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Joined 12 months ago

It's not dying because it is already dead

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How to make controlled substances.

It's not illegal for anyone to know, it is also technically legal to make and possess if you have the correct licensing for some substances, but it is illegal to synthesize them.

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You only worked for a LORD for 150 days of the year.

You still had to provide for yourself from scratch outside of that. Work today may be shit, but it wasn't that shit.

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Is this even news? Literally an exploit as old as time.

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Guarantee that they contributed no code back

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That's the thing, the game is already online only, why do they need anti piracy DRM on top of it?

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Lol ain't no way, so reddit basically just pulled an exit scam?

16k, it's iMAX, which is about as good as it gets.

I mean, if you think about it, gay men are so manly that they are literally into men as men. It's like double man.

It doesn't get manlier than that. Literally twice the men.

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They don't cap data because there is a "finite supply of data" they cap it because there is a finite amount of bandwidth.

That being said though, it should still be banned because it isn't 2005 anymore and the bandwidth we have is absolutely ridiculous.

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The job market is utterly shit right now, they frankly do not have a choice.

I completely agree with everything you said except for ONE little thing:

You are grossly misrepresenting how far that can is kicked down, for the worse. It doesn't kick it down a couple thousand years, it kicks it down for if DOZENS of millennia assuming we stay at the current energy capacity. Even if we doubled or tripled it, it would still be dozens of millennia. First we could use the uranium, then when that is gone, we could use thorium and breed it with plutonium, which would last an incomprehensibly longer time than the uranium did. By that point, we could hopefully have figured out fusion and supplement that with renewable sources of energy.

The only issue that would stem from this would be having TOO much energy, which itself would create a new problem which is heat from electrical usage.

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Margot Robbie uses Lemmy

Hold on, I thought it was supposed to be realism on the virgin's behalf and ridiculous nonsense on the chad behalf:

All I see is realism on both sides lol

"What is my purpose?"

"You wash my asshole when I poop"

"Oh my god"

adding DRM to a game that is already always-online

Funny should you mention that


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Not in this field anymore, but used to be a landscaper for a handful of years.

A lot of people think that landscaping is just grass cutting, but it's called that because you are literally scaping the land, and sometimes beyond that.

Hell, roof work, foundation laying, pressure washing, among other things, have been a part of my duties during my time in that field.

Me after watching family get brutally murdered in front of my very eyes:

hOlD uP gOtTa PlAy SoMe TeTrIs To PrEvEnT pTsD, mEnTaL hEaLtH aWaReNeSs BrO

On another note, does playing amogus with the boys increase the chances of it becoming PTSD?

Those tablets are almost totally worthless. When I worked IT at a state facility, those things malfunctioned almost guaranteed. They were vendor machines so I could not touched them, but the software from what I had seen was so locked down and proprietary that you'd have to have vendor tools to do anything with them or the PXE server.

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I wipe in a position that is more like squatting, because standing up clenches the cheeks making it harder to clean, but sitting leaves the possibility of potentially dipping your hand in the toilet bowl.

It is the superior way, embrace the squat wipe.

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How do we know it isn't OP deliberately blocking neighbor?

"Legalize sale of human organs"

Oh boy, I definitely don't see where that could go wrong.

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I'm a typing dog. Ruff ruff.

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That is unfortunate, bandcamp is the main place that my fans get my music from.

A US Citizen.

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Missed opportunity to say "I'm feelin' hot"

Well guys we had a good run, free and open source software is officially over

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Lemmy chads just can't stop winning

"They hated Jesus, because he told them the truth"

There is nobody more pretentious and judgemental than an evangelical.

The actual answer is having a corrupt, monotone bipartisan system.

The cum chalice must be consumed

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LSD and mushrooms too. MDMA is a bit sideways but psychedelics in general should not be illegal

I was about to make a meme until I read it further.

That sucks man, I don't have anything else to say.

rising cost of living wages not rising with them scam of a healthcare system you will own nothing unless you slave away for the rest of your days

Color me surprised

Just because something psychoactive grows in nature doesn't mean it is not a drug. Anything that has a physical or psychoactive effect, or anything at all beyond nutrition, is a drug. DMT, Salvia, Psilocin, Mescaline, Phenethylamine, Opium, these are all indeed drugs.

The reason you said this is because the word drug has a (very unfair) negative association because it is used as a blanket term to describe the reason someone acts a certain way on them, therefore making it seem that all drugs are bad (drugs, like anything in life, are only bad if you abuse them).

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My father did this, but he only did this because it was either delete the EGR or scrap the truck, a truck which, almost 9 years later, he has still not paid off. He had issues specifically with the emissions device and the work involved would have turned it into a Ship of Theseus

How about we ban Ohio state republicans from living?