US allows Israeli citizens to travel to US visa-free as Israel joins a select group of countries to World – 93 points –
US allows Israeli citizens to travel to US visa-free as Israel joins a select group of countries

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Bro this isn't a meme, Israel is attempting genocide against Palestinians. It isn't cool to be edgy just for the hell of it

1972 is not exactly a meme either. Palestine got themselves where they are now and are fully responsible for their situation. Don't blame it on isrelael to try and justify your antisemitism. They always try to hide their antisemitism with solidarity for Palestine. Where is your solidarity for all the victims of Palestinian terror, intifadas and daily rocket attacks? Fuck the murderers of Jewish athletes. Fuck Palestine. Worst shithole in the world

Oh yeah, here's the ol anti semitism dog whistle. Nobody's buying that crap anymore, bro. And are you saying that Palestine has been bombing themselves, discriminating against themselves, and stealing their homes to give to to Israelis themselves, this entire time? Idk what your end goal is, but supporting genocidal regimes rarely looks good in hindsight. Israel is the bad guy here, period. Do you take pleaseure in being wrong about basic facts or something?

"Hey, the entirety of everyone in Palestine earned the bloodshed, rape, pillaging, and mother's tears in 1972 when +50% of them weren't even alive" - that guy