3 Post – 606 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well Hexbear also had a policy of not showing down votes to encourage users to respond if they disagree instead of just down voting and moving on.

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Dudes going to need them. To maintain his size, and that guy needs more than a handcart.

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Natty lite

They were 16, people that beat them up were "older girls". Surely they will charge them as adults right?

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I get denied from jobs with security clearances because I have student loans debt / financial hardships when they run background checks. The president has the ability to declassify any documents... And he has been on recording sharing classified documents with non clearanced individuals.

Security must only impact peasants

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Exactly, ownership.

For the sake of the fuck.

The tea wasn't owned by the mom and pop shop neighbors who were also fighting for the same cause. There is a difference to me in a large corporation sustaining damage it will recoupe from insurance and people trying to scrape by and now can't afford rent until the hopefully if they had insurance, then maybe a check comes in a few months.

Those places if a protestor breaks in during a riot I am fine with being shot at and even killed if need be. Your cause doesn't give you the right to starve or put in jeopardy other people's lives who did not choose to riot.

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How many DUIs do you give out to people who blow a 0.0? If a driver refuses to blow standardly a blood test is allowed/offered. It is only admissable in court if performed by a medical professional. Which means if they just asked her to blow and it was a 0.0... and they still didn't believe her, taking her to a hospital instead of jail would be the logical next step to have the blood test performed where a health professional may have had a shot at catching said health issues.

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Being that he focused on Insulin being brought down to no more than $35 a month for medicaid, it is a high likelyhood that is one of the first drugs on the list.

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Well he was right about them being soft on crime, should he not have been arrested for contempt?

Other people's daughters, their own they think will be magically excused do to circumstance. (Which will match many of the womens circumstance they wished death upon)

"The sky is the limit"

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Curiosity question, if we are saying embryos are children, would it not be illegal to buy and sell them?

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That's what i thought was coming

Does this case not also show that they will infact say he has immunity as well unless Congress impeaches him and the Senate agrees/dismissed the person. Aka the president has immunity to do anything they want so long as one of the legislative departments will not act. Aka, they can be run by fear of death as well unless they can pass the impeachment and dismissal faster than the president can hear about it or act to stop it.

Theoretically wouldn't it be legal for the president to blow up Congress in session because they couldn't impeach him for doing so until a new Congress is elected.... Which of course cannot happen without them all being scared for their lives. Legal dictatorship. : /

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The Satanic Temple only goes to schools that have other relgious groups opening after school programs. They preach the belief to follow science and reason and find the best/most logical answers instead of listening to absurd unproven beliefs (such as dinosaurs not being real). They do NOT believe in Satan or preach that any such thing is good.

The name is a little tongue/cheek with the whole idea that some Christians would call any who don't act as sheep and act as part of the heard that follows the lord, their shepherd is satan or guided by satan in disguise.

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Legitimately? That guy can't legitimately be anywhere but prison after using fake electors. If we say the president is immune, which is bs then he should be in prison for sharing classified information to non clearenced individuals and he has admitted to it on tape... Legitimately he has one place. Life in Prison, or the death penalty as an enemy of the state. Anyone who thinks Snowden is worse than Trump (which last I checked Snowden is listed as an enemy of the state, which did not require a conviction) is a fool.

He should face a life sentence for treason. The fact that he doesn't shows how weak this country has become. Every supporter should be tried with aiding and a betting an enemy of the state. Aka treason. Start executing the law and people will start acting like it matters.

Imagine if the justice system worked and he was declared an enemy of the state as attempting to steal the presidency should be a crime against the state.

Paying any legal fees would be considered giving aid to an enemy of the state. Aka, an act of treason

I think they meant Cannon

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You mean the Bixby button? (/s, but I think you can see my comparison of uselessness there)

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I believe in educating kids to know how to ignore distractions. The phone will be there in every work/life situation and will be a tool used to get them further in their careers and life in general. It's stupid to let them use them openly during class... It's also stupid to make legislation about them. Notice we don't have country wide dress codes for schools. Just legislation that says when such codes have gone to far. Banning students from having items they carry daily is just a stupid over abuse of power being instated for what reason? Failed parenting and failed educators?

