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As a kid I rarely listened to anything, these days I put on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio show, just go bacl to the start I've heard up to the third phase often but not the further ones as much. In the more recent past it may have been a Harry Potter (UK) book or again Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy voiced by Stephen Fry. Guess that's a lot of UK stuff considering I'm Canadian, but Fry has such a nice voice to drift off to.

The upside of having no real stances is you can throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks towards your benefit.

Also an upside of never implementing what you promised it doesn't matter what you said last.

From the guy that also had 'executive time' blocked off many (most? All?) mornings of his presidency, he only wanted to be in front of the cameras. Trump has never worked for what would amount to a full time day in his life I bet.

Amazes me that a grifter who I doubt anyone would truly trust to babysit or even be a manager at a fast food joint gets so much support and offered access to some of the world's most secret Intel.

So with wildfires in Canada there's evacuation zones near me, but I can't click on some announcement links from the main site that shows the evacuation zones because they go to twitter and you need to log in now. I think they show some on other pages on the site but they do the quicklink to the twitter announcement in the sidebar so you have to click around a bit to get to it. Yes I know the name but whatever. My point being is when the social media site that was meant for short bits of info isn't good for emergency notifications where everyone can read, it's shitty and potentially harmful.

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The Republican party: please see us as the victims even if we've directly cultivated this outcome. How would we know it may cause us problems and not the Democrats? Seriously this isn't our fault, the government is only on hold due to Democrats not voting for a speaker. Send donations so we can get more Republicans to argue with next term.

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I was so disappointed when Gaetz (almost forgot to include the name, have to be specific when talking about Republicans) wasn't charged after all the venmo stuff came out. Like it seemed there was evidence that he should have at least been charged and had a trial. Unless I missed something else after that completely absolved him of ties with the sex trafficking guy who he was apparently buddy with.

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I'm a Canadian who doesn't pay much attention to hockey (yeah I know), but fuck this decision. Everyone should be for inclusive rights to all members of society who respect others. No ands ifs or buts. Fuck people who don't agree, it's not in your face it's just people wanting to be treated as equals you fuckers. I'd say heaven forbid we welcome different people but that's already in the bible, not that these people read it.

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That and he didn't get his way to not have a lunch break. He thought he had the power to say no since they were at Mar a lago and they wouldn't have option for a lunch if he said so, then got angry when he lost on that little decision. That's the temperament of the GOP forerunner, can't even be overruled on a lunch decision without being set off.

'If' Trump plans to sell the stock, of course be plans to, he doesn't care about it long term for potential real money. Also it's the only reason it's going public so he can cash out. He can buy more ways to whine his festivus grievances if he has real cash when it goes under.

Is there any way to know if Trump has actually sold his stock? Unsure how that stuff is reported but I sort of assume there're records of who (or what shell companies) own them.

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Well it's their fault they weren't born rich brought to you by the party of family values, if your family cared they'd have made more money before you were born.

I've done Factorio from vanilla, vanilla plus qol mods, to angels and bobs mods. Something is so satisfying once you get a train network set up, bots doing their thing (think it's improved but used to be a performance killer with too many) and watching everything just work. I think I was at 400 hours before I even bothered launching a rocket which is where they say you beat the game. Anyone looking for YouTubers check out KatherineOfSky, think she still does them for factorio and is quite nice to watch and learn from. I actually haven't played in a few years now but have 600ish hours (maybe left it on a few nights running by accident but mostly true hours), great game to figure out logistics, timings and such. Also personally usually played without the biters since I just wanted to build (glad they took out the requirement to kill biters for science) but watching other people build up defenses seems interesting but too stressful for my play.

From the guy who you could insert him saying me/Trump whenever he said United States, this country etc. Of course he doesn't think about the word us, that's means including people who aren't him.

If you somehow managed to reach into a beehive multiple times without being stung you'd probably think you'll never be stung. It shows why the law can't ignore white collar crimes, you get people like Trump who have never faced real consequences for their actions. I'm pretty sure it's compunded by his narcissism but then you get into sensitive situations because now he's a public figure. Trump should never have been a sensitive situation for the law, he's a criminal and has always been one but they're treating him softer than someone in traffic court where the ticketing officer isn't even there.

