185 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This was discussed on both communities you posted this two five days ago:

(Sorry for the yiffit links - Lemmy still does not have server-neutral ways to link to posts)

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Who is in charge of what's deemed "harmful"? How do they decide? Who put them in charge?

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Yes, weirdly the very same website wrote about it back then ( I'm not sure what inspired another article now.

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There is discussion on going at ! currently about new rules. Users posting the same story from the same source will be blocked by an automod. I asked about users posting the same story from different sources, and apparently that's absolutely fine. So expect this problem to get a lot worse before steps have to be taken to make it better :/

An article about population decline on a website literally called "Stop Population Decline" doesn't give me the impression it'll be fully balanced and unbiased.

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I do nearly all my clothes shopping at second hand stores. I love finding just the right items to make up great outfits to go out in. It can sometimes take months to piece together an outfit, though I do also mix and match things. It doesn't matter to me how long it takes; I enjoy shopping around, I enjoy a bargain, and I enjoy the challenge and reward of making my own great outfits at a tiny cost.

I can't believe Photopea ( is free. It has nearly all the same features as Photoshop and works in just the same way. But it runs in the browser! Super quick, regularly updated, and free. Amazing.

They did see the criticism; in fact a lot of it was aimed directly at them. But they thought that they were right.

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Although it features foxes rather than cats, Endling: Extinction is Forever ticks a lot of your boxes.

For something less survivally you could try Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered.

For those interested, the case is Rogozinski v Reddit Inc, U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, No. 23-00686.

Printers and printer ink

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UoPeople doesn’t charge for online college courses, course materials, or annual enrollment. Pay our minimal fees as you go, never upfront.

What are these minimal fees, and what are they for? I'm always skeptical of these online learning providers that imply they are free but don't quite say as much.

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Unfortunately, a lot of these safe spaces become echo chambers. People don't want to have their views challenged or try to see things from other perspectives. Many attempts at constructive dissent as mentioned in this post are discouraged and are generally unwelcome.

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This was originally published in 2021 so I wonder why it has a new article.

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Why does it make it dubious that the subject of a website is in its name? What if a website called "Stop Food Waste" takes about food waste?

Um, because they already have a clear agenda? They could be likely to be selective with their sources, not report on things that go against their view, etc.

I read the article and I encourage you to do the same if you did not already.

I read the article, thank you.

This was posted here two days ago:

The source code of the original game was leaked last year.

Archive link:

It's mostly tabloid press covering this story, but here's one slightly more legitimate source I found:
(archive link:

Perhaps it’s an issue with It's exactly that. See:

This is why Sony was making such a big deal about Call of Duty during the discussions about Microsoft acquiring Activision (owners of the Call of Duty franchise). Sony wanted reassurance that the Call of Duty games would still come out on the PlayStation consoles, and not be exclusive to Microsoft's platforms (Xbox and Windows). When you see that Call of Duty has been the best selling game nearly every year recently, you can understand Sony's plea.

If they're cross-posted they'll show up only once (though not all apps support this feature yet). I cross-post when I know something is especially relevant to multiple communities. If I don't then someone else will, either not cross-posting or using a different source, meaning it will definitely show up multiple times to people.

This is a really interesting extra bit of information to this story, thank you!

Here's a link to the episode for anyone else interested:

...b-b-but I won't get the exclusive hat for my character!

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I don't think this is yet possible in the Lemmy protocol itself.

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In places that don't have EV chargers currently, will it be the state's responsibility to install them?

On Finland's highways highlighted on the ball in that article, there are a lot of existing gas stations that have EV chargers. But there can easily be more than a 60km gap, especially the further north you go. Is it down to the state, local municipality, or EU to fund it?

Furthermore, if a commercial provider, like a gas station shuts down, would some authority be required to at least keep the EV chargers running?

How is the 60km distance calculated? From existing EV chargers? If a gas station closes, the measuring point to/from the next/previous EV charger will change.

I can't imagine the state will want to install EV chargers every 60km in addition to the ones already provided by commercial enterprises such as gas stations. Will they be required to?

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A spokesperson told Bloomberg that the fee will "help cover the costs of running a separate infrastructure and measuring its effectiveness." So a significant part of the fee is to pay for measuring it? What's that phrase about the bureaucracy expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy again...?

Is it just because of a funding crisis, or is it also because of rising prices partly due to sheer profiteering?

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Not all clients support this (yet). I only found out about this recently and have to go to the browser to use the crosspost feature.

Living like that sounds very harmful to ones mental health. Sometimes people can't improve despite trying and trying, and being told there's no point in living without improvement would just help people that are already depressed justify their thoughts on not being alive any more.

She wasn't anywhere near as influential or impactful to music and other musicians as Nirvana, which is the main point of comparison in the article. Many other musicians and singers have come and gone (male and female) and are not held in anywhere near the range reverence as Cobain, and that's simply because they had no lasting impact.

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For sure! See "Total Eclipse of the Heart".

I think people have the right to choose if they want to listen to something within their comfort zone or not. People have a generally good idea of what they like and don't like, and it's very reasonable for people to want to discover new music within genres they are familiar with.

No lie, there was a game that literally featured Chopin (the composer you see there as a statue) as a cosplaying twink.

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I did use the cross-post feature. Many apps do not recognise or acknowledge cross-posting yet which might explain why this article may have appeared multiple times for you.

Could you get yourself one of these Finnish can openers ("tölkinavaaja"). It's the most simple design and works perfectly.

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Because forums fell out of favour.

Long answer: internet services became easier to use for non-technically savvy people. It's no coincidence that as internet access broadened, sites like Facebook gained popularity because they gave people premade, customisable pages that could allow them to express themselves to others and engage in discussion.

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You can't do that currently.