Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off. to – 468 points –
Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off.

Well, Microsoft is getting ready to annoy its faithful Windows 10 user base with yet another prompt. This time, Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to switch from using a local account to their online Microsoft account.


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Personally I love that Microsoft did this. Please keep making windows more and more shit and annoying to use so people will switch to something else

You vastly underestimate the tolerance of an average user who barely knows their way around a web browser and Word.

My mom doesn't even have a computer. She's already retired so there's not much money to squeeze from that demographic. In my late 20s, 30s and 40s I could build a new computer no problem. I use Linux. There's no going back ever. Unfortunately I use windows at work cuz I'm forced to do that and I occasionally have to help my wife to windows some shit. No, my kids are going down the Linux rabbit hole.

I said the same thing, until the kids needed to use Office365 for school.

And NO, Libreoffice won't cut it because the school is deeply entrenched with Microsoft - it's not just using Word or whatever, but all those OneDrive things that are so tightly integrated.

So they run Windows, and I hate it. My work laptop also runs Windows, and I hate it. But there's only so far you can take your idealism if you still want to be part of a normal functioning society.

My home server rocks Linux and Docker and whatnot. But work and school? Just accept it.

There has to be a resistance. Basically all of us who know our way around a computer, we simply quit helping the rest and bam Microsoft is history. And I think that's happening now. I'm simply not going to push that shit into my kid's life. I have a simple mind and I'm simple minded. Here I am typing on a little rectangle of glass and plastic with one finger. I'm writing more than a few words a day to many strangers. There's no need for 15gig or you pay google powered AI one drive shit. You know that. Me, I would like to own my works of art. Wether it's this very response or a photo. I want to know where in my computer the thing is stored and I would like for Microsoft to not have access to it. It's a privacy issue. All the big companies are going to hit the privacy wall soon. Besides their shitty software, they will be hit by legal battles. If they win, we all loose. If they loose, then maybe, just maybe our kids will grow up with computing options that are there to help them and not to take advantage of their labor. Man, I'm willing to stand up in front of a PTA meeting and say this. I'm just tired of these tech corporations running loose and taking away our future. That's all.

Can't you use Office and OneDrive online?

Yeah, you just need a browser and you're set, you could even use a tablet, no need for windows.

Windows users will add a new PowerShell command or registry hack to the pile of shit to do to clean up a fresh install, and keep complaining that Linux is too hard.

Lol yeah I keep hearing about the commands and stuff people have to do at Win11 installation to stop it from forcing you to have an account or satisfy MS's ridiculous TPM requirements. I hear about the commands people run to disable (most) telemetry, and the registry edits people use to prevent Windows from spawning ads, etc.

And I'm like damn, why is windows so complicated? It should never be required that a user open a terminal/command prompt.