The right wing freakout about a viral dance video is about so much more to politics – 44 points –
The right wing freakout about a viral dance video is about so much more

There's a war inside the Republican party over how many rights to take away from women


This is why they were against Rock and Roll in the 1950s.

Race mixing is always a problem for people who want to control how folks think.

The Red Scare was also aimed at the Civil Rights movement. Back in the day, the Communist Party tried to recruit anti-racists and make common cause with civil rights groups. That played into the hands of McCarthy and J. Edgar Hoover. The father of modern Conservatism, Bill Buckley, tried to play off Civil Rights being a States' Rights issue back when Eisenhower was trying to enforce Brown V. Board of Education

This article fucks up when it tries to distinguish Christian nationalism from Christofascism, they are both one and the same, just different stages along the lifecycle of the same organism. And I’m glad to see them being discussed openly but this author is not helping by trying to make one look any worse than the other

I think you have mistaken the author’s intent. The delineation isn’t to say one group is better than the other but rather to illustrate one is more toxic and that some of that toxicity is getting push back.