Adult daughter. Should I disown her!? to Mildly – 624 points –

Edit: LOL love the responses. You ain't wrong...

Edit2: I posted this for giggles and have enjoyed it immensely. Thanks for the "parenting advice" (rolls eyes). My daughter is a shit show, but I wouldn't trade her in for anything. She has three daughters, one of which is exactly like her and the two others are not. So...


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I see you’ve never spent extended periods of time with shitty dishwashers and hard water

I have hard water, there's salt and a setting depending on hardness.

Generic detergent and rinse aid and I never have dirty dishes.

Oh come on you don’t need salt for hard water. Just raise the temperature a bit.

People just use salt on sidewalks because heating them isn’t feasible. But in the kitchen, it’s much easier to eliminate hard water but just warming things up.

Growing up or broke a lot because of hard water, it would just slowly stop getting stuff off the dishes une you pre rinsed.

I think the situation is better now, my dishwasher surprises me with how effective it is.

At a certain point it stops being a dishwasher and works better as a drying rack. It's the sorta shitty dishwashers that bother me most where I can still save time by partially processing the dishes but somehow like 1/5 of them come out worse than how they went in.

You are doing wrong, i was in same boat but then found:

That's presumptuous. Some dishwashers are legit trash that wouldn't even hold water if not for 20 years of getting the landlord white paint treatment. Probably some of the sorta working ones when I was younger could have done better with proper detergent habits but I know how to use them now and still run into it

If the dishwasher is broken, then yes obviously it won't work.