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Joined 10 months ago

Bro the US used their veto in the UN to prevent the demand for a ceasefire passing. Literally only USA and Israel voted against. The US is the most powerful country in the world for now, you'd be hard pressed to find an arena of politics they DONT have immense power over. Certainly they have power over the genocides their allies do.

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The best case scenario of letting Meta in is neutrality. Far more likely is then actively destroying stuff. Remember, their motto is move fast and break things

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Uhh, good luck with that. The free market taketh, the free market taketh away.

Okay but it isn't for normal people. Your made up numbers have nothing to do with the average person.

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Bro this isn't a meme, Israel is attempting genocide against Palestinians. It isn't cool to be edgy just for the hell of it

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Only when enemies of America do it. After all, won't somebody think of big pharmas profits?

Saying it is good enough. It's not unreasonable to think a regular person might be against human rights abuses. You can't demand that citizens go support your imperialist regime just because they only indirectly show support for human life.

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WTF is dignity? Sounds like something religious nut jobs made up to control women with

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I'm a pacifist and my favorite game is dark souls 2. This is because I am aware of the difference between games and reality.

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Why is he carrying a rock labelled hard work? Is that what he calls your rent check or something? I work hard, my land lord does not. That's literally the entire relationship.

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If a natural human response messes up your execution, you should absolutely blame the method.

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A statement by the IDF is not proof. If your source is simply quoting the people you are trying to provide a source for, that is not a source.

Headline: IDF claims x. You: here's a source, this website independently verified that the IDF did in fact say X.

You see the issue here, right?

It's definitely a good thing that Americans are engaging in the discourse around the war, considering were the primary funder of it.

65 is way too low, especially an effective 59 while running. Just make it 80, with an effective 74 for candidates. There are plenty of highly capable 70 year olds.

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No dude, you're wrong. If it were at all possible for Palestinians to walk away from their oppressors, they would have. I don't know the details of whatever was offered, but I can only assume it was "Palestine leaves their land forever and unconditionally surrenders to Israel's demands". That is not a peace deal, that is extortion.

Yeah, if she wanted anybody to respect her, she would only do jobs that are in the public service, like sex work.

Y'all is just a useful word, other ways of referring to a group of people are ambiguous, esp. now that They doesn't always mean multiple

Do you know what genocide is? It's pretty much the most black and white issue there could possibly be. People who disagree with me on this ARE evil. There is actually such a thing as truth.

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Because the one party state rigged it to be this way. They make sure the Dems aren't a meaningful improvement ever, to sow apathy.

Why would I base my opinions on what slave owners who had never seen a light bulb thought?

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Tankies aren't fascists, dumbass. Why don't you go catch up to speed on common knowledge before you start debating things you clearly do not understand.

Oh yeah, here's the ol anti semitism dog whistle. Nobody's buying that crap anymore, bro. And are you saying that Palestine has been bombing themselves, discriminating against themselves, and stealing their homes to give to to Israelis themselves, this entire time? Idk what your end goal is, but supporting genocidal regimes rarely looks good in hindsight. Israel is the bad guy here, period. Do you take pleaseure in being wrong about basic facts or something?

Just fine him $1 billion every time he does shit like this. If he doesn't pay, sue his ass in a $5 billion lawsuit. We have ways of making him talk.

You got any proof of that beyond "The genocidal state attacking them said so"? And further, since Israel is attacking all refugees, wouldn't they thus all be enemy combatants? In which case it'd be like the Nazis saying they're justified having concentration camps because they are at war with the Jews.

Wildly misleading title, USA has not made any concrete plans for the investment, and has a history of lying about everything.

Israel already controls every aspect of life in Gaza. They ration how much food and water they allow in, to keep them near starvation.

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I feel sorry for that guy, now his opinion is floating around forever, all for 100 measly upvotes if that. I can't imagine anything more degrading, it's sad to see someone sell their dignity for nothing.

Whatever Palestine does to free themselves from oppression is justified. Israel has never been oppressed by Palestine.

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Why don't I have the right to do whatever drugs I like? I know what I'm getting into, and it's my body. A lot of psychiatrists preach the benefits of mushrooms and acid for mental health. And meth and crack certainly aren't as powerful as mushrooms or acid.

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Israel is never going to respond to Diplomacy. That's not how genocidal states operate.

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You can't logic someone out of a position they didn't logic themselves into. Also, why would we bother showing them compelling evidence before we shoot them?

If he's short on cash, he should get a job, like the rest of us, rather than leeching off of others.

Even if you're right, that doesn't mean we should actually kill them. People are people, they should be treated as such. We can throw them in jail far easier, and to the rest of us, it's equivalent to them being dead.

They're denying it because it's not true. Have you talked to gen Z? Young people actually are pro Palestine.

Hopefully it's like cow tipping

You act like running a country is hard. The only hard part of running America is hiding all your bribes.

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Ahh, 2 tons of duck beaks actually aren't heavy enough, actually

Because your opinion makes you look like, at best an idiot, at worst a bigot.

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No, we do not have information on what the CIA is currently doing, aside from "bad shit". For some reason, they aren't telling us in advance.

If the Jews had had a group similar to Hamas during the Holocaust, any rational person would say that's a good thing, as it might have lessened the horrors the Nazis could put them through. So yes, if the victims of a genocide retaliate against the perpetrators of it, that is good. Learn critical thinking skills please.

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