Like 'Mr Trump Jr.' doesn't spend most days hoping he'll make his father not regret naming him junior, kinda like Mr Trump senior's father relation if I've understood things, though in senior's case I think it's just getting the name Trump. They're worse than the Bluths and not nearly as funny to watch. Not to mention much less Ron Howard voiceovers which doesn't help their amusement.

Just wanted to add, for those that don't know (probably not needed but still) Arrested Development was a comedy about a rich family of real estate types that had their comeuppance, well I'm foggy on the outcome but they had law troubles due to some light treason, and other shady issues. If you've read this far just watch it on Netflix it's one of the most clever comedies you'll come across, if you enjoy British humour from an American angle.

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I always think of the South Park episode that dealt with the Napster piracy when Metallica gets mentioned. Oh no she can only afford the Golfstream 3 without the surround sound with remote control. I get it, but it was amusing.

Same here, I think I posted like two things in my 15 years of Reddit to ask a question but I did comment now and then. I imagine it'll be similar on Lemmy, as much as it needs content I got nothing to really add.

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I didn't do it till last minute cause I'm lazy and hate creating accounts for every little thing these days (though I definitely prefer a new account than login with Google or whatnot). However I loved Reddit is Fun and the CEO has made some less than satisfactory decisions so it was time to pull up stakes and move on, again, though 15 years since the Digg move it had it's time, now for something else. I thought it was amusing I didn't even realize spez was the CEO till this recent but, I just always saw him posting but never commenting so I ignored him years ago. Figure you should do more than spam links on these sites.

Two weeks around Trump cronies does sound like it'd feel like eternity, though I doubt any of them would make a single Scaramucci in fast food or anything at minimum wage. I may lower some of my morals for less but not as low to be working for Trump for any paycheque.

For the shortest tenures (or close) in the Trump administration it's amusing how well known he is just by political durations being measured by his employment.

NYT is carrying enough water for Trump they may as well be an aqua duct. Mean the polls may be accurate but it's hard to believe much of what they put out between Biden and Trump. I'm sure I could read the methods but I rarely get to read NYT due to paywall.

I recall seeing at least one interview with this guy, he was all self righteous like his shit didn't stink, big pompous ass. Wasn't this the dude who Kushner found by looking at books on Amazon? Cause that's how all the best advisors are found.

Okay I'll bite, which words in his reply do you think needed a thesaurus?

When I read about her glaringly obvious mistakes (according to an article regarding admitting evidence,stating positions on things where the judge said she'd turn into a witness if her statement was true) that was the first thing that came to mind, she's there to make it last longer, and doesn't seem like the courts have a way to handle it well without a new trial so it goes slowly. Trump is like a full blown security test on US political and legal systems and they aren't performing well to his strategies.

I'm in my mid 40s, mid 20s feels like a lifetime and a few different versions of myself in the past. A shame there's no way to give us this perspective when we're young, maybe some hallucinogens could help but I'd doubt it'd be the same. I couldn't even imagine myself at 40 when I was in my early 20s but that's how life goes for now.

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I thought with Trump his Dad schooled him to behave the way he did, always pitting the sons against each other, never accept a loss etc. It'd be easier to pity him under that view if he wasn't trying to wreck the world.

Oh and him not realizing this even being an old man at this point. At some point people need to learn some self reflection but when you have access to as much money as Trump (not as much as he claims) there's not much reason to.

Other comments I read said that's not applicable to this case anyways, unsure exactly how it goes but thought I'd mention it also unsure if it has anything to do with her plea deal since she has to testify.

As per his own words, he's a whiner cause he'll do it till it wins. Unsure how well that works in criminal court though. I'm hoping we get to find out the court's limits sooner than later

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So it's not Amazon's responsibility to confirm the address of companies they allow to sell products on their site? I think that's at least partially in Amazon's domain, they can at least confirm addresses and where sellers are shipping products from compared to their return labels. It may be cost effective but if the seller doesn't expect their shoes back why even bother? Oh cause then customers would take advantage... yeah can't have that.

