Dear server admins, please defederate Dear users, ask your server admin to defederate

My Password Is to – 959 points –

Meta just announced that they are trying to integrate Threads with ActivityPub (Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.). We need to defederate them if we want to avoid them pushing their crap into fediverse.

If you're a server admin, please defederate Meta's domain ""

If you don't run your own server, please ask your server admin to defederate "".


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Once they can interact with your account, they can pull your data into their server and analyzing it to deliver ads campaign.

They can already do this by hosting a small instance and going unnoticed.

They can get the data, but they need the federation so people see their content/advertisement.

And whenever an account from Threads upvote/ downvote or reply to your comments/posts or vice versa, Meta will analyze that and they can sell ads based on your political leanings, gender, geo-location, hobbies, marital status etc.

That's the options from what I saw from fb ads dashboard years ago. If you're from US, that options are broader and more detailed.

How would they get the data? Federation doesn’t mean that they will get full access to your account.