1422 Post – 1223 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hey, y’all! Just another random, loudmouthed, opinionated, Southern-fried nerdy American living abroad.

I’m moving off kbin to lemmy, so I won’t be posting from here (unless kbin social gets it together).

Mastodon: @stopthatgirl7

You know what say: if buying isn’t owning then pirating isn’t stealing.

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Democrats this morning were shown a clip of McCarthy on CBS over the weekend trying to blame them for shutdown chaos, Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., said, calling that a clarifying moment for those in the party who might have voted to save him. McCarthy's decision to blame Democrats on TV this weekend was "one of the most crushingly stupid things somebody could do on the eve of your survival vote," he told NBC News this afternoon.

I saw that interview clip - the reporter actually started laughing when he tried to blame the Democrats. It really was a stupid thing to say.

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I hope more broadcasters will follow the BBC’s example and start running their own Mastodon servers.

It would be nice if the BBC instance had more accounts, like for breaking news, though. I know they’re just testing the waters, but they need to try having accounts posting things folks are the most interested in.

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This is all just absolutely wild to me because I went to an all-women’s college and we had no issues accepting trans women (there was a trans woman there when I was a student and it was honestly no big thing for anyone), and that was quite a while ago (I’m so old lol). But NOW it’s a damn issue? I feel like we’ve regressed so much and it’s painful.

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Community Notes jumped on that tweet fast:

If the ability to block users was to be removed, X would be in violation of the policies of the App Store as well as the Google Play Store. Potentially, this could lead to X being removed from these platforms.

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We live in the stupidest timeline.

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Remember, it’s only “political” when it’s something they don’t like.

This is him getting loudly and publicly booed, which I personally consider good.

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On the day of the killings, Veltman denied that he went out on the day with the intention of conducting murders despite the fact he had written a manifesto, put on a military helmet, a bulletproof vest, and a white shirt with a cross on it that was a reference to an online meme about crusaders killing Muslims.

Dude is just trying to save his skin and pass the blame for what he did elsewhere.

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Twitter did eventually get its shit together and lift the API limits on NERV’s accounts, but people on JP Twitter were furious, and “Elon” in Japanese (イーロン) was trending, with people basically cussing him out for effing up Twitter by limiting NERV and getting rid of the chronological timeline. Folks were also upset at all the “reply zombies” (blue check bot accounts) commenting complete garbage like “nice” and “happy new year” in posts about the earthquake.

As for misinformation, the evening of the quake “人工地震” (manmade earthquake) was trending on Twitter, and NHK news yesterday actually had a segment on last night explaining that no, the quake was not manmade, and that misinformation was being spread on Twitter.

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Kleinmahon said he was also receiving hate mail at his job from people condemning him for being gay and saying he needed to “find Jesus.”

Oh, ffs. Religious types are the worst.

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a police disciplinary investigation into the incident didn't even begin until last month - a year and a half after the teen was tasered and shot.

And this is why ACAB. If it takes the cops that long to even start looking into a problem, then they don’t see it as a problem.

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I wonder if she wanted to kill someone’s because she was into true crime, or if she got into true crime because she already on some level wanted to kill someone. The latter is my guess.

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That’s barely more than a slap on the wrist. The system is rotten.

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“Remember, it was the crazy eight led by Matt Gaetz and every single Democrat that put us into this situation.

McCarthy just CAN NOT stop himself from trying to blame the Democrats for the Republicans’ dysfunction, even after doing so pissed the Dems off so badly they refused to save his job.

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Unity well and truly thought everyone would just roll over on this, and oh boy, were they wrong. They didn’t at all learn from the Wizards of the Coast debacle at the beginning of the year.

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But I bet they aren’t going to pay their delivery drivers or warehouse workers more, though.

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I’m firmly Team Orca.

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So looks like they did some judge shopping first. They’re suing a company located in DC in a Texas court with a Trump-appointed judge:\_/status/1726762933969895771?s=46&t=EUtgwMByNj4sQbVP9INV-Q

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I truly hate that headline. This is a good thing.

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…ok, really, what is happening over there?!

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They have their own Mastodon instance and have since 2017. They also have an app. They were telling people to get the app once they realized they were being API limited.

But people in Japan have trusted Twitter for emergency info since the big Tohoku earthquake and still go there for information. Elon wrecked that trust.

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I really do wish the headline had pointed out the hypocrisy on her part and not with phrasing that reads as being pro-LGBT is bad.

He was trying to throw the democrats under the bus because the threat from Gaetz was that he was working with the Democrats. But he forgot the Democrats aren’t complete pushovers, just mostly pushovers, and ended up falling under the bus instead.

I’m just cracking up over here at how no one is calling it “X.” Not a single news story I’ve seen on this so far has called Elon’s lil app anything but “Twitter” in the headline.

That rebranding is going great! 🤣

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Japanese make game with sexual content that sexualizes minors. You left that part out.

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“Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the
Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale

Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus”

I am so, so tired of this tedious man child.


Props to everyone who quit in solidarity.

They never have an answer when someone uses the book they’ve never actually read against them. All she could do was stand there and stutter.

Looks like you’re the type the writer talks about at the end:

There’s something to be said for pushing back on needless rules and bureaucracy, but it helps if you actually understand stuff before doing so, rather than doing something like this that had half a dozen ways it could have ended in serious disaster and possible tragedy. The fact that it “only” resulted in Twitter falling over every few weeks for months likely means that Musk and his supporters got the very wrong lesson out of this.

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Somerton has a bit of a history of weaponizing his fans to attack anyone bringing up issues by painting them as homophobic and attacking a gay man. Hbomberguy made a point of bringing up his own bisexuality in his video before he even brought up Somerton as a way a kneecapping that before it could start.

Gender reveal parties were a mistake. The woman who started them had miscarried every time before, so was celebrating every little milestone of her pregnancy, but people took the idea and started using it as excuse to show off and try to one up other folks.

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This is how social media sites die. Not with big protests, but people and communities quietly moving away. Reddit won’t die at once in an explosion; it will be a slow, quiet process. Same with Twitter.

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Wait, why is this dude being charged with bribery when:

Following a two-year investigation, the DA’s office discovered that the two sheriffs were deliberately “refusing to release [the CCW licenses] until the applicants gave something of value.”

Unless I’m missing something, the problem is with these two sheriffs acting illegally. Were they brought up on charges for soliciting a bribe or what?

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You can just see the panic coming out of Unity.

They thought they’d be able to slip this change through and people would just pay it. They were expecting a big payday, not a storm of bad press and angry people.

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That’s why I didn’t use the 404 one. That article was a bit much with the goatse, even blurred.

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The employee complained to another supervisor that the incidents made her uncomfortable, but no further action was taken against the manager, the complaint said. One night during closing in August 2021, the manager allegedly reached out and pulled her hijab partially off her head.

That’s so infuriating - she reported the guy and nothing happened. Not until he tried to literally rip a piece of clothing off of her because he felt entitled to see her hair.

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If he can’t afford to pay, then maybe Alex should have kept his big mouth shut instead of lying about these families and their kids.

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The misunderstanding was what started the fight (he thought she was haggling for prices, not that she was trying to verify the price of things to make sure she bought the right weed for her friend), not the transphobic attack.

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