
2 Post – 1738 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You can use it for PHONES?! That’s a pretty dope use case actually.

I’ve never heard of TeamViewer being used for anything but refund scams and the like.

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Your response is so artdecopunk

Random person here just popping in to say I’ve never heard of you before and you make fantastic music. I’ve been going to raves and festivals since the mid-00s and I would love to see you spin hahaha

Also all excellent advice.

Regardless of how shit Trump is, abusing adderall is dope

Yes but also S T E A M

If you live in a humid, much poo carries on.

When my bois were kittens, they would play with it either way. You’re totally correct.

So what’s the alternative that is better

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Reminds me of a scam call center person telling Kitboga “your IP address is tied to your house address. You don’t get a new one unless you move houses”

into it

Xanax Snax

I’m not downvoting you but I hella disagree for certain things. But only certain things. Will I notice The Office is 720p? Heck no. The Holy Mountain? Absolutely.

Nary an original thought in my head

I’m an audiophile and I can only hear the difference between 192 and FLAC if I have certain headphones on. I have a full-aaa system and sub in my car with a million speakers and a 192 sounds the same as a FLAC.

Ayyyooo you don’t hafta be a slut to love MDMA

Ehhhhh so this was in 2000. Your standard ecstasy pill (we’re assuming they’re not pipers; these don’t look shiny and they’re not shaped or outpressed) have between 70mg MDMA and 120mg (if they’re absolute fire.)

This would be about 400mg of MDMA total. While that is quite a lot, you’re not going to have a horrible time—I just wouldn’t do it in public because you WILL be a chattering mess. It’ll still feel amazing, though.

Source: oldhead, last time I rolled it was a total of about 450mg but spread out over hours and I was absolutely not in public, just writing naked with my partner)

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My partner and I had VERY different experiences.


I played and got a friend right away, my friend was VERY chirpy and led me around and when I had to poop I tried to communicate it and they KNEW… They were the perfect partner. I really felt like a made a deep connection with this person I couldn’t communicate with. I teared up and when their Steam name showed at the end credits I added them immediately and we have a long chat about our experience.

My partner? First friend joined, was a speedrunner. Just ran ahead without so much as a chirp. Nobody else was joining so we started over. Got another friend who randomly dropped out after a bit. Finally found another friend who also just left about 3/4 of the way through. Frustration; quit.

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That’s totally what my person was doing, and they definitely had white robe. Bless you for making people’s experiences amazing. You’re the best kind of player!

AKSHULLY that wasn’t a thing in the 2000s, just marketing hype. Rolls back then had between 70 and 120mg of MDMA, and 120 is a basal amount you want to take if you fully want to get rolling.

Now it’s TOTALLY a thing, tons of rolls have 300-400mg in a single pill now. It’s insanity.

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Oh GOD I fully agree in that case. Rolls nowadays have up to 300-400mg in a single pill (sounds like you already know that, but I’m just saying this for context in case another reader doesn’t)

That’d be like eating a gram or more of Molly at once, and THAT is for sure not safe and not a good time.

RTFA already

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Article lawl

Androids/sheep was so good

Oooo nice. Projectors also hide imperfections better than LCD/OLED screens.

720p is TOTALLY fine but if it’s something beautiful or something I really enjoy (say, Climax or Baraka or even animu like Your Name) there’s zero chance I’m getting a 720p version of it. Even older stuff like THE BEST SHOW EVER MADE, Six Feet Under, I’m getting the best quality possible… even if it’s 4:3.

For regular shows and movies and things that I don’t hold dear to my heart, 720p is no problem.

Stats: gigabit, tons of storage, and 1440p

I’m surprised not to see “Weed” here.

I don’t smoke anymore, cuz awesome anxiety. But I was hella addicted when I was younger. I’ve got a few friends who HAVE to smoke every day, or when they go out, or when they play video games, or when they wake up…

It’s not physically addictive, but damn can it ever be mentally.

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When GOD gives you LEMONS


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Microsoft saying “stop using Google” is actually totally fine with me.

But only if they’re saying “go get Firefox.”






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Dope never left mine.

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I, for one, am completely okay with someone who REALLY LOVES KILLIN’ using violent media as an outlet instead of actually killin’…

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I cut the bottom panel out and it’s infinitely better

I don’t need a laugh track for my image macros

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This thread would be locked within an hour on Reddit now hahaha

Everyone says “problems with websites in Firefox!”

Nobody has examples

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Apple bad

Wait hold on

People wanting to make software for widely used devices bad?

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I found the process fucking terrible, so I went the EVEN BETTER route

  1. Log into my credit card

  2. Click “dispute transaction”

  3. Reason: “Unable to cancel account”

Worked a dream.

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