Majority of Americans continue to favor moving away from Electoral College to – 1162 points –
Majority of Americans continue to favor moving away from Electoral College

65% of U.S. adults say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency.


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I've had family that votes Republican say this, they will literally defend the minority vote winning. They see democracy as "mob rule." Well, if a bunch of rich assholes getting to decide who's president, and a system where the people with the least votes win, how is that not mob rule?

We have lots of minority protections in place to avoid mob rule and the tyranny of the majority. The Electoral College is the tyranny of the minority.

And yet, none of them will support using an Electoral College to elect the governor of their state. I guess mob rule is fine when it comes to governors, senators, mayors, and sheriffs, but not presidents.

"As long as the party I identify with is in charge then it's fine."

It's really not surprising when they support going full dictator.

The cons really showed their hand more recently when arguing over things like suppressing the vote, and mail-in voting and telling everyone that "voting is not really a right enshrined in the Constitution".

Well, tell us how you really feel.