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Joined 12 months ago

I think we're still missing the mark because it's tax payer money.

Rip immunity from that fucker and let it come out of his pension (if he's got one) or garnish his wages like everybody else.

Spending. I think his outreach was unable to beat the advertisements paid for by his opposition, in part due to the absolutely bonkers investment from the AIPAC. So, that's my answer

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That's not how that works, different communities consume different forms of media and at different rates.

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Someone gets outspent by a factor of 7, and you think the most likely reason is the candidate? I don't know man, I think you're not applying Occam's* Razor appropriately.

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No, and I do not agree with the above poster, but we're aided in that most of our forms are in both English and Spanish, the two most common native tongues of people who live here.

Look up public television viewership numbers based on income, ask me whether or not the Bronx WATCHED Latimer's commercials, or even saw them.

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I'm saying people in the suburbs seem more adept at picking up garbage takes

But more pointedly, suburban households are more likely to purchase cable television packages or engage in live TV coverage, where a majority of that spending took the form of advertisements.

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Again, if the whole district could be marketed to the same exact way, you'd be right.

Hidayati, N., Kartikowati, S., & Gimin, G. (2021). The influence of income level, financial literature, and social media use on teachers consumption behavior. Journal of Educational Sciences, 5(3), 479-490.

In case you needed a source

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No I agree, but he seemed keen to try and bring up facts, wanted to be sure we had receipts just in case.

Pocket-knife-prying-open-floorboards crazy. Biggest asshole I've ever read about crazy.

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What the fuck is this picture though? Who is taking these? What do they mean?

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I have nothing to add to your comment other than the fact that your text person clearly has a large nose and I think that's a stylistic choice and I appreciate that as someone who also has a large nose.

Oh, and fuck Putin.

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No, that's a window. Malcom isn't in this shot

"With an apple silicon architecture, 8gb is like 16gb" -some stupid apple flunkey

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"Ozawa has reportedly admitted that the charge is true. He told the officials that roads belong to humans and pigeons are the ones who should get out of the way."

Shut and close case boys. Pack that sick FUCK away for life and may pigeon God have mercy on his soul.

I'm not here to argue semantics, Hamas are terrorists, Netanyahu is a terrorist.

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This would funnel people away from anti-abortion practitioners and locations. They don't want that, they WANT you to come in and be talked down to by a 'Family Planner'. They want people to come into the church run clinics.

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Dofin is their word, we really shouldn't be using it at all. Dolphin is the acceptable spelling and term.

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My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson is really gonna love this 36K remaster of Shrek. I know I would

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Yeah it's not even just that, she's unhinged as hell. Each new controversy has a longer and weirder NFO or backstory or 16 pages of screenshots from her discord from fanboys that want her feet pics.

I love piracy, I love a good radical, I don't love the weird vitriolic hate and self worship she spews out.

Oh Jesus christ they didn't even put the worst parts anywhere near the title. They didn't just have a pizza party, they celebrated the destruction of a man's property on land they weren't allowed to police on, LEFT THE BOXES, and then engaged in a little bit of freelance arsonry (or aided arsonry). Fuck me

Those are not painless methods and they hearken to a sense of vengeance, not justice. If someone is truly so irredeemable that we cannot re-educate them to learn to be good citizens or at least non-offending citizens, then we should remove them from the ability to cause further harm. But we are not in the business of causing suffering, at least not on paper we're not. So we should give the person a civilized death with no pain, as causing pain is not justice, it's vengeance.

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My teachers had sex. My parents had sex. My grandparents had 12 kids, they had lots of sex.

My politicians have sex, sometimes they lie about who with and make statements about lying with the same sex but still get caught with the same sex. I like a politician who has sex, is positive about the act, is big on consent and privacy, and knows the internet grift.

If we want doctors and engineers and teachers and lawyers and cops and businessmen and construction workers and whomever else being represented in our government, if we want experts there to make the laws, I think it would behoove us to have a sex worker or two.

I'd pay for Mitch McConnel nudes (consensually sold) if only to say I owned copies of that tortoises' scrotal sack.

You never responded to any of the points called out in the article you linked. You can't post something, and be mad when no one "believes your truth". If you do, you're not asking to change people's minds, you just want to shout into the void too.

