advertising, we should just quiet launch it and see if anyone notices? Seriously?

I guess its a team sport like if you consider a zombie apolocypse as team survivor vs team undead.

You have the rabid fascists trying to take this country through any means and actively strip away our rights. Then you have the people resisting them.

Then we have people like you watching from the sidelines saying both sides are dumb, but will be eaten along with rest if the survivors fail.

Yes, it does matter. You're blaming the dems for not getting their shit together to pass anything, when they literally can't. Mike Johnson, as speaker of the House, decides what can be voted on, and when.

Basic civics. I never even studied political science, but it's astounding how strong your opinions are on Dems failings when you don't even understand the basic rules of how our executive branches work.

They need sound proof booths too. Otherwise, Trump will absolutely be shouting over Biden, trying to distract him and make him stutter, while it's Bidens turn.

Those cannot be reasonably mistaken for real currency. Carefully so, even.

This person allegedly (from his own mouth) intentionally passed off paper convincing enough to be used in films, as real currency, to people with a high likelihood of mental illness, in the express desire to trick them into using it as real currency so that they get arrested.

Who knows if any of this is true, but from the asses' own mouth, that's a world of difference in intent.

Support for Hamas and other extremist groups is a direct result of generations of oppression in an apartheid state.

The problem is how to separate Hamas from a free Palestine going forward. Hamas claims that they would have no reason to fight if Palestinians get their freedom, and would transition to a peaceful government.

Obviously, that is extremely doubtful given all the other examples in history of militant resistances gaining full control.

I posed this question last time lemmy raised internet pitchforks when the US voted against Palestine joining the UN. Who would represent Palestine? Would people seriously be ok with a Hamas representative speaking for Palestine, or even just the western bank subsect?

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Right. I always thought the FBI was responsible for hunting down counterfeiting. The whole point of the FBI is to be federal level police, and our currency is a federal concern.

While otherwise staunchly pro-Israel, Mills has said that he is only supportive of a version of the Israel aid package that included billions in cuts to the Internal Revenue Service — a complete non-starter for Democrats, who control the Senate and White House.

Not so much of a hypocrit as the title implies, but a shithead that tried abusing our idiotic system to force a completely unrelated budget cut to the IRS to be bundled with an otherwise popular (among politicians) bill to give support to Isreal.

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Oh, so you mean people won't order your food if they know what the real price is? Well... fuck you

It is fiscally responsible for them to neuter the IRS. It means they can save more money! Personally, I mean. Not the government.

And yet, another clear as day example that this election is literally the fight against fascism.

Lemmy is full of bad faith arguments about both sides, genocide Joe, etc. Always trying to frame it away from the very obvious truth.

The call is coming from inside the House

Can we finally focus on real estate reform now?

This latest housing crisis has made it abundantly clear that allowing wealthy individuals and corporations to own single family homes is destructive to society as a whole.

The priority should be owner occupied homes. People need housing security. If even the middle class with career jobs can't afford a modest house in their peak working years, the system is broken.

We can attack this runaway housing inflation by doing the following:

  1. Ban companies (including hedge funds, etc) from owning condos and houses. Apartment complexes are still fair game, because society needs high occupancy buildings which require more capital to build and run.

  2. Limit individual ownership to 3 (as an example, number doesn't matter) dwellings. This will curb the rampant "buy for short term rental, parlay into next purchase for short term rental" scheme. We still need rental properties, and small local landowners should be the priority.

  3. Heavy penalties for selling in under 2 (as an example) years. This will also curb the short term rentals due to added risk, as well as curbing the flippers relisting at 30%+ (and I've seen 100%) markups after 3 months.

Each of these wouldn't be outright bans which would potentially too big of a disruption. But in phases, using increasing tax penalties as the stick.

We need to stop treating homes as a commodity. They are a basic essential.

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They like the idea of a catastrophic event out of their control, or caused by sinners. They don't like to be the cause because of their own greed and indifference.

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I have subscriptions (and shared subscriptions) to... seven services that I can think of in 20 seconds.

Yet, time and time again, I try to figure out if what I want to watch is covered by one of them (not trivial to figure out), and end up falling back on piracy probably around 50% of the time.

Now that every fucking content owner has its own subscription plan, it makes subscriptions pointless because it's spread so damn thin.

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That's a shock to no one.

My anti-mask friend kept linking Zero Hedge articles to support his stance. Not recognizing the source, I did 10 minutes of research and told him his sole source of information appeared to be a Russian propaganda vehicle. He went on a very aggressive rant about my arrogance at dismissing his "alt media" out of hand.

About a year later, the FBI publicly outed zero hedge as pedaling Russian propaganda. But apparently that was fake news too.

It's impossible to talk to that guy anymore. He doesn't live in reality.

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Why would they do that? The point is exclusivity to foster peer pressure to all be on iPhone. Google offered to integrate with iMessage and vice versa, so that consumers would have the best experience regardless of platform, ages ago. Apple declined, and then removed some of Googles office suite apps from their store.

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Dell executives celebrate over lines of coke after successfully getting people to leave on their own without paying severance

The fall of Digg didn't happen in one single wave.

Lots of people just want to stay with what they're familiar with, and it takes loss of critical mass of content/interaction before they'll look at the door.

