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Joined 1 years ago

If you're snooping here, you gotta calm yoself down.

With these bundles they always make it so the only games I actually want are always in the highest tier.

Polar opposite of the rest of the industry, hell bent on keeping labor costs low with constant layoffs.

As much as I would love to see consequences for their actions, I wouldn't hold your breath..

They won't make a ruling. They'll leave this case on the docket until after the election, then if Biden wins, they'll affirm the prior courts decision. If Trump wins, he'll get the case dismissed and the courts will happily never answer this very important question.

Does it matter at this point? They lost a lot of interest in this game.

6 more...

An inferior version of the game, by all accounts too. Worse graphics and performance.

Oh look at that. The author, Steven E. Koonin, was employed by BP as their Chief Scientist. Then he was in the department of energy during Obama's administration.

I'm sure he doesn't have a vested interest in oil though.

The energy transition’s purported climate benefits are distant, vague and uncertain while the costs and disruption of rapid decarbonization are immediate and substantial.

Yeah... No conflict of interest here at all.

The games I haven't played yet are also the games I never paid full price for, or got in a bundle, heavily discounted.

I'm gonna call it Twitter even harder now.

13 more...

My first girlfriend in highschool had severe anxiety and was so incredibly quiet and shy. It was so tough cuz she was a genuinely sweet and caring person once she opened up to you. I was extremely surprised to learn her family was nothing like that when I met them. Until I met her dad, and he kept calling her an idiot, and stupid, and useless. Then I understood why she never wanted to say anything. Every time she opened her mouth she was criticized by her dad. This attitude towards your own kids is insanely damaging.

8 more...

It's honestly amazing how well this game sold considering how mid the gameplay actually is. Having a popular IP really helped.

19 more...

Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome ex-president?

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Really sounds like we just found some old ass rule on the books and we're using it to discriminate against trans people specifically.

52 more...

No fuckin way. But they said it was the cost of goods and shipping!

5 more...

Dude spends more in a month than I make in a year and a half. Fuckin eat these pigs.

14 more...

Tinder, like most businesses, is hunting whales.

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  • Remove home grow options altogether.
  • Reduce possession limits from 2.5oz to 1oz
  • Raise tax from 10% to 15%
  • Change the tax allocations so that the largest chunk goes to a government discretionary fund, second largest share going to law enforcement.
  • And it would reduce the THC limit from 35 percent for flower and 90 percent for extracts to 25 percent for flower and 50 percent for extracts.

They are so pissed that people wanna smoke.

Also wtf kinda garbage extract is only 50% I don't think I've ever seen an extract less than 70%

15 more...

Ramasmarmy saying whatever he thinks the Republican base wants to hear. So weird seeing him bet all in on a base that despises him.

8 more...

Maybe they should write a letter in support of the stoner cats to the SEC. Here, I'll start it for you.

Stoner Cats are role models, and set an extraordinary standard around how you treat other people.

19 more...

That's actually really awesome.

That's honestly a shame. There were some incredible levels people made.

It's way more likely that we get manipulated and taken advantage of. Other countries realize Trump is easily manipulated because he's a narcissist, and it'd be much simpler to stroke his ego while he opens our wallets .

8 more...

Guilty on the first count.

Edit: Counts 2~34 guilty.

We got a total sweep.

Florida hurt itself in confusion.

3 more...

So at this rate, we'll get them on this most recent price fixing in 15 years

I love how the employer admitted to not checking her references or googling her beforehand.

Can't really blame her when they didn't do their due diligence.

3 more...

So she is ok with abortion as long as it's 3 hours away?

1 more...

I mean if the last decade hasn't proven it yet, I just want to reiterate. You don't need to be smart to destroy America.

4 more...

Wait, this wasn't known? I thought this was standard practice for all prestigious schools.

17 more...

Dark patterns are the bane of my existence.

My job has them for when people try to cancel services and I've been fighting like hell to get rid of them. But business is worried if people can cancel super easy, they'll do it. It's like they forget we have an actual quality product that people want to have. It ends up looking like an abusive relationship when a customer tries to leave. It takes one click to add service, but it takes a phone call and a transfer and a sales pitch, and then finally a scheduled deactivation at the start of your next bill cycle because God forbid we give you some money back.

I'm the exact type of customer who avoids businesses that do shit like this. And I'm not alone. If you make it 10 times harder to drop a service than you do to add a service, you should go fuck yourself. Gym memberships, monthly subscriptions, recurring monthly shipments with auto billing. Never sign up to this stuff without knowing what you need to do to deactivate. Or sign up with a preloaded visa gift card and a 10 minute email so you can just shut everything off when you leave and they can keep their bullshit account.

5 more...

You should spend that dollar on self-hosting and piracy anyways, it's a better value.

9 more...

Weird way to minimize an attack on the country.

Used to be that people went to fast food because it was good, fast, and cheap.

These guys running the show have managed to reverse all three of those points. Now fast food is shit, slow, and expensive. It's honestly amazing that people put up with it as long as they did.

1 more...

For real. Maybe people will take it seriously now that we've gone from the swatting live steamers to swatting representatives and elected officials.

3 more...

My rent has gone up every year like clockwork whether I get a raise or not. Landlords have never needed an excuse to raise rent, stop treading water for them.

How is this a threat to the operation of the federal government? None of the indicted are in office.

Also the only motivation anyone should be concerned about is the judiciary chairman who has shown a repeated interest in attacking states and their ability to enforce their laws. This is naked partisanship by Jim Jordan.

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This is the real Ya'll-Qaeda that everyone's been talking about.

22 more...

T-Mobile decided it's just easier if they leak your info themselves, rather than let someone else leak it for the 3rd time this year.

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The argument began when two groups of people grew agitated over the belief that people in the other group were staring at them, according to affidavits from police.

I just wanna emphasize the stupidity that started this whole fuckin thing.

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The other side already sends death threats and is calling for a war over a conviction against Trump by a jury of their peers. I dunno if I'd be that concerned about their take on hypocrisy.

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