Simple Steps for Privacy on Android to No Stupid – 34 points –

What are some simple things i can do while using an android phone to maintain some privacy? Been thinking about this since seeing a thread on favorite foss apps. I currently use duckduckgo browser with their tracking deterrent vpn and simple keyboard. Thanks in advance


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On non-root android phone, I always use this steps to maintain privacy

Install f-droid app first, so you can install this apps from f-droid repo

  • Mull browser (firefox fork) + uBlock Origin
  • Cromite (Chromium fork with adblocker)
  • personaDNSfilter or RethinkDNS
  • OsmAnd map
  • GMaps VW (gmaps webview wrapper)
  • Aegis Authenticator (offline 2FA)
  • Binary Eye (barcode scanner)
  • NewPipe
  • K9-Mail
  • Nitter for Android
  • VLC
  • ImagePipe / Scrambled Exif (EXIF remover)
  • KeepasDX
  • OpenBoard

I also like NextDNS. You can try it without account as well, I think for 7 days, if you click "Try it now". Of course, if you delete cookies you get 7 days again.

I want to second this. Paid is only $2 a month or $20 a year. Excellent for blocking various trackers on all devices even those not on your home network.

I gave Openboard debug a try especially because it supports multilingual typing and has additional features. Really happy with it.