Ms. ArmoredThirteen

13 Post – 619 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


Also Idaho potatoes are largely prison labor. McD's and Five Guys buy a lot of them

What a garbage take on this. You're completely ignoring mental health, poverty, food deserts, etc.

One of my cats knows how to open doors like a fucking velociraptor. We've baby locked several of our doors but some things like the bathroom I don't like fucking around with extra steps when trying to get into at 3am

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I honestly don't think the US would come out the other end of a civil war or rebellion as just one country

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I just had surgery a few weeks ago that included robot arms going into my tummy. A few days ago I sneezed for the first time since and immediately screamed in pain. Sneezes are weirdly hard on the body it seems

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Vanilla is key here, I'm one of those people. Tried it with chocolate ice cream once it was not stellar

All roads lead to crab. Humans out here hoping for robot transhumanism when the reality is a couple crab legs and a pincer arm is clearly superior

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As a strong believer in online privacy I'll be using Nord VPN to view your girlfriend's content. Nord lets me browse securely with peace of mind I won't be tracked. Plus I can stream region locked content. I started using it recently and let me tell you Nord has really changed my online experience for the better

Yikes x.x

I've never broken a rib but I do have a problem rib that likes to pop out of place sometimes. Usually from coughing but I've managed it a couple times from sneezes

The flat/lever kind, can get them open first try from either side of a door it's impressive. He's way too smart for his own good and I suspect he could work a round style one if it had enough texture on it. The menace certainly gets into everything else in the house

Unity employee here, idk anything specific about the departments that handle this I wouldn't even know what their name is. With that caveat, I will say that all the layoffs last year going into this year, changing CEOs, and the competition between big company beurocracy and the dying breath of small company culture, a lot of departments are behaving erratically. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody internally has a clear answer why this was banned but others aren't. Some workers may legit be trying to help but their hands are tied for corporate or maybe even legal reasons, it could be people trying to keep their heads down and close tickets quickly to keep metrics up in the hopes they're less likely to be fired. I think you all know this already but please don't be too hard on the workers we're doing what we can but it's a corporate mess right now

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It took them five years to whip up a measly 20 pages of dipshittery? Magic space daddy is free to come down here himself and choke on my girl dick if they take such offense to me. Show up quick though I've got The Surgery™️ in two months. My unique dignity is I do whatever the fuck I want to with my body, and if god didn't want that for me shouldn't have given me the damn thing in the first place

Also I love that they're like "don't modify your precious god given body!" and in the same breath say intersex people should be "corrected". Fuck these ghouls and fuck anyone who supports them

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Huh, apparently I can do about stage 2.5 but it makes the inside of my nose hurt. I wish I didn't know this about myself

Edit: I now also have a massive headache. 0/10 experience

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I'm saving up for the American Dream 2.0™️: Moving to another country

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The new goggles have a feature that merges digital apps and one’s surroundings into one immersive space

Isn't this just AR? We've had that for years. Or is it somehow different from existing AR?

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Lol I work for Unity

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The whole tech industry especially games has needed to unionize for ages now

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Seriously read this one people. The AutoTLDR bot did not capture the gravity of what's being said. This is undeniable, open authoritarianism and they're explicitly saying who is on the kill list

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I swear every time my spouse tries to use wd40 I have a stroke. We have several kinds of specific lubes for different situations ffs, all in the same easy to access bin, stop trying to use wd40 as a catch all super lube that's not how it works.

People don't send letters much anymore but please don't lick the envelopes. Just dip a finger in water. Just as easy, less germy, and doesn't cause a lingering chemical taste.

Nobody seems to understand how to use dental dams. Look it up, stay safe people.

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We were driving through absolutely middle of nowhere western Washington once, forest everywhere, and started seeing signs like "do not stop for teens" or "don't pick up hitchhiking kids". We figured it was likely a cult or conversion camp since there weren't any jouvies in that area, probably we would have ignored the signs and helped someone out if they asked

Hey remember that time Unity bought IronSource so they could integrate ads more aggressively? Unity stopped being a game engine at some point they're just an ads company now

Meanwhile, Deep Rock Galactic: solid mechanics, good community, worth so many hours of fun, no microtransactions, no FOMO for their season rewards, and stylized low poly graphics that make every cave gorgeous to look at: 3gb and only $30

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Like half of my job is writing .bat files to automate stuff locally and not tell my boss that all I do anymore is double click the right things in the right order...

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"Reducing our office footprint" these ghouls are going to fire people who aren't following the return to office decree because it will be an easy on paper excuse. Also "revenue came in within guidance" so they expected / planned for revenue to be low enough to justify firing even more people? They've already done two other mass firings morale is terrible right now. Lots of the best workers have been quitting to find better work and the drain is noticable. I just need stable insurance for another 6 months then I can leave too, I hope I don't get fucked

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I just want our universe to be cyclic, heat death is depressing

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Seems like a memorable thing to do, I'm happy for them

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I'm not engaged because the company I'm in keeps firing everyone and I spend every day wondering if it is me or someone I rely on who is next. I also got in right as the last of the small company culture was getting strangled by big corp nonsense so I've basically just been adjusting from one game plan to the next every month for the last couple years, while listening to what's left of the old guard talk about how much better everything used to be. I spend more time in meetings about all the different bureaucracies I have to engage in than I do working on anything meaningful

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Yeah but humans can give consent about the extraction process and how it is used after

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Know the difference between polygamy and polyamory. Polygamy isn't that uncommon but is often used to serve patriarchal hierarchies. Polyamory is much closer to "do whatever" (though that's not strictly true).