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Mean she said 'I think he learned his lesson' about Trump and the impeachment, she isn't exactly a goldmine of truth and honesty. I bet she doesn't even wear a bikini, I'd have more respect for her if she did.

The lady in the article said she might change her mind about voting for him if he was convicted of election interference. Like he just was, mean not exactly but the reason it was a felony was due to the election campaign. Least if I understood correctly, otherwise they'd have been misdemeanors. Or something like that anyways.

That's exactly how Trump thinks, whenever he calls things unfair it's just regular crap but everything is unfair if they don't get their desired outcome. The mental gymnastics are absolutely amazing with these people. If we could turn that into an energy source we could get off of oil. Likewise with their projection, though we'd need to limit the size of screen they'd produce otherwise we could only make out a nose hair at best.

Yeah it's been awhile, old penny arcade about it been almost 20 years. I remember hoping to see it at the time.

Same here, many other things I don't do:

  • withhold congress assigned funds to blackmail a foreign country for personal gain
  • Steal protective gear from states during a pandemic
  • Commit tax fraud (this is the condensed version)
  • Rape women
  • Rape underage girls
  • Try and extort/convince states to change a fair election
  • Not illegal usually, but not lie like you're trying to win a high score with your heartbeats
  • Teargas protesters so you can get a photo op in front of a church

Like you need an asterisk now when you tell kids they could grow up to be US President. I know there's tons more.

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There's a whole movie using the same rhythm 'dont look up' that, I assume, it was modeled after. I'm sure his narcissism is clutching for some control these days and it's driving him mad.

But Putin wasn't supposed to lie to THEM, they're all bros and whatever, dude did Putin a solid and went to war. Kinda like narcissistic dictators (is that redundant?) just say whatever they want to get the most support they can at that minute. Hopefully others have and others will continue to learn from this and make some changes for their country. I'm not holding my breath though.

First year programming in the late 90s .. segmentation fault? I put printfs everywhere. Heh. You'd still get faults before the prints happened, such a pain to debug while learning. Though we weren't really taught your point of the comment at the time.

Least that was my experience on an AIX system not sure if that was general or not, the crash before a print I mean.

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Learn? Trump has a handful of actions that he repeats since it's work his whole life, sue, whine loudly how badly he's treated, threaten, commit large amounts of fraud like it's going out of style. Hopefully he'll finally have reprocussions in action (know we're waiting on time while he is supposed to pay) but I doubt he'll actually learn, he'll just go back to his whining.

I always thought if it was a fighting game sue would be his default attack button.

I thought the main reason was so they couldn't give Biden a win? Though that was a comment a few weeks back, unsure if it's that bill but assume so since they don't tend to move quickly.

You'd think if the founders imagined a president being so corrupt he would have any services removed, but no the US politics was ratfucked so much Trump was president and gets a soapbox to spouse out more shit than a heard of animals. Maybe the constitution should have some educational amendments added so people can understand what a con man he is. I'm just a neighbor but it's worrying when the largest military in the world gets controlled by someone bothered by people saying he has small hands.

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It was also testified in a deposition (or similar that would be perjury for lying, maybe not by Trump I can't recall) that he (or Trump org?) had 400million liquidity, so it shouldn't be that big of an issue for him to come up with it. Even if he had to deal with the defamation bond. So he (or his lackey) told the courts that they could cover it, I mean a real estate billionaire down 100million should be able to come up with 150million (sorry if math is off, liquidity - defamation bond - tax-fraud bond difference) from non liquid assets without too much work right? I'm sure some bond company would cover it with proper collateral anyways. Hah. These are the chickens coming to roost you orange turd.

Being older I've really only known Parker as Spider-Man, don't even think I've watched any animated with Morales yet. The Miles Morales game kinda felt like a Gen-Z Parker to me, in the way they updated to a younger character but almost all of his dialogue felt like it could come from Parker though of course their personal situation and known people are different. I was a bit hesitant on the change at first (harder to take change sometimes heh) but at about halfway through Miles Morales game now I feel quite satisfied with how the cutscenes and story have played out, he feels like a good successor to the hero. I'm sure many people have had similar reactions over the years, especially between gold-silver age comic choices. I've always known multiple Flash characters (once I started watching more animated shows) so this isn't much different.