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Joined 1 years ago

Fuck em. I'll just stop watching if it comes down to it. Hell, even without an alternative.

But you can't trust regular people to have open source ASI, but don't worry, we won't fuck it up.

The Karma system was never a great system, I thought. Due to group think on Reddit, at times people get downvoted for no good reason. I think it's good to have a little diversity and not just have a model. I like Lemmy so far a lot and I think it is getting better and better. This is exactly how red it should have been, but they ruined it, of course.

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Fuck J.K. Rowling. Femcel. Lol

I'm voting for Biden unless there's another nominee that will be the predominant choice against Trump. I don't like either of them but the choice is easy. Biden can't win my state, but I'm still going to vote for him literally just because he is running against Trump. I might cow about how I ate the Dems won't run on much else, but the contrast is big this time. It's always been really though, the Dems should be our new right wing party and a new farther left party like the Green party ought to be the more leftist faction. Dems to me already are neolibs with a neocon leaning. Leftist Populism must be embraced by the neolibs long term. Either way something has to give. Too much wealth to go around (even globally). The greedy old ideologies of constant growth at the expense of the poorest people in the world can't go forever. Growth economics can't go forever either. I have hope. Just go vote because that's what we can do easily as a minimum effort.

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Imma go take a jit in the joylet

It's amazing how Microsoft can take good models and absolutely ruin them in production... ChatGPT isn't perfect but it's like the difference between talking to the wall and talking to an avg IQ person that has reasoning capabilities in many domains that equals or exceeds human performance, if the user knows how to get the best prompt. That changes a little every time they do major model updates though.

I've had more intelligent conversations with my own computer running a 3 billion parameter open source model. They must be wasting an incredible amount of money. Especially with GPT-4 considering it produces pretty shit results through Bing Chat...

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I've had family that votes Republican say this, they will literally defend the minority vote winning. They see democracy as "mob rule." Well, if a bunch of rich assholes getting to decide who's president, and a system where the people with the least votes win, how is that not mob rule?

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I just hope violence is kept at a minimum. Most of the people where I live are Trumpies (well the older crowd especially) and they truly are just totally oblivious. They certainly aren't evil. It's so unfortunate because these are people I'd say are good people. They've never killed or directly harmed a soul to my knowledge. I just hope if there's violence that it's targeted top heavy because we all know who the problem(s) are and they could probably be counted by any tally counter that goes to 1k. AKA don't focus on the manipulated, focus on the manipulator(s).

Please note this is in no way condoning any violence outside of Minecraft

Linux gaming has come so far. I don't even run Windows anymore. Especially with how much open source AI stuff I use.

It's so hard to delete anything on Discord it's in the permanent record. It's upsetting. I use it too, but it is a nightmare privacy wise and it has all sorts of consequences.

This is in the good economies too! In most of Africa life is even shittier. I can only imagine. Well, is still mostly better than it's ever been. History is cruel, and present but at least % of population living decent is much higher globally. Still, USA richest country in the world and we can't Even get universal healthcare, and instead of aiding homeless domestically, or money for food abroad etc.... We give a genocidal maniac hundreds of billions to play with.

Eh well this is how it goes. People aren't really all that intelligent and we operate mostly of emotion, or rationalization.

Thank you Elon ❤️ 🤣🤣

Time to download or stuff in Minecraft of course.

So I guess work or kill yourself? That's great. Just great.

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Unfortunately. She literally rammed her car into another car allegedly just because they made her mad. She had serious mental health issues, and it's horrible that she died, but the same people don't care when it isn't one of "theirs." They'll make excuses for police violence in every case except where it was almost the only logical choice for said agent. Like what was he supposed to do? Some of those people were actually armed despite lies to the contrary. I'd be shitting my pants if the MAGA mob were making my work day that bad. What did they expect? I thought the Capitol police were absolutely incredibly soft and very very professional.

They'll succeed if they keep it up. My Pixel is the buggiest phone I've ever had anyway. I hate a lot of the weird little iPhone restrictions but at this point Android is getting irritating. It should be best on the Pixel but it's not. All this BS trying to kill the open Internet is just a good reason to cut Google out, especially browser wise and device/OS.

