16 Post – 521 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is old news, and perfectly normal for stage work.

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I'm in Europe and I have never in my life seen a gas station that dispenses every fuel through just one hose.

Every fuel has its own hose and "pistol". Each "pump" has two or three or four hoses.

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The can opener was invented 30 years after the can.

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What a badly written article, wrongly explaining both the diff and the CV joint. That's not what they do or how they work.

"mega-thin"? Is that like "micro-large"?

Pepperidge Farm remembers when journalists had a grasp of the language.

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Vimes' theory of boots!

The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. ... A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. ... But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while a poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.

I'm pooping next to my toilet, inside this wall. The tp roll is in my belly.

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Oh, I agree with you! And I'm sure we can have this discussion about almost any current product launch, too.

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Didn't see Paperless in these comments yet. Great way to never again search for documents, bills, receipts, warranties, manuals, etc cetera ad nauseam.

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The measure of a man's true character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Do you remember before we had usb devices, our laptops had credit-card-sized PCMCIA slots?

I love that word. What's it mean? People can't memorise computer industry acronyms. ;-)

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*regardless *irrespective

Pick one.

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My son loves LEGO. He built a pretty large enclosure for his smart phone out of LEGO Technic parts. It barely fit in his pocket.

Colorful, ugly, ingenious, conversation starter.

Nah, obviously you launch Copilot with Ctrl+C.

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Easy: I have used my Norwegian teapot every day for as long as I can remember - easily 50 years, plus some 15+ years where my dad used it before me, plus another unknown number of years before him, because he picked it up doing his rounds as a garbage man in his student years (1960s). That thing is ancient, and still going strong. Never gonna let it go.

That teapot must be tied with the Danish dinner tableware inherited from my grandparents. That stuff has also been in use literally daily since the 1950s.

Talk about built to last, and buy it for life. Amazing.

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Among my must-have selfhosting items, in no particular order, I can recommend:

  • Portainer, to keep track of what's going on.
  • Nginx Proxy Manager, to ensure https with valid certificate to those services I want to have available from the outside.
  • Pihole, of course.
  • Gitea, to store my coding stuff.
  • Paperless-ngx, to store every paper in my life.
  • Immich, an amazingly good replacement for Google Photos.
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So did I. Now I am old, and will enjoy the modern world.

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"elaborate"? Nah.

De-Google > use Meta and MS > wtf???

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NO SOCIAL MEDIA. I belive that Facebook has made the collective humanity a lot stupider. Groupthink, sheeple, influencers, contrails conspiracies...

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Poland gonna Poland.

Or, as they say in Germany: "Take a vacation in Poland. Your car is already there."

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Looks like nobody pointed out the obvious here:

Domains cost around 10-20$€£ per year. That amount is rent, paid to the registrar.

If you find a domain that costs more than that, then you are not dealing with a registrar. You are dealing with a domain squatter that owns the usage rights to that domain name, and the price is what they demand to transfer that right to you.

If you're stupid enough to pay that, you'll still need to pay the actual fee to the registrar when the next billing period starts.

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I'm sure they meant "in the end" and not "it's about time".

It has been THE viteo platform for literally decades. There is so much content there; it would be a tremendous effort to direct that elsewhere.

And that other site would quickly succumb to storage and bandwidth costs. What options could exist?

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If only people cared. Sadly, they don't.

Source: am one of probably three people in the country that refuse to use Meta CRAPWARE. And thus, very lonely.

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If they keep shelling a nuclear power plant, then it damn well won't be a nuclear ACCIDENT.

It's nearly 500 000 now. Insane.

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Yes, that's me. I have no interest in a nerdy deep-dive into esoteric distros that may be "better" according to whatever metric you suggest. To me, it's just a machine that needs to work.

With Windows, getting help when things break is easy. For a non-nerd USER, it has to be the same for Linux. Ubuntu was intended from the start to be made for people like me, and with AskUbuntu there's a large support site.

I know you can tweak your distro better, and it's faster, and so on. But it requires knowledge that I don't care to learn - just as I am not an auto mechanic, I just drive the machine.

It's like an outdoor Roomba. Very common in Europe, nothing special at all.

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Well, the only reason being that the content is there and not here YET.

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AI, Twatter, Tesla - there's hardly anything else in this community... :(

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I don't think you can get around that. What I do is that if the site requires a registration, or has a full-screen cookie banner, then I just close that tab. End of story.

If I can't view it easily, then I will just not view it.

How can a country as large as Russia be dependent on a tiny and thoroughly sanctioned country as North Korea? How can NK possibly have anything better than Russia?

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How can people, "experts" even, work on shit like this with a good conscience? Even if they earn millions, they are still undressing all of us including their own families!

I refuse to believe they don't know, but why don't they care?

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It says right there in your screenshot that it's the CABLE that can become damaged.

Like 90% of all the apple cables I've ever seen. But I guess that's different.

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I'd say fuck that. You were shipping my container, I'm not telling you how to do your job and I am most certainly not paying for your damages.

This is 100% on the captain and the shipping company.

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What's right, then? For fuck's sake, these people have been hitting each other over the head forever and show no inclination to reason their way to peace. Like two babies crying over the same nappy, they won't be content until one has all and the other has none.

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Finally some technology news that isn't about Twatter AI Tesla shit - - and then it's furry maniacs. I want to get off this planet.

This insane torture is why there are post-it notes under the keyboards.

Brother ADS-1700W is amazing!

  • no PC or USB required: place it anywhere
  • WiFi
  • scans a page double-sided to PDF in two seconds!
  • sends file to network share, ready to be consumed by Paperless
  • fully automatic, no button presses needed!
  • tiny footprint
  • document feeder
  • use with separator pages to bulk-scan many documents in one go


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