Unity’s Open-Source Double Standard: the ban of VLC

TrivialBetaState@sopuli.xyz to Linux@lemmy.ml – 450 points –

Another good lesson about why we should trust only FOSS ecosystems


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Unity employee here, idk anything specific about the departments that handle this I wouldn't even know what their name is. With that caveat, I will say that all the layoffs last year going into this year, changing CEOs, and the competition between big company beurocracy and the dying breath of small company culture, a lot of departments are behaving erratically. I wouldn't be surprised if nobody internally has a clear answer why this was banned but others aren't. Some workers may legit be trying to help but their hands are tied for corporate or maybe even legal reasons, it could be people trying to keep their heads down and close tickets quickly to keep metrics up in the hopes they're less likely to be fired. I think you all know this already but please don't be too hard on the workers we're doing what we can but it's a corporate mess right now

Look, it's a low level employee of a faceless corporation!


Jokes aside, thanks for the transparency, and salute to you and your coworkers for trying to weather the storm caused by "shifting paradigms"... that's what they call it, right? I know the execs can shift my paradigm, that's for sure.

Peace and love.

Tech in general but especially the game industry desperately needs to unionize. If the last couple years doesn't convince tech bros they're just as expendable as all the other working class out there, idk what will. Got to do something to insulate us from "restructures", "rightsizing", and "company resets"

Wow I never knew it was that bad. I hope you have something else lined up it sounds like everyone's employment is shaky

Yeah it's a bit of a shit show for sure. Unfortunately I do not have anything else lined up right now, I know that's an unsafe decision. My life has been a mess lately I can only handle so much at once and finding different work is exhausting

If you're a software engineer, and you're in the unity Austin area, lmk. Assuming you would be open to writing b2b software, the company i work for is huge, and still hiring devs.

I appreciate this, I'm not in that area though. I also plan on migrating back into making games for my next job because I'm a slut for corporate abuse

A friend of mine worked in a position I would have assumed was considered vital to one of Unity’s products, in fact to my knowledge they were the only one keeping that part running. Apparently the higher-ups were able to lay them off without much hesitation this time around. The company seems to be leaking hard.

As a long time Unity user, thanks for your hard work. It's appreciated more than you could ever know.

Stop making excuses for your fuck ups and start fix things.

It's not his fault that his bosses and their bosses are fuckwits. Don't blame the common worker for the shit the company board does

Written by someone who has never beena cog in the machine at a company like this.

There's nothing he can do to affect things there. Nothing. Not even quitting will change anything.

Quitting would probably be doing them a favor tbh they're already trying to fire everyone

You don't understand how development works, at all. The developers themselves don't make these kind of decisions at these companies. They just do what they are told to do by their higher-ups. The higher-ups happen to be corporate businesspeople that don't really know much about tech, and only care about profits.

The blame for Unity's failures belongs to the executives and businesspeople, not the developers.