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Joined 9 months ago

Usually it's pretty safe except when there are calves on the field. It happens every year that some tourists (especially with dogs) go through a field with calves and their mothers and someone gets injured.

That would be great

Not really broken but I decided to reinstall but during the process I couldn't find one of the floppy discs. That was during the mid 90s.

Arkane Austin is understandable; nobody bought Prey and Redfall was a disaster.

9 more...

Is this a batarang?


Oh no, the poor scammers, why is everyone so toxic?!

They always sucked

Sure, when and where?

Sure Timmy. Timmmmmmeeeeeyyyyyyy.


As many times as possible because it's funny af

No they won't. The federation system like it's currently implemented will never be mainstream.


Yep, also a Kickstarter (well, before the Kickstarter actually) and I got my money's worth with the drama and ongoing development comedy.


DPKR isn't a dictatorship though. Kim alone holds less power in his country than Biden for instance. Also he was elected. DPKR have some sort of direct democracy that most western world doesn't even dream about.

lol people like you really exist

How is maps getting worse? You don't like the colours?

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Why? Amsterdam is always a great time.

Hahaha fuck epic

Yeah because it's shit

Or, you know, I could just use milk.

On a LCD? Getoutahere



What I don't get is what's with you suggesting that her wanting the house for herself is a somewhat morally wrong thing. It's her house. Idiots build it on her land; tough luck shitheads, it's hers now.

There is the russian shill.

There is the fascist


But it sounds like you are advocating for china. Look how much you wrote about another country when someone asked specifically about china and a Chinese phone manufactured in china.

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They are fascist based, not left

You went to school with Jordan Scott? Cool

It just works

Any Gaspar Noe movie will do just fine.

Everyone who is paying for pirating is doing things wrong. Don't be stupid.

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That's a stupid take. Skyrim 1.0 was essentially the same game as it is today.

Fuck epic

Why is this on shitpost? Wrong sub.

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