
1 Post – 234 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Why would any corporation allow this and not instantly fire the CEO?

“Hey board, I just tied up a huge chunk of cash, with no possible return on investment, did I do good?”

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So this is the problem with AI, if you add guardrails you're a culture warrior 1984'ing the whole world, and if you don't now your tool will generate resumes with fake experience or recommend offensive books.

At the risk of sounding like a jackass, when do we start blaming people for asking for such things?

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I’m sure Steve Huffman is worried that redditors are shorting the stock as it went from $34 to $59.80 since IPO.

A rough estimate is Huffman just made at least $102M from the IPO ($136M existing stock plus $193M in options and RSUs, at plus 75% increase in value) taking his net worth to at least $575M.

He gets a $20M bonus if the stock doesn’t tank by 50% for two weeks too.

Realistically he got his shares at a much much lower price so his gains are massively outsized.

IPOs are a scam, they lower the price for banks arbitrarily then claim it as a success when the numbers pop at launch, which is clearly a market failure where the insiders get first pick and ability to cash out. The SEC should jail any bankers who work on an IPO that increases by 30% on launch day for fraud and collusion.

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Reddit probably isn’t, as that would be cooking their metrics and Huffman would get fucked by the long arm of the SEC. They might still be, Huffman loves Elon and Elon got away with tons of shit.

Advertisers are probably paying more content farms to astroturf it though.

Plus without the API, do you really think people just stopped scraping Reddit? They just run a headless Chrome instance now and I bet Reddit doesn’t look the gift horse of traffic in the mouth.

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The most surprising thing here is they got in contact with a human in Google cloud to resolve the issue.

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I love to see this, it's nice seeing independent media do well!

History is written by the squashers.

Enjoy sitting at the shite end of the Pareto income distribution.

OF is a marketing gig, if you don't have a way to push your content and leverage network effects, you're not going to make any money.

The revenue from an only fans is the customer count × avg customer lifetime × avg subscription price, customer count is a function of your exposure to potential customers, and lifetime is a function of your content frequency and originality (I assume if you upload the same content types the fan base gets bored).

So, if you want a successful OF, you need to first focus on exposure, but the algos on most social media reward the haves, so your first issue is getting into people's feeds. The best way to do this is targeting niches, areas with lower volume or high demand for content.

Then you need to keep your audience by engaging with them but pushing new concepts, which will present it's own challenges. There's very much a quick copy culture on these networks that you'll probably have to emulate to keep on the front of the engagement curve, and expect anything you do that success to be quickly replicated ad infinitum until it doesn't anymore. I think this is a losing battle over time.

You can also offer whale services like "girlfriend experiences" to try and lock in big spenders, but first you need them on a hook.

It's not just snap some pics and you're good.

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Some people hate that C is dangerous, but personally I like its can-do attitude.

“Hey C, can I write over the main function at runtime?”

Sure, if you want to, just disable memory protection and memcpy whatever you want there! I trust you.

It’s a great attitude for a computer to have.

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I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said “You have reached the end of your membership at Benjamin-Franklin-Quotes.com”

You know, this a good thing. Now nobody else can do it, so I just need to never buy a Roku.

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You should absolutely post this.

We all miss Micheal and hope he can communicate back to us.

we've updated our terms of service, you're now opted in to everything, good luck!


Yes, you unsubscribed from that mailing list, but before you did we went and put your name down for 575 new email lists which you have not unsubscribed from.

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This is so true.

Even if you do design clean modular code and document it, you’re getting a question a year from now about how it works, or someone just duct tapes on top of it.

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I read it as a bluff too.

They’re between a rock and a hard place, their best position is to play hardball and rile up their users.

Yeah, it means nothing to us to leave. We’re losing money!

If that were really the case why are they in the US at all? Because they know they can make money and their market position is strong.

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What the fuck?

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Famously the statue of Liberty says " Bring us your wealthy, your heterosexual whites, Your Christian elite yearning to breathe free"

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I don’t understand the frustration.

