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Joined 12 months ago

Yeah the "I respect the intellectual property rights of others" bit rings a bit hollow.

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Unless Google are planning to completely lock the browser down to prevent user scripting and all extensions

Ding ding ding!

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Because they're hopeful they can save the site through activism. What they forget is that they are not protesting a government, they are trying to stop a corporate entity from fulfilling it's legal obligations to make money for it's investors.

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Hindenburg is an investment firm that researches publicly-traded companies and shorts their stocks if they find sufficient evidence of investor fraud before releasing its report.

What a wild business plan. I'm amazed it's legal.

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My objection with federating with Threads has nothing to do with privacy or data access, it has to do with keeping the ActivityPub protocol alive. Embrace, extend, extinguish is a much more legitimate threat to the fediverse than data scraping ever will be. No, the danger is that Meta will begin to contribute to the protocol. At first, contribution by a corporate actor would seem like a fantastic boon to an open standard that we wish to see grow, that's the embrace phase. But it would not be long before Meta began adding features that are exclusive to a Threads user - they'll extend the protocol to better accomplish their ends. In this way, they seek to bring more and more users into their platform in order to take advantage of these exclusive features while maintaining compatibility with the larger Fediverse. The end goal is to have enough users that when they decide to break that compatibility, they will make off with the majority of the users from the open community; that's the extinguish part.

This is a well-established strategy that large tech companies have employed with open standards in the past (see XMPP). I strongly believe it is in the Fediverse's long term interests to remain defederated from Threads, and any other large corporate player. Better to have fewer users and grow organically than to federate with Meta; we may see a short term boost to the fediverse, but the long term risks outweigh any benefit.

That being said, the nice thing about the fediverse is that I can just leave this instance for another if I disagree with the admin's decisions.

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These AI searches are really what I wanted AskJeeves to be way back in the day.

They do know this. They're avoiding any legal exposure by being vague.

Steam has some of the most consistent and high quality servers around. It's quite rare to see them slow down or go down, at least in my experience.

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For those that do relocate, Bloomberg writes they’ll be given $7,000 stipends, while Apple will offer the others four weeks of severance plus another week’s worth per year that they worked, as well as six months of health insurance.

It's a scumbag move to try and frame this as anything other than a layoff, but this seems fairly decent of Apple. Admittedly, I'm not sure how this compares to other severance packages though - can someone give context on how this measures up?

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Unironically, the terminal.

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I hear this a lot, but I changed from google to DDG about a year ago and haven't even considered looking back. I can find everything I need quite easily and can only think of maybe a handful of times that I have had to resort to using a bang to try and find something using another search engine. I'm very curious what the difference is between my experience and that of others who have problems DDG.

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Why should we, America, carry the burden of defending Europe when it won't pay for its own defence?

I love this sentiment simply because the idea that the US would be spending less on the military if they weren't in NATO is ridiculous. There's no stopping US military spending without absolutely crippling the US economy. Other NATO members spending more on their militaries will not save the US taxpayer a dime.

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Meshkov said that assessment [that scriptlet injection is the only reliable method of ad blocking for youtbue] is accurate if you limit yourself to browser extensions (which is how most popular ad blockers are distributed). But he pointed to network-level ad blockers and alternative YouTube clients, such as NewPipe, as other approaches that can work.

How exactly do these youtube front ends survive Google anyways? Why can't Google simply block all the traffic coming from these front ends in order to kill them off entirely? Kind of interesting that some ad blockers are having a hard time being effective on YT while these front ends seem to be having no issues accessing videos on the site.

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And here I am just now learning that cars have streaming media apps? That seems insane to me in the first place...

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Most likely they do not appreciate people adding features to their products for free because these are features that could be sold on future models. This is why right to repair is so important.

I just wish it would stop showing me ads for Linus' Only Fans. Like, I already subbed, please go away.

Expansion packs are the grandparents of DLC. They took something great and corrupted it to try and wring us for all we're worth.

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Strikes me as tongue-in-cheek.

This is already the case in Saskatchewan and it hasn't managed to curb the population.

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I think it's a pretty good idea, at least for this period of transition towards self-driving vehicles. I think it's useful information for other drivers to know that the vehicle is being controlled by a computer and not a real human.

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Yes, something tells me that they will just switch to attempting to introduce this piecemeal so that fewer people will notice what's going on.

Both of these things can be true at the same time.

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This is a good policy, but it's not always that simple for people who have been making games on the engine. Many people have spent years of their lives working on projects using Unity, or have already released products using Unity which they are now supporting. Changing a project to another game engine is a massive undertaking, so Unity has a semi-captive consumer base in the short term.

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Why do you think that they give a shit about online privacy? This isn't a privacy bill, it's a bill stopping another government from doing exactly the same shit that the US government does through domestic apps. They aren't looking out for people, they're afraid of the competition.

Feels like a fantastic base for an anti-trust case at the least.

I find it interesting that many of these complaints essentially boil down to: listen, I know you have vast amounts of data about who I am as a person, so why aren't you using this data effectively?

Would we ever be able to use a material like this to reflect a significant enough portion of the light falling on Earth to reduce the total heat imparted by sunlight in a meaningful way? Could we use this as defacto ice caps to perhaps reduce global temperatures in any real way?

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I don't think there would be any need to dispose of any part of the ultrasound system; perhaps a disposable paper or plastic cover to speed up cleaning between patients. Meanwhile the needles are single use and must be disposed of properly since they are a bio-hazard. Can't really see how a needle could possibly compete on the waste side of things.

Big and heavy means quality, don't you know?

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Not launching in the EU tells you everything you need to know about their privacy policies.

"I may have committed some light treason."

It certainly has it's ups and downs. It's nice having smaller communities as it really helps having more congenial conversations, but I do miss the larger user base sometimes, since it ensures more coverage of a given topic.

I would like to point out that this is exactly the same difficulty of just installing linux, without freeing you from microserfdom.

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This is considered the only viable setup for attempting 64 heat.

That must be why the homicide rates in the rest of the world are so much higher than the US.

Sounds like taxation without representation to me.

The number of math epiphanies I've had on youtube is way too high. Good math teachers are a rare breed.

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I want to play this game so badly, but I might wait to see how it plays on PS5. Seems like a great couch game. Little worried about how it'll control though.

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Everyone, please reach out to your local anti-trust government organization to ensure they are aware of this issue. They cannot do anything about something that they are unaware of. It's easy to forget that the internet is a bubble and not everyone is clued into it's issues.

I much prefer Paramount#