I think they're saying it's an issue specifically in reference to how employee wages have grown in comparison. If we look at previous decades, you'll see that CEO and other executive level pay has increased substantially, and has absolutely left employee pay in the dust. That isn't to say people shouldn't be paid more for a good or important job, but we should probably be keeping a watch to ensure those with plenty don't take even more from those with little. And if those at the top are taking more, historically, than their fair share, then that needs brought in line.

Not a B tier power, my God you just invented the governments secret delivery method. You're planning perfect extraction and invasion strategies, nuclear fall back evacuation routes. You just became a national secret, son.

Strange bug led to monkeys evolving well past other species and dominating before anyone else can get to late game, because of this we've increased the learning and beneficial evolution speeds across the board.

Actual traffic laws? This thing is safe as can be. It's got just the right angles that if it hits a pedestrian they'll bounce right into one of the designated Kill Corners, making their end painless. That sounds like regulation working to me

It's the corolla bit that makes this. I don't know why, but he needed to list the detail of the car and that had to eat Musk up a little bit.

I think it's more about the fact that Texas national guard, under the orders of the state governor, are blocking border patrols from being in the area to assist or respond to emergencies or do their duty. Not to say they weren't potentially going to abuse the migrants too, but letting Texas have free reign to bus who they want where they want with impunity would be a misstep in federal/state rights.

This person's clearly never gotten their dick stuck in an unsupervised bolognese, and it shows.

Elijah Woods has had a pretty steady career that doesn't seem driven by money once he'd reached Lord Of The Rings. Like, every project after that really seems to be something he's either proud of or was excited to jump into at the onset. Him and Daniel Radcliffe are like my main two examples of celebrities who do things because they want to, and they can take their time between roles because of careful financial planning and consistent small projects.

Not a buzzkill, but definitely a little narrow in view on this issue. You named 'why' South Asian men get the brunt end of these memes in that they have a high population of partial-english speaking men with unrestricted internet access and a culture that tends patriarchal but then immediately ask why they get the brunt end?

In what way is this painting all South Asian men in an infantilizing light and what lead you to read so deeply into this particular image that suggests there's a dynamic of "ew, nasty foreign brown man could never get white western perfection"? That just seems like some insecurities put to page and not a genuine reading of the situation.

People absolutely make fun of other sexual harrassers, why the penchant to point out this one? Why do they need to be funny? Sexual harassment doesn't have to be mocked with a positive intent, we SHOULD call out sex pests, and when people get mad about calling out sex pests we should call those people out too.

Your whole comment gave off a patronizing vibe. It sounds you you explain away the behavior exhibited from those shitty dudes by saying it's their society and "sorry women, it happens from all angles though so why not take that frustration and be sure to distribute it evenly". That kind of of attitude is so detrimental to the overall ending of the exact situation happening in the meme.

As a side note, purely anecdotal, MOST of the goofiest, silliest-ass cat calls I've ever seen have been from that part of the world. Not to say it won't be said in Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Czhechian, or whatever, but they seemingly have the good sense to say it in a language they can properly contextualize so they don't become the next Show Me Your Bobs.

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I think the fact they're asking shows they're not sure.

But also, one should be sure what your partner constitutes as cheating before engaging in said action, yeah.

My wife and I do not see the selling of nudes as cheating (unless non-consent to the nudes or the distribution, then it's a lot of levels of gross) but others might disagree.

I would say that not putting a perfectly fine microwave into the garbage and spending the time needed to clean the microwave and it's removable components would be a better solution.

Sure, they're 'cheap' depending on who you are and what you buy, but they're surely not 'cheap' as to be entirely disposable and they're not exactly safe for landfills.

When I'm feeling particularly spiteful, I quick apply to hybrid jobs I see that aren't hybrid and waste time until I get an email from the hiring manager about a first call. Then I tell them I just wanted to be sure they knew they had an incorrect posting and that I wasn't interested in a company that didn't understand modern workforce trends at best, maliciously baiting and switching at worst.

So far, 1 company has changed their wording, of maybe 20 I've gotten this far with

Please use your powers for good and not such chaos

I was wrong. So so wrong. Phone wouldn't scroll.

What is the gender crowd and how do I get their free cash you speak of?

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