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This may have some legs. It would be wildly valuable for Putin.

Fuck Unity. Their engine sucks anyway.

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Honestly Taco Bell and McDonald's are better. I'm sick of Wendy's. Fries suck, burger okay, always left full. McDonald's breakfast especially. It's still shitty food that's bad for you and overpriced, but it gives me the right feel. Wendy's kinda just sucks.

Google has completely lost its way. On my Pixel 6 recently the voice typing doesn't even work correctly. Although it works sometimes it tends to cut me off where is it worked perfect a few weeks ago. Google is constantly introducing new bugs into Android and into their native apps. I can tell morale must be very low because shit doesn't work.

This is why we need a huge general strike. It's going to take this getting a lot worse before must people would consider joining though. It's a trap and it's tough to get out of. Capitalism is a train wreck.

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This is hilarious. Elon musk has shown he's a moron. He's a serial lier. Elon Musk has once again proven himself to be a foolish and dishonest individual.

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Hopefully it helps Mastadon. We'll see. Facebook isn't suddenly benevolent that's for sure.

What is updog? I'm aurtistic so I missed a lot of stuff growing up being a weird self isolating nerd lol

Nukes because then I get vaporized instantly. 😎

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Usually they can't, but they can blackmail. Usually only if you're really really deep in anti Pooh territory though. Pooh is vindictive and thin skinned like our spray tan guy. Spray tan could for example, work with Pooh to surveil and jail dissenters. It's not that China is a threat to an individual American or other foreigner in a Western country per se, but as long as they could potentially leverage your data against you they do have a little threat. For the record Pooh and spray tan should be sent to an island together to... Oh shit nvm usually rich people and islands aren't a good thing. 😂

And child marriage

Yeah everyone like "AI content flood oh noooo, AI AI AI" yet very few mention this much much bigger issue of centralized algorithmically controlled walled gardens where everyone is. That's kinda like WeChat in China. It is hard to have real democracy or freedom of information (or privacy of any sort) when only a few big corporations have the social networks all locked down. The bad thing is because of the social network effect it's extremely hard to get people to switch even if the alternatives are even better! So much momentum. We need to find out a way to be able to help distribute users because the software isn't the problem anymore and neither is infrastructure or any of the other stuff that is given the big guys advantage really. The biggest problem aside from the social network effect is monetization I suppose. Still, it's hard to even start any kind of method of monetization for alternative platforms or decentralized platforms when you can't get anybody to switch in the first place or can't get critical mass.

Yeah I mean even just go to BLS inflation calculator and put in car prices. Cars are cheap, but if federal min wage was equal to min wage in 1960 (and this is by official stats) it would be able $16 an hour. Cars are cheap, we're getting shafted on pay like hell. Hopefully tech moves so fast it just blows everything out of the water. Hopefully not literally. Hopefully not hell on the other side. Time will tell. But my backup is a shotgun to the forehead so I got my backup plan lol

I'm done with Reddit. To me it's kinda a dead site except for the occasional old post I'll look at for info with uBlock Origin in Firefox.

The good thing is most of the populace is growing to hate these fuckers. Lol They'll be kicked out and never win another election. Ever.

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Meanwhile my fiber provider actually offers 5 gig symmetrical for $150 a month. I don't have the network gear to do over a gig, but they offer it and it's a hell of a lot cheaper and better than Comcast.

BUY tHe DiP y'all! This must be done. Never a better time to purchase more shares. Lol

Bush V. Gore

Yep they'll be ridiculoued and they'll never win another election. They're morons.

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Reverse osmosis filtered bottled water too

Even with Gnome a lot of times you can get by using about 2GB of RAM at startup. Windows hogs 4, especially win 11.

This is so ridiculous! Our system is beyond broken. If you're sick you almost have to scrape by before Medicaid limit or pay out the ass and have excellent job with very good insurance. It's so fucked up. This is truly nutty.