Quick question—movie streaming site, extremely minimal interface and URL

Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 82 points –

I learned of this site from someone here and CANNOT, for the life of me, find it now. It was super simple like “watch.med.ia” or something, and had a dark, minimalistic UI. It had all things ever, basically, and the quality was stellar. No ads.

I’d love to find that site again, please, if anyone knows what I’m referencing.



MY HERO! Thank you so super much!

Happy to help :) I don't use streaming sites anymore but keep them bookmarked for exactly this purpose.

I mostly download stuff mostly as well! But sometimes my partner and I are all skronked up and want something we can pull up with minimal effort. Thank you oodles, again!

At the risk of telling you something you've heard before, have you tried out Sonarr/Radarr? Once I got it set up, it really made acquiring media to watch super easy. You can use it to fetch things from torrent sites or Usenet. I do the latter, because of how fast it is to download something. Then I have it piping that media to a Jellyfin server on the same PC, which I then use to stream to my TV in the living room.

I have looked into them on a very surface level, but I’ve been too lazy to get them set up. I have a GSA flashed to a normal BIOS and a bunch of SAS drives I intend to install them on, but I really hafta get my butt in gear.

Thank you so much for the recco though!

There are a lot more sites in the megathread, though this is definintly the one that fits your description the most.

Mhm, I checked the megathread but if this site was in there, I missed it.

You definitely missed it, it’s one of the goats


That's amazing! I had no idea this existed. The clean UI, no ads, only the movie, it's truly awesome. I mostly download stuff anyway, but I'll recommend this to all my friends. Thank you :3

I just installed Jackett (a tracker aggregator effectivley) yesterday, it was a super easy set up and now my qbittorrent can check all the torrent sites at the same time and find the highest seeded file from practically every public tracker on the internet.

So I'd highly recommend this route. I also set up Jellyfin on my WebOS TV yesterday too, which was a bit more of a challenge but it works flawlessly so I'd also highly recommend Jellyfin as well.

That’s a rabbit hole. Wait a few months and you be running Radarr, Sonarr, Bazarr, Prowlarr, Overseerr, Unpackerr, Autobrr, Upgraderr and I think I might have a problem.

It's a rabbit hole indeed, I've already started looking around the *arr-verse and I can definitely say several of them are looking mighty fine already. And they really aren't particulary challenging setups either, unless you get into the whole self-hosted side with NAS's and reverse proxies and what not.

Truly a golden age for FOSS at the moment.


Shut down weeks ago lol, plus movie-web is probably better

Nah it's still up. It jumps around. I watched a couple episodes of succession last night.

probably ee3(dot)me. It's register only though, and somewhat limited selection. No ads though

found an invite code its mpgh

The site is pretty nice

Oh, I forgot it even had an invite code. It's been quite a while since I registered. Thanks for reminding me!