It’s legal to scrape websites and this is doing it in a way that activity pub is designed to support. You can’t be mad another instance is reading your data, that’s what the fediverse is.

I think people will end up finding bridgy annoying frankly, but it seems like a useful tool that takes federated content and lets websites build things that used to be only available by adding Facebook pixel and Twitter links to your site.

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People throw gaslighting around willy nilly now, so it could jest mean OP made them think about some opinion they had.

It’s very hard to say without knowing the person, but I think your advice is good.

If you call eating a bowl of fruit loops, watching two episodes of Star Trek (Enterprise S4E13/14), looking at tools online, eating a bowl of lucky charms, having a shower, spending 45 minutes looking for my headphones, then checking my phone and seeing this post a life, then yes, I have a very full life.

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This biggest game launch in years got leaked online, and the discord for yuzu got 50k new users at the same time all asking for the game pre release.

Yuzu even got featured on the steam deck promotional material briefly.

I don't think Nintendo would just sit back on that. The horse was out of the barn and between steam deck and totk Nintendo was never going to sit idly by.

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What a shit, blamed it on the valet when he was driving and asked billionaire Elon for a new one.

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What am I supposed to do about this?

I don’t have an excess of money I can donate to conservation. I can email my local politician but what’s that realistically going to accomplish?

I have no power to change this, but it just makes me feel shitty.

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Shrek is an infinitely better man than Steve Harvey.

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This better not awaken anything in me…

Couple things bug me about this.

He’s composing there are still support roles instead of roles exploring high impact opportunities. But does he know the value of those support roles on keeping other teams focused?

Tech is so shitty lately. Get people to build something for you with massive revenue per employee. Pre IPO? Dilute their shares for another round of investment cash. Post IPO? Just fire ‘em, declare its the year of efficiency, and maybe say it’s your fault but not accept any responsibility or pay reductions or reduced rewards.

This one, that I just started.

The commenter after me ties their shoelaces very well, and I’m jealous.

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Why do millennials and gen Z spend so much of their income by percentage on the lowest tier of Maslows hierarchy?

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Are you sure it isn’t the kitty sticker?

“Curated reality”

That’s really the problem, I’m stealing this phrase.

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What are you talking about? The web was always about capitalism and centralization!

You would never want to run your own email server, or run your own blog. It’s good that the big corps systematically block you out so you as an individual have to use their services. Who wants privacy really? Sounds like criminal stuff, we just need to peek at your data to serve you better ads. Ignore law enforcement paying us for your data, nothing bad will come of that.

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robots.txt is a file available in a standard location on web servers (example.com/robots.txt) which set guidelines for how scrapers should behave.

That can range from saying "don't bother indexing the login page" to "Googlebot go away".

IT's also in the first paragraph of the article.

Sometimes it becomes clear a company is trying to do too much when these problems manifest.

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Probably shouldn’t have killed him then.

Yes sorry I was being sarcastic.

I think it’s a tragedy we’ve lost individual websites and services, and the modern web is dying.

Because of your going there you're looking to learn all sorts of information about ceiling fans l, so you expect information.

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Are you implying I can’t pick out bridges or motorcycles? I definitely can, but I won’t do it for you as some kind of sick parlor trick.

Speaking of tricks, did you know there are singles in your area!

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My lawyer has advised me not to do this.

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I see you’ve never spent extended periods of time with shitty dishwashers and hard water

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It used to be, they were called sponsored links, but the comment sections got filled with angry comments about the ads and people would downvote the shit out of them, then they removed comments, and after the redesign ads didn't have threads/engagement but now they do.

One of my friends tried advertising that way and it went poorly, and the ads weren't even for a real product just a test balloon for the concept.

Pepe also got very mad when your ad replaced the moose in the sidebar.

Ironically, it was spez who introduced sponsored links with comments then, so what's old is new again! I wonder if this time will be different... (Not really, I know how this will end)