
1 Post – 76 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I seriously doubt this. You have to be very conscious to fully understand what it is these large platforms actually do "behind the scenes". Unfortunately the vast majority of people imo is either completely oblivious or even worse, doesn't care. I mean look at the immense success of tiktok. Numerous warnings that it's nothing less than straight-up spyware from China, yet half the world happily continues to use it.

14 more...

My wife and daughter do yeah. Blaring kpop at 7 in the morning. FML

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Is there anything the Republicans vote for that actually favors the public instead of only big corps?

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What does it take for this orange ape to finally go down into the darkest hell hole of oblivion? God knows what other highly sensitive information this senile blabbermouth has shared with far more dangerous people. To me it is absolutely unfathomable that this man is still walking around, free as a bird, with millions of people still rooting for him.

And if you read the article, it is yet another lie. This man is simply not capable of not lying.

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Or Revanced, or SmartTube or NewPipe etc etc. Fortunately and thanks to some great devs out there, we're still able to give Google the big middle finger.

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Classic you can run, but you can't hide. Love it.

Really enjoying Voyager so far. Avaliable as Android, iOS and PWA and best of all open-source ans free.

Scale-wise not perhaps, but on percentage of destroyed buildings in a particular (small) area it's right up there I think.

Well no shit. If there's one thing consistent with this orange baffoon, it's that he's constantly spiling whatever beans there are to spill. Whether it's self-incriminating blabbermouthing in one of his zillion law suits or casually discussing nuclear secrets with whoever wants to hear them, this sorry excuse for a human being doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

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TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY children. I don't care which side you're on, but this should make everybody intensely sad.

My overall experience with Bluetooth connectivity in Win11 has been challenging to put it very mildly.

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I don't agree. First of all, you always had to be careful to plug it in the right way up and over time the little hooks on the connector always wore out much faster than with usb-c so the cable would come loose and you'd wind up with a phone that wasn't charged in the morning.

That may be nice for the trial but that doesn't take away the fact that the world has become an significantly unsafer place with this babble mouth casually sharing top secret intel with god knows who else.

Redact. The free version replaces your posts and comments with gibberish.

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From what I've been reading so far, this seems good news.

I sure hope it's all of the above combined times a zillion.

And exactly how does your argument justify these atrocities? This is whataboutism pur sang. Don't get me wrong, the atrocities Israel has carried out are equally appalling, but that doesn't justify what happened at that festival. This will likely only weaken the support the Palestinians have in the west.

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I have read so many thoughtful comments on this thread that made me say to myself "Yes, that. Exactly that's the reason I mostly rarely bothered formulating a comment or opinion on Reddit." The whole atmosphere on Lemmy seems so much more mature, considerate and genuinely interesting to read. I really hope we can maintain this as Lemmy is (hopefully) growing.

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FLAC files are typically larger than MP3, because with MP3 roughly 90% of the original file is discarded on encoding, hence lossy compression. At decoding the codec tries to restore this 90% out of the original remaining 10%. This sounds worse than it actually is, but you understand why MP3 is considered inferior by audio purists.

On the other hand FLAC uses a different compression technique that reduces the original file by 30-50% but without any data deletion, hence lossless. So, original file let's say 100MB as .wav, compresses to 30-50 MB IN FLAC and 6-10 MB in MP3.

I gladly sacrifice the additional storage to get noticeably better quality audio.

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Yeah, but I paid for Nova Prime back then.

Yup same. Although I could do with the silver subscription at € 2,29 a month, I still skipped it and moved on to the one-time paid Boost for Lemmy. Feel sorry for dBrady though. He put a lot of effort into making the best Reddit app imo and now he's forced to charge his users and hand over 90% to those greedy a-holes.

Who cares. If you have a shred of privacy awareness, you'd steer very clear from it.

I am a strong supporter of keeping religions a private matter. Believe anything you want but let it be your belief and do not try to force it onto anybody else, not even your own children. Let them decide for themselves if they want to join you or not.


At the risk of being downvoted into oblivion here, there is really no justification anymore for the atrocities IDF is committing right now. First driving Palestinians into a corner like cattle and now bombing that same corner. How can any decent human being accept this?

Basically what happened to the Internet as a whole.


Bye bye X

Wild suggestion here. Type the word "Proton" in your search engine of choice and almost blindly click on the first link that comes up. Take as long as you need.

In the end all religions boil down to one thing. Power and dominance (specifically male dominance) over others. "My religion is X and you have to do as I say because MY fairy tale book tells me bla-bla-bla, so YOU have to obey." Fuck all religions who use their shit stories to oppress others.

100% still closeted

I agree completely that this can have negative impact on discussions, stimulate karma farming etc. So I'm all for it to hide it. Would be nice though to completely skip it from the UI (of in this case Boost).

You shouldn't judge people by their looks, but I have to admit I'd be a little scared to meet her in person.

My old and trustworthy Kenwood KRV75R receiver. From around 1985 and still rocking!

Exactly this. I never bothered to do much interacting on Reddit. Either comments were trolled or downvoted "just for shits and giggles" or they were buried in no time under all the snarky oh-so hilarious comments that instantly killed all real discussion.

Well put.

I hate with the intensity of a million suns that they always have this absolute fucking bullshit argument "For better experience".

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Rightfully rejected imo. This is exactly the kind of comments that made Reddit the toxic environment it is in so many subs nowadays.

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My experience is actually quite the opposite. In (real world) discussions I had so far I see that most people just talk about the horrific consequences of this war, with so many innocent casualties on both sides. People are often _not _ picking sides because this is such an old and complex conflict with atrocities perpetrated on both sides. Which imho is the most reasonable thing to do. Yes, what Hamas did on that festival and is it still doing is disgusting, but Israel's response since then is equally disgusting. It's just impossible to condemn one side while excusing the other.