Lee Duna

@Lee Duna@lemmy.nz
1920 Post – 223 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Just like me, I also grew up with Windows XP and still playing Master of Orion on Linux today.

Adobe is an evil company that will do whatever it takes to F its users,” one employee wrote, echoing sentiments

Microsoft : first time?

Those linux laptops are too expensive and they are not available in some countries

Used thinkpad is much cheaper

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Meta should stay away from fediverse!

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There are reasons why you should use Firefox browser or its forks (I use Mull browser) with uBlock Origin.

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I'm not so surprised

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We need to do the same with Microsoft and Google

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New, Top Six Hour and Top Twelve Hour

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Keep it in mind

We lost active users because of this

  • beehaw has been defed from lemmy.world, sh.itjust.works and other instances
  • some instances like lemmy.film and fmhy went offline
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That's not important, we've already moved here

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Anyways I hope Lemmy does not fall into the same pitfalls!

I really hope! Just watchout for Meta

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Just like his father

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  • Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Big Trouble in Little China

fTPM has a bug, don't know if it's fixed


Veracrypt also doesn't recommend using encryption that relies on TPMs

Some encryption programs use TPM to prevent attacks. Will VeraCrypt use it too? No. Those programs use TPM to protect against attacks that require the attacker to have administrator privileges, or physical access to the computer, and the attacker needs you to use the computer after such an access. However, if any of these conditions is met, it is actually impossible to secure the computer (see below) and, therefore, you must stop using it (instead of relying on TPM).

If the attacker has administrator privileges, he can, for example, reset the TPM, capture the content of RAM (containing master keys) or content of files stored on mounted VeraCrypt volumes (decrypted on the fly), which can then be sent to the attacker over the Internet or saved to an unencrypted local drive (from which the attacker might be able to read it later, when he gains physical access to the computer).


Let's assume the attackers were law enforcers

NSFW content is not available in 3rd party apps, and I'm paying for it? You gotta be kidding spez.. You killing them.

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Even worse, the Threads app is a privacy nightmare

I bet meta really wants to keep track of people in fediverse

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YSK : Meta is a threat to the privacy of fediverse users, if there are fediverse instances that remain federated with Meta.

Ross Schulman, senior fellow for decentralization at digital rights nonprofit the Electronic Frontier Foundation, notes that if Threads emerges as a massive player in the fediverse, there could be concerns about what he calls “social graph slurping." Meta will know who all of its users interact with and follow within Threads, and it will also be able to see who its users follow in the broader fediverse. And if Threads builds up anywhere near the reach of other Meta platforms, just this little slice of life would give the company a fairly expansive view of interactions beyond its borders.


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More than 5 million people signed up within hours, let's assume they will have 30 million users by the end of the month. I'm sure there are Mastodon users will consider switching to Threads.


And not to mention the Threads app is a privacy nightmare. I'm sure they can figure out any fediverse user, If fediverse server remains federated with meta server.

One more thing, this mastodon server admin declined an invitation from meta

It's far less dangerous than using Threads

As long as they don't ask for your phone number, ID and you don't expose yourself. You'll be fine.

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Yeah, on their cloud. LoL

Thanks, still no luck.

I guess batoto has made changes


I also found this on another unoffical repo

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Yup they can mess up the fediverse in the near future



And there's Google's with their new privacy policy states that it can use publicly available data to help train its AI models


They only cares about money and unlimited growth.

Watchout this asswipe kakao corp trying to sue Mangadex


Good bot but there is a big concern

The Wall Street Journal reported that Flannery has purchased about 52,000 acres of farmland around Travis Air Force Base since 2018. According to the report, government officials began investigating the purchases due to concerns that foreign interests may be behind the company.

"So the entire base is encircled now," Catherine Moy, mayor of Fairfield, told ABC 7 News. "So there's no part that isn't touched by Flannery."

Little is known about Flannery Associates or its specific city plans.

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Fuck kakao 🖕

And remember that your data and telemetry are sent to Microsoft servers to train Copilot AI. You may also need to subscribe to some advanced AI features

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It was around the days when spez goons started threatening moderators to open their subs

this company was registered in 2021... They definitely don't have a case as mangadex

Tapas bought by Kakao, and some titles uploaded on batoto.

S.Korea's Kakao to buy two U.S. storytelling apps for $950 mln

This is from one of the webtoon series on batoto

I'm not sure why they sent the removal request to tachiyomi devs

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Someone said -45.5 °C

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Not only Tapas, it's like every manhwa publisher

from r/manhwa

I'm not trying to blame him, but more than 200 TB of data on cloud storage? Holy cow, I wouldn't even trust it to store more than 5 GB of data.

Right? You bought the OS but you still get ads. Even worse, it sends your data to MS servers

Yeah running on their cloud, no thanks

Faster than we thought

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Employee : This is the report you asked about

Boss : Good job! Now, I have another task for you..

Employee : ....

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On non-root android phone, I always use this steps to maintain privacy

Install f-droid app first, so you can install this apps from f-droid repo

  • Mull browser (firefox fork) + uBlock Origin
  • Cromite (Chromium fork with adblocker)
  • personaDNSfilter or RethinkDNS
  • OsmAnd map
  • GMaps VW (gmaps webview wrapper)
  • Aegis Authenticator (offline 2FA)
  • Binary Eye (barcode scanner)
  • NewPipe
  • K9-Mail
  • Nitter for Android
  • VLC
  • ImagePipe / Scrambled Exif (EXIF remover)
  • KeepasDX
  • OpenBoard
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Impact? Probably Amazon will replace their workers with robots


Once they can interact with your account, they can pull your data into their server and analyzing it to deliver ads campaign.

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Just use KDEConnect or LocalSend, it's not safe to use RDP to share files.

  • microG
  • Liftoff
  • Jerboa
  • Infinity
  • AuroraStore
  • NewPipe
  • Tachiyomi
  • Binary Eye
  • Currencies
  • Unit Converter
  • K-9 Mail
  • Etar
  • DAVx5
  • OsmAnd
  • PersonalDNSfilter
  • DNSCrypt
  • KDE Connect
  • OpenBoard
  • NeoBackup
  • App Manager
  • Aegis
  • ImagePipe
  • Insular
  • VLC
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