Tried joining Reddit again because of lack of activity in very niche communities, got banned again ,_, to – 354 points –

Reddit improved their anti-ban evasion system, cuz it's the sixth or more failed attempt at evading a permanent ban. Never more, I am staying here.



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I got permabanned arguing with right wing trolls. I don't think I was too bad, but maybe?

Who can say, right? The gears of Reddit are inscrutable.

That said, when you engage with an extremist, there's always 20 other extremists looking at your replies and just waiting to report you if you say the slightest mean thing. They are mucilaginous troglodytes and one mustn't extend to them the credence that they're dealing in good faith.

Yeah, I assume I got mass reported and the admins either didn't care to look at it or they're extremists themselves