
0 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

A møøse once bit my sister. No realli!

Philosoraptor is 15 years old, Bad Luck Brian and Success Kid are 12 years, but Doge (without that background) is 10 years. Best I can do is $3.50

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How does this get enforced though? They don't even enforce their no call list or cut down on junk robo calls as it is.

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According to the npr story I just heard Biden's team did set "microphones open only when it's the candidates turn to speak" as one of the terms. Also no live audience, only candidates and moderator in a studio.

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To me this is reading more like you can no longer turn those options off and they are automatically enabled. It literally says your bluetooth mic will be used by default not that you can't use it through bluetooth.

His skin is the wrong color to have any chance at a GOP candidacy.

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Apparently 3 years is "quickly"

Not on your life my Hindu friend!

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She mixed up "too pretty" with "too rich" /s

They didn't dispute the "one of the richest" part

Wherever people call out the October 7th death count that always makes me notice I can't find data on how many Israeli civilians have died since October 7th. It's almost like this has never actually been retaliatory.

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So they got a lemon and decided to write an article about it... definitely not intended to cause more EV hesitation, of course not.

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Do we really have to wait a whole week for closing arguments? Just get the hung jury announcement out of the way and let in him off Scot-free, yet again. Can he just have a heart attack already? Sick of this

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Where did you see that information? Genuinely curious cause I love losing all hope again and again.

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Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin' We're finally on our own

Nothing has changed...

"technology that would automatically test a driver’s breath for alcohol and stop a vehicle from moving if the driver is impaired. The driver wouldn’t have to blow into a tube, and a sensor would check the driver’s breath.

Another company is working on light technology that could test for blood alcohol in a person’s finger, the group has said."

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I didn't believe you but can confirm this blank search within the Facebook app. Instagram, by the same parent company, has lots of results though. Guess all the puritanical boomers are on Facebook not Insta

Or the movers missed some boxes. And then when it was realized they were immediately turned over.

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Greenhouse gay asses

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Is this a real quote?!?!

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As an American I wholeheartedly agree. I HATED learning about that dumb rule and refuse to use it to this day. The punctuation, I would say more often than not, has nothing to do with the quote and should be outside the quotation mark.

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I feel like the headline and all these comments have WAAAAAYYYYY too much faith in the technical savvy and/or privacy concerns of the average pc user. They are not committing suicide. They know that a very small minority will be upset by recall and AI but the vast majority don't know enough to care and definitely won't take the time to learn about why they should care.

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Yes appointed by Trump but confirmed by 11 Democrats and 45 Republicans. And we could say those not in the roll call tacitly voted to confirm so that's another 13 Democrats who confirmed her. Trump can get fucked, but just like Biden, the president was/is not solely responsible for what happens in the world.

Try it - it's different!

He didn't stumble upon them at all. The records department or whatever its official name is said hey we're missing these documents and think you have them is that the case? And then Biden, but most likely a housekeeper or someone because yes Biden is still an oligarch, found them tucked away and gave them back. Trump was asked by the same people where all these documents were and he said he didn't have them, hid them, then was busted for having them, claimed he now had the right to have them etc etc.

Edit: oh and the memory and stuff was obviously a side note and partisan dig by Hur. There's are no charges against Biden because it wasn't a crime.

You're manually reviewing the entire code of every open source product you use? Manually reviewing the code at every commit of every open source software you use?

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Come on and slam

That's because Guy Fawkes day actually celebrates the fact that he failed in his plot and the monarchy and establishment was allowed to continue. It commemorates the failed 17th-century plot by a group of English Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Somehow it's been twisted backwards in recent years but make no mistake, the country that gave us Guy Fawkes day would burn the wrong ones.

It was actually separate pictures. He was smoking crack in one and driving fast in another unrelated photo. But the poorly worded headline, from July last year, did it's job conflating them.

That's not very patient gamer of you lol

Sure but then I can't be cynical and disappointed. What you want me to go through life giving people the benefit of the doubt?

8 years and counting? More like 77 and counting

Ahhh you aren't using the current definition of "flat tax". Flat tax is a single rate across all incomes. It still includes deductions, exemptions, credits etc.

I don't know the correct term for "no deductions tax". No exceptions? Non adjustable?

Your bracket concept is how it works now.

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But has over 20 up votes. Sigh. No one reads the articles here either

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Can you cite a source for this? It is not what most people are anecdotally experiencing so you are being down voted.

Jordan, people here don't care whether some bought and paid for judges allowed immoral interpretations of the 2nd amendment. They are arguing that those interpretations are wrong. You can quote legal scripture as much as you like. It doesn't change the fact that those decisions were wrong and continue to be wrong and our society is worse off because of it.

Huh, almost like things can and should change after it was written. So fuck the 2nd amendment and anyone that defends it.

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You're a wizard Gandalf

Weisenbach was the one accused even though he did nothing wrong and voted for the guy they wanted to win. Why are you glad?

I just got down voted on a previous post for this exact sentiment... Sigh