5 Post – 411 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hey guys, listen up. The scraps Amazon is giving me are insufficient to make ends meet. UNIONS ARE THE PROBLEM!

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Meanwhile every other person:

gets shot for not following an officer’s orders in .5 seconds

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There are really few problems that are “impossible.” That is, if you count those customers/managers are interested in. All the rest is just “I’ll need 10 years, 230 million Dollars and a research team”

XKCD 1425 by Randall Munroe. License: CC BY-NC 2.5

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The gist:

The always-on nature of phones and tablets is incredibly convenient. Wouldn’t it be great if your (non-ARM) laptop or desktop could do this too? Save power when you’re not using it, but still be ready at a moment’s notice?

Microsoft certainly thought so, which is why when Windows 8 was released, it introduced a new feature called Connected Standby. If the hardware indicated support (foreshadowing), instead of telling the BIOS to enter system standby, Windows would enter Connected Standby.

I first ran into the wonders of Modern Standby on my Dell Inspiron 5482, an 8th generation Intel 2-in-1 laptop with a spinning hard drive. After a few months of owning it, I started noticing that it wasn’t sleeping properly. If I closed it, I could still sometimes hear the fans running even 15 minutes later. If I put it in my backpack, there was a good chance I’d take it out at 0% battery or to the fans running at full blast and the CPU dangerously close to overheating. Half the time the hard drive wouldn’t even spin down, which sure is nice when you’re planning to be jostling it around in a bag for a couple hours.

The worst part of this all was that Dell gave you no official way to disable Modern Standby. Windows itself isn’t any help, either. If the BIOS says it supports Modern Standby, Windows takes it at its word and completely disables the ability to enter S3 sleep (classic standby). There’s no official or documented option for disabling Modern Standby through Windows, which is incredibly annoying.

Another issue with Modern Standby is what can trigger wakeup events, and for how long. Supposedly, only certain built-in Windows functions, like updates and telemetry can actually wake the device up, but so can apps installed through the Microsoft Store.

Microsoft probably deserves most of the blame for this mess. It created the feature and has been (allegedly) pressuring vendors to implement it and discontinue support for S3 sleep.

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If you’d like to pay via PayPal, contact our sales team.

For fuck’s sake, either you accept PayPal or you don’t. What kind of shady behind-the-curtains bullshit are you trying to pull?

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But sugar dissolves in cold water. It just takes a bit longer. This is 9th grade chemistry. At 20°C 203.9g sugar are soluble per 100ml of water.

[Edit: Sorry, for the Americans here: At 68°F, 1 cup of sugar is soluble in 21/50 cups of water.]

Wikipedia (de): Zucker cites Hans-Albert Kurzhals: Lexikon Lebensmitteltechnik. Volume 2: L – Z. Behr, Hamburg 2003, ISBN 3-86022-973-7, p. 723.

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I can’t believe a company that’s been this shitty to its customers, openly, for literal decades is still in business.

Thanks for reminding me to never, ever buy Apple.

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That’s why a right to privacy is so important. You never know what innocuous things anyone is looking out for.

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+1 for accessibility.

It only supports ints and bools, some logic and simple arithmetics and it compiles to Java but damn was it hard to get that far.

I have a bachelor’s in computer science and I don’t think I would be able to do that…

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And we thought boomers reading shit off Facebook was bad. Now they have AI feeding it to them.

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With everybody and their grandma shoving their cloud into your face, I’m happy there still are flash drives for sale.

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We cannot stop collecting data about you because collecting the datum that you want to stop having your data collected failed.

I wonder if the situation in Europe is different, where such bullshit is illegal.

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#b100fe and #b71cfe. Differences are in the red and green channels.

I’m more offended to be in Heaven in the first place. I mean, all the nutjobs were right after all? And only those nutjobs in my particular area of the world?

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Literally the same just different.

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Of course they have the right to inspect the property, with the owner’s informed consent and with clear-cut boundaries of what they’re looking for. The owner needs to have the chance to correct the offending circumstances before a policy should be canceled.

Consider this case: You want to refurbish the storage room and clean it out onto the lawn while you’re painting it. The paint dries and 6 hours later you put your stuff back in. However, in these 6 hours a drone took a picture of a gas canister on your lawn. The insurance company cancels the policy because you’re storing dangerous materials.

This cannot be in anyone’s best interest.

Their fault. They removed all the real stressors but didn’t give us brains that can cope with not being stressed. Now we have to pull stress out of thin air—or grapefruit.

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I understand the intent from your graphic, but given the signage, I would not have known what they expected of me.

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It’s incredibly how much of the work gets done while staring out the window thinking about nothing at all related to the task at hand.

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Outlook also sends all your email, including those from other accounts, to their cloud. No questions asked. Oh, also your password, because why not?

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The worst games are those that promise you fun, but are just barely too annoying to actually deliver. It’s the most aggravating if you can see that the idea is great, but it’s so badly executed.

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That’s when you set the intern’s IDE to preserve the line endings.

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I’ll take LibreOffice Writer over MS Word anytime. All that ‘I know better than you,’ ‘You wanted to copy the space, too, right? Even though you stopped marking before it,’ can kiss my ass.

In the olden days, when a computer used its voice to tell you it was working, we had the hard drive activity indicator. Now that that information would actually be useful, manufacturers cheap out on a fucking light.


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Whenever the compiler refuses to compile because of an unused var:

Hey Jeff, we know the variable is unused. WE CAN SEE THE SQUIGGLE

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class Scratch {
  // Start of file

  public static void main(args: string[]) {
    int number1 = 2;
    number 1 = 10;
    int number2 = 13;
    boolean fo_sure = true;
    if (fo_sure) {
      number1 = number1 + 5 - 10 * 2 / 3;
    boolean canYouSeeMee = false;
    if (false) {
      canYouSeeMe = false;
    } else {
      canYouSeeMe = true;

What’d I win?

I find it interesting and unnerving that I understood the code, but not the youthspeak.

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In my school in Germany, all computers were always set up in a way such that the teacher could look at any screen immediately. If a minor accesses a porn site, they’ll tell you by giggling, so what’s the need for filtering, anyway?

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As a German I wish that our government’s lesson from the Nazi regime wasn’t “No more hate against Jews”, but rather “No more exterminations of minorities”. It’s sad how timid our politicians are in condemning Israels actions. “The war against Hamas” stopped being “Self-defence” when Israel cut of gas, water power and food supplies to the whole population—which was well before the armed invasion.

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Not to put the blame on the devs, but the problems might have been attenuated by defining a proper interface layer against the server.

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I would like to see people educated how to argue without getting personal. And how to communicate that you aren’t in a mood to argue right now, because you’re angry and wouldn’t listen.

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Please enable JavaScript to visit our site.

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14 days ago I tested Ubuntu. I couldn’t access my Wifi. The network was visible, but it refused to accept the password. (Yes, I quintuple-checked that I entered it right.) When I tried Linux Mint, it worked on the first try.

Moral of the story: Drivers are hit-and-miss on Linux, too.

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Not only censored, but dumbly censored. Facepalm squared.

The reasoning goes that the population there is so small that there really isn’t an ‘outside the family’.

Farmers get their dicks sucked by every government on Earth. Be it pesticides, usage of fertilizers, groundwater pollution, animal rights or erosion . NoOoO!! We CaNnOt PrOtEcT tHe EnViRoNmEnt!!11 iT wOuLd mAkE fArMiNg hArDeR aNd MoRe ExPeNsIvE !!!

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You want me to work 60 hours per week for you? Counteroffer: I work 0 hours for you.

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Why the fuck would they name it PRISM?

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