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Because we gladly don't border Gaza

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Yes finally good thread. Please don't just copy and paste reddit communities like this. This is an international community, so if you want to discuss US politics, name it like this at least. We don't need to copy the dumb stuff from reddit.

I mean the game is probably mediocre to okay, but why are they selling it for SEVENTY EURO? I mean wtf. If they want 70€ it should be outstandingly good. I would maybe buy it for 40€, but this greed is a hard pass for me.

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Oh man I am so sorry for your loss. Your pet looks amazing and I am sure he liked you a lot and had a good life.

I lost two rats. One of them was like a really close friend to me and I know he trusted me and I think he knew I saved his life when I adopted him. He was so happy the day I bought him a friend. This friend loved food over everything and was so curious and stole from my breakfast every morning. He almost loved every food. I love thinking about them and our time together.

Now I am with two boys left. They are so adorable and still sleeping right now. I am glad that they are still alive bit I can see them aging and it hurts. Probably will not buy another rat again after this because I also cannot bear it. They are the cutest critters and deserve life so much more than a lot of the violent and disrespectful human scum outside that I have to tolerate every day. Life is not fair at all. Thank you for sharing your story.

CP2077 was always an outstanding game to me, with flaws, but still outstanding from the start. Starfeld however... why is it 70€, it should cost 30€ then it would probably be worth it.

I've never seen a game without dlcs that expensive on steam

Well they should have fought for their country. They chose not to.

They should quickly be brought back to Africa then

Very good. If you want to live in a European society, finally integrate and don't separate from it actively. We don't need a divided society with unrest. Look at Sweden rn.

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Then go and ask those people. They will call themselves Muslim/Arab, even if they are born in France and have french paper.

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Yeah so extremely racist to protect women from religious extremists. Just the mindless name dropping again, calling everyone and everybody a racist.

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Oh no someone has a different opinion than you REEEE permaban the "transphobic".

Welcome to the bubble.

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See the apologists are on top of the threads again. You sound like Putin. The crimes of the Palestinians are inexcusable.

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If Kuwait wants to show their "values of coexistence", then they could take all Muslim immigrants from Sweden. They would be able to live together in coexistence in a " brother land", and the swedes would be able to live in a safe land in harmony and peace again. Win win for everyone.

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They voted Hamas, Support Hamas and sustain it. It was Palestinian civilians who spat onto naked raped bodies of women. Palestinians got what they chose and deserve it. They are no poor people but supporters of s criminal system.

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Never forgive 1972 Palestine terrorist state

  1. low birth rate. Having children is expensive, we have a lack of affordable housing and childcare for families. There should be a major focus to support families, especially academic families. The most successful people don't reproduce, leading to a massive desrease in intelligence.
  2. mass immigration from Africa and Arab countries which don't contribute a lot to the society but cost a lot of money and bring violence to Germany. The government does nothing against this and the people are unhappy about this, leading to increasing social tensions. Also increasing the housing problem massively
  3. not enough immigration of actual educated people from Asia or america for example. Germany is becoming more and more unattractive for those people
  4. too many uneducated people living from welfare. If you have a low paying job you may as well live from welfare. Because pay is a joke. Even for educated people, sometimes it is financially just better to live from welfare then to work in some situations.
  5. in the light of COVID, a war in Europe, mass immigration and inflation, our politics here do a lot to make life for working people even more expensive, and increase welfare instead of pressuring the people to educate themselves. Green ideology is leading the country to it's grave. Germany thinks it can save the world climate alone by destroying its own industry, and by making everyone poor. No, we don't need heat pumps, at least not RIGHT NOW when everyone is struggling. Cost of everything are increasing, taxes are getting more expensive, health care is more expensive, having a car to get to work is getting more expensive, energy is getting more expensive. You work and almost all the money flows towards those things. Might as well live from welfare where the state pays for energy, housing and gas
  6. not enough people in STEM, too many people study something that leads to no innovation. Innovation is essential for Germany.
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If they want to dress like this they are free to do so in Arabia. But not in France. Nobody forcing those people to live here, they chose.

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Ok and why did Israel have to occupy land? Who declared a war?

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No fuck you and fuck all Palestinians. Every single one that does not distance himself from those crimes, which are basically all.

1972 is not exactly a meme either. Palestine got themselves where they are now and are fully responsible for their situation. Don't blame it on isrelael to try and justify your antisemitism. They always try to hide their antisemitism with solidarity for Palestine. Where is your solidarity for all the victims of Palestinian terror, intifadas and daily rocket attacks? Fuck the murderers of Jewish athletes. Fuck Palestine. Worst shithole in the world

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Fuck you

Ok so Europe's far right is on the rise because everyone suddenly became a hardcore Nazi. It does not have to do with illegal mass immigration leading to enormous socioeconomic problems and the left and center parties ignoring this for decades because they are afraid being immediately labeled nazi

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Seeing all the antisemites crawling out of their holes is disgusting.

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Well well if this is not the consequence of their own actions.

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Oh are those these poor poor™ Palestinian people that Lemmy keeps telling me are poor victims? And that they definitely are oppressed and don't support Hamas and are not antisemitic?

Those people are worse than animals. I hope they all get deported to Gaza. Fuck Palestine. Terror people.

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You are a piece of shit. Fuck Palestine terrorist country. Long live Israel.

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Yeah hating on soy beans is literally fascism. And probably transphobic as well somehow.

I don't get you guys anymore. I feel you are so disconnected in your far leftist bubble. Most people just shake their heads and you wonder why the far right is on the rise.

And I literally just bought a big bag of soy...

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The Palestinians will pay for their crimes this times. The gates of hell will open above them, and the fire will rain down on them. They still won't regret what they did because they are so full of hate and they lack the cognitive ability for it.

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