Which means it will be back every couple of years until people get tired of fighting it, and then every fast food chain will implement it

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Stop up voting Newsweek. They are not a reputable publication.

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Any reputable sources for this?

I wouldn't be surprised if this is true, but we should be careful not to let misinformation take over, and "middleeasteye" dot net does not scream credible to me.

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For Tesla and SpaceX, they attracted the top engineers because they were cool bleeding edge problems to solve that actually aligned with idealist goals in the industries.

Musk used that genuine motivation and overworked people into burnout, and took credit for others hard work.

Wtf, seriously? I've tried using media buttons on the steering wheel during a turn. It's not reliable in the slightest, because it's a moving target.

Does the non circular steering non-wheel never go past 90 degrees or something?

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I mean, we could all see this behavior prior to this latest conflict. So many videos of IDF gleefully beating down / gassing / shoving guns in faces of clearly civilians on their own property, on religious sites, on public streets, etc.

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My wife and I finally had a political talk with her parents. They are 1st generation immigrants from South America. Moved here some 40 years ago.

We asked why they didn't like Biden.

"He's letting all the immigrants in!"

"But Dad... we're immigrants! Why do you think immigrants are bad?!"

"No! We're legal, we're not immigrants anymore"

"Dad... we're still immigrants. We came here legally, and we're citizens now, but we're immigrants."

"No.... he's letting in bad immigrants!"

"What do you mean? Illegal immigrants? No, he's not letting them in, he's just trying not to kill them"

"He's letting them in!"

"You mean asylum seekers? He's not just letting them in, he's trying to fix the application system to actually handle the applicants. They would be entering legally if they're accepted. They will work hard and earn their place in this country just like you did"

"No, no like us, we are legal! Let's change the subject, we are getting upset"

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Throw tantrum against dress code designed to fight an active pandemic.

Fly off the handle and have an emergency vote when a senator wears a hoodie to work.


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In addition to roundabouts, there are plenty of freeway exists that loop around where you can be at an extreme turn and need to initiate a lane change. Or making a right turn into a gas station after a left turn at an intersection... lots of use cases.

Well, just look at lemmy users around anything Biden related. No matter what, you'll get people only talking about Gaza, and disregard all of the other good his administration has done for the 3.5 years they have been working.

This is why politicians wait for the popular, easy wins until its campaigning time. People have a short memory, and it's always whatever the last big news story is that drives voters.

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Yes. Let's burn all the books too in case someone does something bad with that knowledge. And ban everything but soft pillows from being sold in any store.

What a stupid fucking coroner.

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On their own game engine.

Built to showcase their specific VR hardware. That they built after getting burned from multiple VR companies who abused Valves good will of providing access to their patent protected VR tech for free, to help accelerate the VR industry.

20 years ago, I could rent a 1 bedroom small apartment for under $1k. Now you're lucky to find the same for $2.5k. Pay has not more than doubled. They definitely have it worse than us.

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My wife was just notified that her 6 figure student loan was forgiven. We're still dazed and not sure it's real, or that it won't be overturned later.

She has been paying it for 20 years, fell for one of those refinancing scams that John Oliver did a segment on, where she was yelling "that's what they told me!!" the whole time. It seems impossible, but after 20 years of minimum payments without fail, $1400/mo at times, she still had well over 100k in student debt (phd).

We figured the refinancing into the wrong loan would disqualify her. We thought if she did get some relief, it would be 10-20k, which isn't nothing, but wouldn't change much.

And now it's wiped clean.

This is what relief feels like. We just signed a one year lease, but we'll be in a much better position to buy at the end of the lease (market permitting).

This is what the Republicans want to take away from the working class, so they can give the mega rich more tax breaks.

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It's a start.

It has been political suicide in the past to criticize Isreal. They are also an incredibly important strategic ally in the region, both militarily and commerce.

This move shows that the US is potentially willing to move away from unconditional support, which could be devastating to Isreal.

So, while the actual scope of the sanctions themselves is unimpressive, the meaning behind it is significant.

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The officer captured on his own camera that his reason for the arrest was "he was disrespectful"

Yep. Says it all.

I remember around 10 years ago, there were some videos of what the youth were taught in school, and interviews with young adults about their opinion of Palestinians.

To sum it up, they were taught they were filth, sub human, in ~grade school ages. Young adults "sympathized" that they had tough lives, but they should go elsewhere, anywhere else, and that if they didn't, they should die.

It was in the context of that anti missile defense, and living in Isreal with frequent missile/terror attacks, and how Palestinians were segregated, had long lines to enter the city, couldn't use the same roads, kids throwing rocks at cars, etc.

So yeah, this genocide is hardly surprising. They've been dehumanizing the Palestinians for generations, straight up indoctrinating their children. So the IDF murdering them like some rabid dogs was exactly the goal.

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How is proximity to recovered stolen goods, found in a public area, enough to gain a warrant for a (no knock?) SWAT raid?

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CEO with a God complex and the drug habits to fuel it

Yes. How dare her object to her property being irrevocably changed without her consent. How dare she not just roll over and accept a completely different property in exchange to make it easy on them.

No two properties are the same. You can't decide for another that your attempt at a compromise (that only benefits you) is sufficient.

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