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Joined 4 months ago

Pas de parenté réelle avec l’écrivain.

Bâtard d’une diaspora honnie. Ne parle pas la langue.

Procédurier chaotique.


People don't know how to use dishwashers. What's the point of using a dishwasher if you're going to clean the dishes beforehand…

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Why do you think they do not apply?

Some reasons why I think they apply:

  • fish are animals
  • industrial fishing is destroying the oceans and sea life (way more is killed than what ends up sold and eventually maybe eaten)
  • international waters are a lawless playground for every abuse imaginable

I eat fish so I am not playing the guilt game, they're just the ethical considerations I can think of.

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You don't need to shave, using the antiseptic they cover you in before surgery is enough in my experience, and won't cause itching and cuts like shaving does.

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Everything is integrated into the computer network for every function… so if you want an old style analog speedometer how analog do you go? Cable on the gearbox (no software, no bugs, no electronics if you choose a mechanical gauge)? Separate sensor near the transmission (basic analog electronics)? Analog readout from the multiplexed network on an electronic gauge?

Cars are already incredibly complicated and expensive to meet current legal requirements.

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this is not the 1980s we have reliable protocols for file distribution where integrity checks and load distribution are included

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Works like that in Belgium as well.

France trusts that people will be nice but if landlords play dumb there's 10% interest per month after one month, and it can be expedited in small claims court if you prove bad faith and/or fraud.

You can charge people for open source software. Most people on Steam won't bother building your game from source even if it's not difficult and you distribute the assets freely.

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Use BitTorrent with DHT, no problem if site goes down.

Why haven't people learned?! It's been decades now!

Open source is better for the longevity and distribution of games, also for knowing it isn't malware. I wish more games were open-source, the industry likes trade secrets and DRM but that isn't sustainable (most games have been lost over time, and we're probably close to 99% of source material and documentation being extinct).

Producers sometimes like to include personal references.

I'd rather have that than micro transactions or unfinished games with half of what was promised or less.

Single origin chocolate (not even very expensive, but only royalty had easy access to cocoa until recently and they didn't make chocolate the way we do now).

Nice citrus fruit.

Good quality Fourme d'Ambert, Cantal or Sbrinz

Conversion of commercial property for residential use is ruinous and suboptimal.

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Plenty of gullible people out there who don't question such qualifiers when they're almost all you can see without digging a bit, billionaires like him also have a lot of influence on the media, the French ones outright own all the news outlets. I don't know about the specifics for Bill Gates, he's probably clever enough not to do it in his name if he's going to control the narrative.

The inconsistency is revealing.

Being assholes to them is irrational, they can be more of a nuisance to you than you can be to them. However I disagree people doing those jobs deserve any respect, doing evil because it's a job and it pays and they can't think of anything better… that doesn't mean it suddenly becomes acceptable. The pawns don't feel like they're responsible for abuses.

Do many Swedish people treat alcohol like this or only the illegal stuff?

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Armies are very good at getting their stuff stolen.

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OSM doesn't track you. The driving data could remain offline and the car can store the database locally to compare speed with what it should be at location x travelling direction y.

On me it barely works to use alcohol, I don't know how they make the stuff for surgeries but it is the right viscosity and concentration of iodine and other stuff to really remove anything alive without using a lot.

I have yet to find something that works as well for cotton with gunky deodorant residue, old t-shirts need a hot wash with a lot of soap and vinegar from time to time, sometimes two washes in a row.

It isn't a cookie popup law, that's the advertising industry's spin on it. It's a law against taking personal data without consent and/or for illegitimate purposes (according to the lawmakers). You don't need a popup for essential cookies.

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Old trash cans and even sturdy bags work for potatoes if you can't find big pots. Clean pallet wood that has only heat treatment can also be used to make planters that last a few years.

I have hard water, there's salt and a setting depending on hardness.

Generic detergent and rinse aid and I never have dirty dishes.

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Feelings > facts.

When they started doing away with torrents I stopped even bothering trying their site.

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Seems like that conspiracy would require more people not leaking it, ever, than just being incompetent in counter insurgency like every other military force in modern times.

I also find it very sad that it is turning sour but I find comfort in the fact that most of the fascist thugs I've seen are cowards who only find the courage to be violent in overwhelming force and numbers imbalances. Peaceful students who are known to not own guns are easy targets.

“book against violence in comic books”, say no more 🤣

No but the red paste is most likely explained by the tanks that were verifiably there. They could have crushed people with other machinery but they had tanks.

They can stop tracking you, that way they don't have to ask anything… which is precisely what they don't want to do and why they complained so much about GDPR. Lucky for them only a handful of European countries give a crap about privacy and actually enforce it in any meaningful way.

uBlock origin has lists to remove a lot of the popups (and blocks most trackers), browsing the Web in 2024 without it is torture.

I agree but a silicone scraper is plenty! Water need not be wasted.

They are getting smuggled. Full-auto guns are only difficult to do legally in the US. Pretty sure smugglers don't care about the law.

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Your power network is really letting you down with how uncommon the damn things are. Glass cooktops in Europe are like 200€ for a decent 60cm one nowadays.

That might explain some insane replies I've seen in the past.

I have had comments removed and could never see why. Now I just block their instances.

They roleplay as communist censors since that's all they can afford to do from their positions.

Until it gets nuked by pigs stealing everything. A decentralised pirate catalogue based on Musicbrainz is something I want to see before I die. People diverted their efforts into vulnerable private trackers instead.

Libraries even have video games including consoles nowadays, in some places. Can't go wrong with a library card.

If your home gets too cold for extended office work in winter without massively increasing your energy bill you can also use their premises just fine as long as you stick to their rules.

Well there's stolen and “stolen” if it's actually the CIA sending it over.

Israel's security was also useless (and friendly fire is still a big uncertainty), France's security was also useless…

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My experience with them is you can't even find the modlog if you look when they remove comments. I guess they don't federate it and/or it only shows if you're logged in?

Good incentives to block their instances.