
1 Post – 258 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Also, the jpeg is going to store each pixel as a 8bit x3, Rgb (255 *3), color pallette for the color code, whereas the nes was limited to only 56 colors.

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Something something goth tiddies.

lol at the 6 (at the time of writing this) trump supporters that downvoted you and are cool with trump pardoning convicted killers, his own sycophants that were convicted of federal crimes, and people that gave him bribes for his presidential pardons at the 11th hour; but not cool with pardoning people wrongfully convicted of a bigoted piece of propaganda turned law with "Don't ask, Don't Tell".

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It was a way to not deal with the issue directly, and to give members of the LGBTQ+ community an option to hide who they are and not receive punishment. But it in no way protected them. It was sold as a "compromise", but was actually a thinly veiled way to continue to suppress the community and enact harsh penalties and convictions for anyone who didn't follow the protocol.

She wasn't successful in killing the child, so no, no pardon from Abbott. He only pardons actual convicted killers of hate crimes.


Well. Now I've got another fear to add to the list.

We don't have to imagine too hard here. The fact that he's even able to run for president again is a travesty of justice.

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Yeah, they admit in the video that the developers didn't hire a surveyor. The developers are completely fucked here, and I think they know it.

If they had hired a title company, the company would have hired surveyors, so it's pretty much a for sure thing they didn't hire a title company. Developers usually only do that at closing when they sell the property.

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Complain harder about woke ideologue as they blame liberals for shunning their perfect state.

I say this as a recent transplant out of spending almost 2 decades in Texas.

Couldn't get out of there soon enough. So happy we left.

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Don't forget that he's on record as saying he would be a dictator for a day the first day of his presidency, then things would go back to a democracy the following day...

He was not joking. And even if he was, that is not a thing a president of the US, former, sitting, or potential, should ever, ever, joke about.

But he wasn't joking. Anyone saying that is gaslighting you.

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You know, I'm something of a Judge myself.

An old rapist seditionist traitor

They were always an ass. That's the secret.

Nowdays, we just have more visibility into this shit than we did "back in their day".

This is my same struggle every day having been raised in a preacher's home.

Reading the Bible is what turned me into an atheist

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This is the only real answer here.

Every other answer is in some way just making your perception of time accelerate.

But the only way to process emotional loss, of a close loved one; is with time. That's just the way our brains are wired. We couldn't survive as a species if we didn't get numb to pain and trauma in the past.

Let's not kid ourselves.

They'd make it worse two days at a time, if given the opportunity.

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This. And I'm a guy. I completely understand why women are "overly" nice.

You guys understand that these are for laundering money to his defense funds, right? Nobody actually buys these.

Instead, his illicit contacts in Russia and other extremist groups, will buy a fuck ton and let them rot just to feed money into his pocket 'legally'

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Man, I'm so sick of you fucking crazies screwing with women's rights because you think you know more than medical doctors.

You understand your crowd didn't give a rat's fucking ass about abortion until the evangelical leaders decided to make it a national outrage issue in the 80s, right?

All you are is a poor manipulated tool of Christo fascist agenda set decades ago.

And you're so bought in on this at this point that you can't back out, because it would make you look weak, or lose your friends, or whatever. But that's on your for not doing the right thing here and supporting women's rights, and supporting the mountain of medical evidence that backs pro choice.

Instead, you just repeat the same, tired horseshit your heard at your last church sermon or from fox News.

So, if you're not interested in helping women regain rights they had stolen from them, yet again, then you can fuck right off.

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He had a stroke and now he's really off. His staff quit, he's been saying random crazy shit. Basically the stuff people do after suffering a stroke. So he's a different person now. A lot Less liberal.

That's not how recounts work. It has to be close, and this wasn't even close. Recounts address a margin of error. What you're doing is dog whistling voter fraud, and I very, very seriously doubt you're actually a staunch leftist.

You're just a bad actor trying to give the illusion that our voting system shouldn't be trusted.


You can fuck right off.

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She exploited and got rich off rich people though, like SBF, so she went down. Musk exploited and got rich off the working class and apartheid exploitation in SA. So that's ok. He's one of them.

And that should tell you everything you need to know about the law. Which is to say it's clearly on the right side of history.

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You absolutely should.

Because it removes a republican talking point. They're literally playing politics.

That's pretty much exactly what he claimed.

1994 Ford Taurus.

I went over a speed hump at 5mph and the whole engine fell out of the front.

Apparently it's not supposed to do that.

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Yes. People got to eat.

They're legit companies, but they do not operate with the goal of profit. Profit is something they may make, and in many cases it's good so they can survive losses of funding or the like.

It also means they get certain tax advantages because they are not solely focused on profit

I'm going to be so happy to see his death caused by a likely drug overdose. Not because I take joy in his death, but we'll finally be rid of having to hear about his stupidity and drama every day.

It's not small dick hate. It's calling out the shallowest thing that would piss trump off. It's especially poetic as he makes exaggerated claims about his persons all the time, including what we know is a complete exaggeration on the size of his dick (thanks Stormy).

Any other person I'm in total agreement with you.

Just not this one. Not after he fucking mocked a disabled person on live TV and suffered zero consequences.

This is all we've got right now.

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While on the topic, this isn't how passwords work in systems.

Passwords are stored as one way hashes. So it's cryptoed only in one direction, it's lossy, and can't be recovered back to the original password.

When you log on, your cleartext PW is hashed in ephemeral memory/storage and then the cleartext password is thrown away.

That hash is compared to the hash in the DB. If the hash matches, then you have access. If it doesn't, then your PW is incorrect.

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Possibly the underlying cause of the explosive decompression.

Silicon techno wizard.

I make rocks solve repetitive problems faster than humans, and they can talk to each other anywhere in the world and group up to solve even more complex problems.

I get paid in pictures of cats.

You're charging two adults. The parent is charged with a separate crime. It's like if you enabled someone to commit a crime. That's a crime. That's what's happening here.

It's not a feeling, it's literally what he said he'd do the first day in office as a dictator for a day. Literally. There's no hyperbole there.

I like this take the best

While that may be true about Star Trek after the fact, the truth is that in order to get the federation off the ground, and the world economy in line to create the first Enterprise and crew and all the scientific advancements they made, required the entire world moving to a purely socialistic platform/agenda to achieve.

It's far fetched because there's literally no evidence of this anywhere other than someone's imagination.

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Agreed. But sometimes, you need to remove the infection first before it can heal.

Removing trump from the equation removes their rallying point and sends them back into the shadows, where we will build a beacon of light to educate them out of.