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Joined 1 years ago

Some nerd that likes open-source

I really hope Godot will become as good for games like blender is for 3D modeling

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I hope so. More Linux users mean more Linux support

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I love these comments. It shows the federation is working. If reddit did this it was "oh no what now" but with lemmy it's just "time to move to another instance"

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I honestly don't understand people. Just don't buy the fucking game then.

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Anything decentralized and open source.

I'm really excited at the improvements made to gnome-mobile.

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yeah it's fine


Personally I love that Microsoft did this. Please keep making windows more and more shit and annoying to use so people will switch to something else

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Pirate stuff. That's the easiest way to make sure you own it

I went back on Reddit a couple days ago and the difference is insane. Lemmy post and comments feel like real people. Reddit post are literally the same shit post or questions asked 3 years ago and filled with comments that seem like AI or just someone not putting in any thought

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Ye but people don't want to accept that the company charging $5000 for a GPU is also too stubborn and lazy to pay any devs to write decent drivers

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Dude I'm still okay with ps3 level graphics as long as it has more vibrant colors. Back then colors were always gray.

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This makes me think, how many other places would be a beautiful view if we didn't start building there

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What the hell they talking about? Digital ownership is amazing. I can stream all my content from my server and keep it forever as long as I backup regularly. What sucks is buying shit digitally because then you don't own it at all

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Yeah? Redhat just backs fedora they don't own it. Fedora is completely separate and run by the community

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Same, I wasn't surprised either. I could see a furry making a GPU for fun

You don't need any other device to set up the steam deck unless you have 2FA through the steam app or something.

In my opinion that's really surprisingm PlayStation is probably the one console left that's able to sell units because of their exclusives. Nintendo usually has that title but every console they make is able to be emulated within a year

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Dang, I finally started liking gnome over kde because of fedora

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For me I just gave up the games that don't work on Linux. I didn't have any windows only software I was bound to tho

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Haha that's my thoughts exactly. Anyone that complains should go try to maintain x11 so they can understand way development is moving to Wayland. I'm not a dev at all and I don't understand but I love reading the blog post from devs

Finally a Lemmy client for Linux mobile

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I finally bought an AMD card. Never going back to Nvidia

You're good. Even if you do use xz and ssh the version with the vulnerability only made it's way to rolling release distros or beta version of distros like fedora 40

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Every problem I have stems from Nvidia. I can't complain too much because it was a Christmas present from my friend and it's a really good card but damn Nvidia drivers.

The one thing keeping my friend from switching even tho he wants to is vst plugins for his DAW. He uses both Ableton and Bitwig and Bitwig works on Linux but the plugins can be Windows only. There are projects to make them work but it turns into a mess to manage it all.

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How? I hate getting any notification unless it's a text or phone call.

Wow I never knew it was that bad. I hope you have something else lined up it sounds like everyone's employment is shaky

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I'm excited for convergence and Linux mobile.

Wayland becoming the default for every DE. X11 needs to go.

I'm hoping more market share will mean more applications come to Linux and better support for hardware. Cough cough Nvidia

Bcachefs also looks interesting but I need to look into it more.

And I'm also excited for all the things I don't know about and didn't even think about showing up

I really hope matrix gets native VoIP. I saw like 2 years ago it was in beta, haven't kept up with it though. I'd also really like voice channels like discord so my friends and I can replace discord but it seems like matrix isn't interested in being a discord replacement

The deck is probably going to get more support for longer even though it's slightly weaker. Even after valve stops supporting it down the road there are already a bunch of Linux distros for the deck

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Used to love anime but now that I'm older I dislike it. Still love reading manga, just hate the high pitch annoying ass voice for every female character. A few anime's don't do it and those ones I still love

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I just want a small laptop. Not a phone. I hate the why apps and crap work and how files are stored. It's so annoying to use

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So use 3, got it

Consoles are for the rich and my mind can't be changed about that.

After all these years I found a ps3 getting thrown away so I picked it up and asked my cousin for a controller and it's really fun and convenient for gaming but damn back then I could never afford it. Now it's worse. You have to pay for online, games are more expensive, controllers are more expensive, and it's way more locked down. I remember my cousin and I were trying to watching a YouTube video and we couldn't because sony servers were down and you had to be logged in to watch a YouTube video.

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Why have I never heard of Ctrl+insert combo? I almost don't believe you. Will test when I get home

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Yeah but there's not much you can do other than try to convince them to switch. I don't understand why people still like being fucked by big corps but to each their own I guess

No foreskin and no lubricant, just scabs from ripping the skin

Oh boy, another reason to switch to Linux. Thanks Microsoft

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It's definitely something I can see Nintendo doing. I hate that company so much but I hate that I love a lot of their games. Until they get their stuck out of their ass though I'm going to continue to pirate all their games and help hack all my friends consoles so they get them for free as well