Marjorie Taylor Greene wants women to stop tempting Christian men

Lee to – 298 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene wants women to stop tempting Christian men

This lady?

Embattled QAnon congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene 'openly cheated' on her husband of 25 years with a polyamorous tantric sex guru and then moved on to another affair with the manager at her gym.

Marjorie Taylor Greene officially divorced after cheating allegations.

I didn't expect a Zangief cosplay and it gave me a chuckle

I remembered that she was scummy. I remembered that she had slept around after giving her oath of faithfulness.

I had forgotten the Zangief cosplay.

I can understand cheating with Zangief but still hypocritical

lol of course it’s the tantric sex guru. who doesn’t enjoy a little aerial russian slam? ^_^

You can always do better than linking to the Daily Mail.

or the toronto sun which is the Canadian equivalent of the Daily Mail

I was unaware of that, good to know.

Not saying the original commenter is wrong, or that these media outlets are necessarily wrong in this case, of course.

She probably said this because she's tired of the competition. She wants to corner the Christian man market for herself.

Mayor Quimby supports revolving door prisons. Mayor Quimby even released Sideshow Bob -- a man twice convicted of attempted murder.

Can you trust a man like Mayor Quimby? Vote Sideshow Bob for mayor.

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Perhaps some kind of black full body sheet for women would help? You could cut a tiny hole so they can look out like a pillbox. Much easier than men showing a little self control.

Republicans really don't understand how much in common they have with certain people they hate.

Perhaps some kind of black full body sheet for women would help? You could cut a tiny hole so they can look out like a pillbox.

Maybe she can lead by example.

Isn't this the one who has a rather unnatural infatuation with Hunter Biden's massive dong?

Yeah, Marge, we all realize how magnificent it is, but can you please put the picture down?

She also cheated on her husband and got divorced.

That’s just like, part of God’s plan, and not a result of her actions.

Funny since she cheated on her husband

According to the Bible it would be appropriate to stone her to death. I'm guessing she's not that Christian.

Republican projection's blasting off agaaaaaaaain

No, he didn't cheat, he gave into temptation because he was tempted, so it's.. different... /s

I personally respect her for setting the example by not tempting men.

Indeed, she has neutered legions with her extreme repulsiveness

Not a Muslim, but if anything, she makes me think that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea if at least some women had to wear burqas.

And I want you to pay the $100k in COVID masking fines you owe, ya fuckin’ deadbeat.

I'm not a Christian, so women should feel free to tempt me anytime... anyone... really, I'm like right here, just waiting to be tempted.

I'm not a woman, but I have some beer battered fries...

No, not paddirn! Tempt me, christian women! I should totally be tempted instead! I'm not at all desperate or anything! TEMPT MEEEEE!

That's hilarious coming from this home-wrecking trash-fire.

Jesus resisted temptation, so it sounds like they need to try harder if they’re true believers.

It's the same "but look at what she was wearing" bullshit that has been around since time immemorial.

If someone assaults you it is because they made a bad decision and not because of you, full stop.

Oh agree 100%, I was mostly pointing out the general hypocrisy of Christians to consistently never do what their lord and savior has been telling them to do…while simultaneously doing terrible things and using “As a CHREEESTIAN” as justification.

Sorry that was more of a comment and wasn't trying to disagree or call you out.

I agree a lot of the Christians and evangelicals are hypocritics. I struggle because so many of them are good people, vote for people that are not insane and what not. My mama was one of them, she was a Democrat, not exactly leftist (she was a parole officer so she really struggled with police reform) and was a theist until the day she died. And then on the other hand my ex wife had some friends that went to Joel osteena megachurch and voted Republican down the line for both Trump elections and every other one that they have voted.

Humans suck.

I get that. My mom is a “religious” Trump voter who says some very terrible things, and yes, there are some good ones. It’s just that generally the good ones don’t have the loudest voices, unfortunately, and fear + rage = $$$

God created so many things that humans are apparently not supposed to feel, have, do, or want.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went after New York Judge Arthur Engoron, demanding he be “disrobed” for his $355 million business fraud verdict against Donald Trump last week.

Someone call the Gazpacho.

You can't win friends with salad, you can't win friends with salad!

"She was assailed for selling "Proud Christian Nationalist" T-shirts" What does "Christian nationalism" means, when Christianity is religion and not nationality?

Well first, "Christian nationalism" is a compound noun- the two words together have a different meaning than taking the definition of both and smashing them together. It's similar to how a "grand jury" refers to a specific jury called for a specific purpose separate from a regular jury, not an extra-large one.

In this case, a "Christian nationalist" is a person who does not believe in the separation of church and state. They (erroneously) believe that America was founded on explicit "Christian" principles and that no other religious or secular thought should be tolerated.

Given the uneducated foundation of those beliefs, it's wholly unsurprising that Christian nationalists also support the eradication of all conflicting religions (because "Christians" founded America), the elevation of white people over other races (because white "Christians" founded America), the subjugation of women through removal of reproductive and other equal rights (because white "Christian" men founded America), and the elimination of any kind of social safety nets (because rich white "Christian" men founded America).

I think you have it backwards. Christian nationalism is something they arrived at after already setting the foundation of political opinions.

They start by wanting to eradicate all conflicting religions, elevate white people over other races, subjugate women, and eliminate social safety nets in order to reverse engineer the ideology and history they need to support what they already want.

Palingenetic ultranationalism.

The idea that facism rallies around an idea society has grown decadent, corrupt an alienating to the everyman and must return to a country's mythic golden age when everything was better. It applies a "true inheritor" logic that describes a model citizen of the nation which is distinct from those who are it's corrupting influence that must be subjugated or expunged by a country's "rebirth" .

While Christian nationalism is distinct it still shakes hands with others served by this model.

Willfully misinterpreting the text her "religion" is based on.

I think in this context it broadly means, "turning America into a theocratic hellscape."

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Not temping men - literally the same dress code argument that’s made by the Taliban.

Not a Christian but I can say with all certainty that she's definitely not tempting.

That's probably why she's saying this... too much competition.

Stupid, crazy hick politician says stupid hick shit to grab headlines in desperate attempt to remain relevant.

Wait, wait. There's a solution right in their bible for that.
All true men of faith (tm) have to do is gouge out their eyes.

She should lead by example then and start wearing a burka.

The American Taliban strikes again.

Wild. It was only just yesterday that I’d learned of the phrase “caused me to stumble” within a religious context, courtesy of the “in my super-fundamentalist church back in the nineties” guy on IG.

you are attractive by dressing nice and feminine, and you can be beautiful and modest at the same time

I wonder if Christians like her would consider this outfit modest? I mean I do, but would they? The neckline is low, the skirt is pretty short and the shoulders are bare.

So she admits that she want to take away freedom from people for no reason?

She looks Mexican, however, according to Wikipedia she is from Georgia and not from Mexican parents. Looks like God has the last laugh by making her look like the people she doesn't like. Like at some point I was seeing so many images of her in the news but I didn't know anything else because I wasn't interested. But then one day I started reading about how dumb she is and I was totally dismayed. I was thinking "wow! Look how far one of us lowly migrants have gotten". Yeah! There's a Mexican in the Republican party I thought! Surely that will fix things. But then bad went to really bad and then to continuously worse.

I'm no racist but

That's your first clue to shut up

But it's ridiculous that someone who clearly has some sort of relationship in her past with Hispanic or native Americans be pretending to be someone who hates immigration and native American rights. That part boggles the mind.