I'm trans and let me tell you so many of us are polyamorous. In my personal experience it has to do with spending so much time fighting against society to claim our identity that we end up questioning a lot of social norms. I think that more people than we realize could live very happily being poly, and if we had better poly representation more people would know how to approach it in a healthy way. But it doesn't serve the hierarchies we live under to let people love freely in that way, so it gets othered in media and by governments.

Also the "groups" you're talking about teaming up in are typically called polycules. There are a lot of forms they can take it is an umbrella term.

I think that as people are made more aware of the harm caused by some aspects of society we'll be better at questioning things like monogamy as a whole. It isn't an overnight thing. Also, often even in the poly community it is considered an unstable way to raise children (I don't agree with this but it is a common enough sentiment). I don't think polyamory will overtake monogamy certainly not any time in my life but I hope it becomes more common.

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Fam you have to play Morrowind. OpenMW for an easy startup cost and still a lot of good modding options, base engine if you want to go hog wild with modding to get it to work well on modern machines. The game is so worth it and truly feels like an alien fantasy world not just medieval fantasy earth. I'm one of the Morrowind hardcore fan girls so if you do pick it up and have any questions feel free to ask me, or if there are aspects of it that frustrate you I can link you to mods or potentially make you one to help get around the frustrations

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I work at Unity. The brain drain is for real. It started 2 layoffs ago and is picking up speed. My department lost some really valuable workers, because layoffs are imminent they don't let leads hire many replacements, and the resulting critical work gets dropped on people already doing full work loads. Some of the people my department has lost helped build core systems from scratch years ago so that intimate knowledge of those systems is just gone.

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Off the top of my head no particular order:

  • Proper mop bucket like heavy duty on wheels. Mopping takes minutes now, nothing has worn out in years, very little waste.
  • Proper broom, not plastic. Got tired of all the waste from plastic ones wearing out so quickly. I got one of these and it is an amazing buy it for life kind of thing.
  • Bidet
  • An IDGAF pocket knife. All those times when I was young and just needed a vaguely knife-shaped piece of metal but dad was like "don't hammer that knife into that rock you'll damage the blade" or "don't hammer that knife into the can of beans" or "don't hammer that knife into the deer skull you found" well now IDGAF. Sturdy, cheap, doesn't matter it it holds an edge or stays clean.
  • A Dremel. I don't have a lot of space and this thing is great for cutting random things I don't have real tools for.
  • Respirator and impact goggles. Originally bought for going to protests but I've found they're just fantastic around the house. Don't want to breath in murder chemical while cleaning an oven? Or microplastics from sawing your latest art project in half? What about "This Dremel blade might explode if I use it like this and I don't want to lose my eyes"?
  • Yak tracks, they work. I'm getting too old to fall on ice and walk it off.
  • The right shoes for the job. Walking shoes, climbing shoes, hiking boots, brown leather heels for construction work, eight inch black leather stilletos for getting attention, blue suede boots for getting attention, six inch pink platform boots for getting attention, blue gogo boots for getting attention. They're all crucial to my day to day.
  • Cats. They keep the sad away, works great.
  • Jars everywhere. You can store spices, leftovers, paperclips, q tips, an array of rocks for making minis, paints, pepper ferments. They are so versatile and easy to clean I have maybe 150 or so of them currently.
  • Air fryer. Didn't think I'd like it but I'm a convert now they're great.
  • A growing collection of glues. I don't know why but the ability to properly fuse shit together unlocks so many possibilities. This is a new discovery for me.
  • A growing collection of solvents. Like the reverse of glue the ability to clean things in specific ways is great.
  • Metal wire shelves. They're versatile, sturdy, relatively cheap, easy to break down and transport if you've been averaging a move a year for ten years.
  • A small sewing kit. Great for small repairs. I've added years to some of my dresses by catching weak points early and doing 10 minute fixes.
  • Proper electric toothbrush. Even the fanciest ones are cheaper than dental work.
  • Lastly, a bin of compost in your living room because you live in a city and don't have much access to dirt. Feed it very slowly so it doesn't rot. Keep roly polies in there, they're cute, and springtails to prevent mold, they're also cute. When you feel sad about living in a cement and steel environment just crack that thing open and pretend you're looking at a forest floor. Dig around a little see how the worms are doing. Bother your nesting partner by grabbing fistfuls of it and loudly exclaiming "dirt smells great today really earthy!"

Edit to add, how could I forget this? I just got home and in my entryway there is an 18 unit locker like the kind you would find during a Bed Bath going out of business sale and they're getting rid of everything including the employee lockers in back, you know the ones. I'm poly so each of my partners and my nesting partner's partners get to pick their own locker to keep overnight supplies in. There are unclaimed lockers for guests to store small things, and some that are effectively house mandatory junk drawers. Also serves as a lost and found when like partners leave phone chargers or whatever else behind. Great purchase.

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Oh great now my brother is going to quadruple down on not vaccinating any of his many kids

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Oklahoma, where a non binary kid just died maybe because of bullying

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With all our experience from the last plague this one should be a breeze where everyone quarantines, vaccinates, and masks as needed. Yeah we'll be fine

Hottest I've ever been in is 114f iirc in a dry heat. It was brutal like "you can feel moisture evaporating out of your eyes", I felt like just sitting around I couldn't drink water as fast as I was losing it. 125 is bonkers

Billions of queries becoming way more energy intensive for a feature almost nobody asked for, now the default. What the fuck are we even doing

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Hey this is me working at Unity! The never ending churn building a thing that I tell people to not use is terrible. In a few months though I can handle a change or gap in insurance though so I've got a light at the end of the tunnel at least

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