You text during class you get told to stop, happens again you get detention/thrown out of class/sent to the dean and eventually thrown out of the school. Always was that way. No need for laws around it.

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Simple, having Trump talk sensible would be impossible. So airing him directly after Biden would show how weak he is as a public speaker.

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Who wants to take bets on this being marked unconstitutional by a state/federal judge? We keep wasting tax payer money and time on the stupidity that is fucking Desantis

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The GOP had a stance of good guys with guns will defend people with said guns. So voting to have the guns present and not having one and running instead of defending the people either shows he was a coward by their stance, or not one of the good guys.

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If a minor is being protected by his legal guardian over an illegal act, yes the legal guardian has responsibility.

I really don't want to see the harm that will cause millions of people. Not everyone in Texas is the same.

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The Florida Legislature currently has HB13 waiting to pass. It ups the minimum wage for teachers to $65k. Would start Fall 2024.

It doesn't fix all of the issues, but I was happy to see that bill.

All of them. They could have hired 20x as many as they laid off, and gave them all raises.

If this man gunned them down as they came in, it would have been covered by his rights as his life was endangered. It would never go that way on court. That's when things will change though, when people start killing armed people on their property under their castle/stand your ground laws. If 30 cops in a small enough area suddenly get themselves killed they will use their union to fight for disarming civilians and taking away the 2nd amendment rights/self defense laws, or the judges will stop signing warrants once they start getting sued/disbarred for allowing the cops to enter a dangerous situation they shouldn't have. Punish the police and the judges, and change might occur. So.. never

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Could anyone in Florida not sue the state for obstruction of the free market and access to food items do to political agendas? Seems like a violation of rights beyond the first. Shit even saying it is against your religion, which would hold if you place science as reasoning for your choices... I seem to remember a religious group Desantis wants out of Florida and tried to refuse to recognize because of it.

4.6 million out of 21 almost 22 million.

~21% of the state of Florida.

More than half the state didn't even vote. (Not saying that's better)

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Not to start a conspiracy but I was wondering if the single GOP member holding up all military promotions was all him taking the fall/ getting ready for only promoting those who will follow suit. Hopefully it can't work like that, but it would make sense

2040 being 100%. It is a start. Don't fight the small wins, encourage/clap for them and hopefully they will start to pile up. Make sure they know signing better bills get you votes, maybe we will eventually have good candidates and actual changes

You are required to sign up but they usually only can enforce it in ways such as applying for a driver's license or voter registration. Maybe more kids aren't applying for drivers licenses and therefore aren't signing up.

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Psh, it's time we strip Musk of Starlink for his acts against the U.S. and then ensure a law that you have to pay taxes on stocks in the state where a companies headquarters is while restricting all companies who's largest percentage of sales comes in the United States has to have a corporate headquarters in the U.S.

Is there a reason or way to prevent display port from having so many connection issues specifically on port replicators (docking stations)?

In corporate environments I find so many times that you plug them up over and over, unplug over and over and check the connection a million times before turning everything off one final time, holding the power button on everything (kind of like an smc reset) and then booting up everything like you originally did and they come up. Is this a result of the devices trying to remember a previous setup or is their an easy way to avoid it?

I've hooked up dozens of them and still ran into issues when a family member brought a setup home to work when they were sick last week.

I use Bluetooth all the time for speakers and headsets, also the PlayStation 3 controller was Bluetooth, so would that not mean AI will be a top of the line tool in 2 years? I personally don't use it for anything at the moment, but in 2003 Plantronics released Bluetooth headsets for corporate environments (IP phones usually still used to this day).

Seems like more of a we aren't sure where this tool is most useful yet, but it will be used by many people around us.

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