4 Post – 681 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He added: "This is what many on the left will do, they'll take a clip of that and they will run with it and, all of a sudden, the statement that is that you want to 'kill everybody' or whatever. We all know that's not what you meant to get across."

Fuck these gaslighting pieces of shit

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Waybackmachine has your comments anyway so there's no point in deleting them.

The hottest of hot takes.

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This just seems like theater. What if you disable the parents such that they can't support their kid? You slip through?

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Using your phone while driving is illegal, so we made all the controls on the same technology.

Genius. About time it's banned.

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I love that they excuse their vote as anything else.

I just want a tax cut. (and don't care about the republic or my friends' lives)

And yet they're undecided?

(Gestures around wildly)

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It's propaganda to make you blame yourself for being essentially indentured.

White LED bulbs are the devil's work.

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Fifty years spent destroying education and enriching the ruling class so they could afford to spread propaganda freely.

We're in deep shit.




I expect that regardless of who wins the presidential election, the US will remain a strong and committed Nato ally.

Well, he obviously shouldn't.

Please don't have children. Think about the life you're condemning them to.

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You should maybe care about people even if you don't like their games...

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And don't forget to leave it a negative review.

I didn't think the leopards would eat my face!

Every. Time.

Disagree; making the entire canvas "FUCK SPEZ" is a blast.

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And pirates are using hardware to commit their dirty deeds!

Maybe this is how technological society crumbles, one lawsuit at a time.

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You keep to coded language. Congratulations. Don't think we can't read it.

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Oh good, something else for me to lose.

I much prefer two ports.

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No live audience gives me a little hope. Trump needs that feedback to know he's not gone off the rails, as we saw in the 2020 debates.

Righties can't make jokes; only hate.

This is the dumbest take. Humans have a lot of needs and the AI will likely have considerable control over them.

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The Russian pilot who defected to Ukraine is poised to get a hefty reward from his home country's sworn enemy.

Sworn enemy? Two years ago the Russians were telling us we couldn't begin to understand the depth of their bond with Ukrainians.

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When my friend became a Republican after a being a lifelong Democrat, one of the first things he started to say was, "never let the opposition control the language."

The right defines those words, freedom, justice, with what their empty ideology represent; not their actual meanings.

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Still safer than fossil fuels.

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So instead you choose authoritarianism: 20 people on a plan and one of them shoots the pilot, takes over, and crashes it. Everyone dies.

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I'm a big fan of Linux, but I can't believe you really think this.

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We are all domestic terrorists

It explains their concern...

The married couple returned to their room for the night but were found seriously ill the next day by their daughter. John Cooper, 69, was declared dead in the room, while his wife Susan, 63, died hours later in hospital.


Don't forget to SUBMIT CONTENT!

Even if you never did on Reddit; it's now up to us.

Trump already killed hundreds of thousands of Americans during COVID.

So if you think he gives a fuck about Europeans...

Just replying to confirm that "strictly necessary" has never meant, "makes us money." It means technically necessary.

That's why they just removed the military limitations in their terms of service I guess...

Almost definitely.

Trump apparently told people in the White House that Pecker knew more than anyone in the room. Pecker said that was a joke, but we all know Trump doesn't joke.

But no one, absolutely no one, is as sharp at 82 as they were at 62.

This is not sufficient argument for why he should give up the seat. Bernie at 82 is sharper than most people at 62 and that's the truly relevant fact here.

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You make it sound like it was a death threat and not a metaphor for the death of Reddit.

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"Because the Palestinians aren't worth saving" - what other message are we to take away from this decision by Harvard?