
5 Post – 175 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Since 2016

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Is your stance really to go all in on treatment over prevention?

10 more...

Because it doesn't matter to reddit. They did the math on how many would leave and how much money they'd make pushing everyone else to their app. They came out on top and will be fine without us

3 more...

I left a month ago because it was clear they were going this way. Glad I'm here

Why are you such an asshole. She got out of her bullshit conservative bubble. Take the win

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Well, you could do interest free with penalties for not making minimum payments.

But also, effectively canceling student loans may be the whole point

Microsoft does make a special controller for people with disabilities. Still sucks for people with custom setups. The cheating in fps games is out of control though

15 more...

Yeah, it's not at all the fault of you idiots who don't understand the realities of a two party system

Are you real? This is so on the nose it comes off as a #walkaway bullshit. Project 2025 is real. We aren't guaranteed to survive

Opposing districting that is explicitly designed to lessen the voting power of black people isn't opposing racism?

I got permabanned arguing with right wing trolls. I don't think I was too bad, but maybe?

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Why do you think? He's a right wing fascist asshole

Holy shit. You still have problems?

7 more...

Lol what? This is a crazy take. I'm not reading you're comment history to make sense of a single comment

Meatball Ron

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Why wouldn't you want to redistrict when it's been gamed for minority rule?

Lol what? All the democrats didn't trust it? Are you nuts? We were begging for that shit

I think he was asking if you notice this happening more in general interactions with others, not in yourself. Can't tell if this is a good example of what he's talking about.

Lol, you people are so damn weird

What's your proposition? Let Russia take Ukraine?

We're coming up on 7 years for the switch, and it wasn't exactly powerful when it released. Seems reasonable for them to refresh

5 more...

I lost mine just before the app shutdown for calling a right wing troll a loser. They said I repeatedly violated rules and perma banned me. All I can figure is I got bombed with reports or the admin handling my appeal is one of them

Oh well. Now I'm here

They migrated hangouts to chat and opened chat up to unpaid users

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I'd guess it's related to unfederating. Someone is butt hurt and out for revenge

Holy shit, I assumed most of it was direct satire of COVID

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Lol you're nuts. I'm most definitely not a Republican. This guy is an idiot

Sure they won. Their calculations were correct. They lost some users, but not enough to hurt them

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Yeah, I assume I got mass reported and the admins either didn't care to look at it or they're extremists themselves

Aren't they just removing the rewards app? You can still do rewards through the Xbox app

What was the point of your reply then? We know the fucking context.

Exactly. That was the moment and it passed. It would take something so extreme it's hard to even fathom. Actually, maybe it's as simple as the left taking up arms and starting militias similar to the right.

Yeah, there totally wasn't an attempt to overturn an election 2 years ago

4 more...

Are we ever getting season 2?


Good phones are still $400. They just have this ridiculous tier now that is even higher

Don't forget desantis voted against relief for sandy


Goes to show what a problem Jim Jordan would be. I'd rather have the racist piece of shit